Worth the Wait

Luke and Jamie have written and recorded their love story of how they met and married. Read or listen to them as they take turns sharing their journey to following Bible principles of honoring their parents and having a "hands-off" relationship until their wedding day! Their story is now available in both Kindle and Audible




A Story of Love, Purity, and Courtship

Read or Listen to the Book!

What to do While Waiting

Being single can be a difficult, yet exciting season of life. Many young people become restless in waiting for their life’s mate. Our culture adds pressure to date and get married by a certain age. I want to challenge you to commit to following some Bible principles in preparation for being a Godly spouse, if that is God’s will for you.

Please consider the following ten guidelines for laying a foundation for a great marriage. At the end, find out how you can get a link to my free audio book Keep Thyself Pure narrated by my dad!

Click here to read

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