Introducing God to a Biblically Illiterate World

A recent survey by Barna Research Group determined that only 4% of Americans have a Biblical worldview! Even more stunning is that they reported that only 9% of born again believers in America have a Biblical worldview! We have a generation of souls living now who have absolutely no foundation on which to place their faith. I have realized this to be true as I have witnessed to my neighbors and they have little understanding of the most basic Bible stories. Is it any wonder why so many in our country are lost and living without God?


Read more here on my blog!

The 4th Quarter of World Evangelism

When Jesus gave his disciples the Great Command to “Go preach the gospel to every creature”, the time clock of world missions began ticking. Since that time, dedicated Christians have travelled, preached, discipled believers, organized churches, and reproduced the process. Bible translation has occurred in numerous languages, and thousands of martyrs have shed their blood for the cause of Christ. But with all the triumphs and blessings from the past to the present, we still have the most important work ahead of us.


In any sporting event, players must be unified and disciplined to fulfill the vision of the coaching staff. Everyone, from the starters to the substitutes, must fulfill their role throughout the duration of the game. As important as it is to score throughout the first three quarters, it is critical that the team stays focused until the end of the fourth quarter. To let up in the end due to fatigue or mere laziness will undermine the cause of victory.


Read more here on my blog!

Why should I take a Mission Trip?

Have you ever visited another country? According to a Pew Research survey, 76% of Americans have travelled internationally. But according to Barna research, only 11% of all churchgoers have been on a short-term mission trip. The good news is that 23% of evangelical Christians have reportedly been on a mission trip.


Perhaps, you have never considered going abroad for a week or month to serve alongside a foreign missionary. I want to share some reasons why you should prayerfully get out a map and start dusting off your suitcase.


Read more here

Welcome to Pilgrim of Truth Ministries

Life is a journey.


But how did we get on this trail? Where does it lead? Why are we here?


Let us embark on the path of discovering God’s answers as revealed to us in His written Word of Truth – the Holy Bible.

We may learn from those who have already “been down this way”.


Many of us have much more to learn: yet through experience, we may help guide others through the paths we have already travelled.


Join me now, fellow Pilgrim of Truth!

New Series: Fully Equipped

Having what it takes to give God your all

Nearly 10 years ago, before our family moved across the world to begin foreign work as missionaries, I reflected on my life and the path God had led to where I was. I had seen how God had prepared my heart and provided Godly influences and opened doors of opportunity to equip me for the task of ministering abroad. 

It is my desire to challenge and Inspire young people in particular and encourage them to have a passion for God and to be used for God’s glory. 

I want to Inform of the present needs today in the area of foreign missions. Not only do I want to present specific areas that are unreached and people groups that need labourers, but I want to Instruct how to minister effectively through Biblical principles. 

Instead of releasing this manuscript in a traditional book format, I am instead making one chapter available at a time on my blog and here on my website. In addition to the chapter, I will share a Bible challenge by way of video. 

-by Luke Knickerbocker, Author

Click here to begin reading now!

8 Bible Stories

Chronological Bible Story set

Free Indeed

True Stories of People who Met Jesus



Imagine having the opportunity to talk with Jesus one-on-one! There are several recorded accounts in the bible of individuals who had this privilege. You will surely identify with some of their struggles and discover how you also may be set free throught the answers Jesuus gave them.


Watch the 10 lesson video series by clicking here


Order your copy of the printed book today for only $5. Just email me at

Free Resources

Most have a PDF attachment for your own use.

For questions or comments pertaining to the materials on this Site,

contact Luke Knickerbocker, Author and Teacher


Text or Call: (863) 458-1377


Home Church: Southside Baptist Church
3911 W. Bay Ave. Tampa, Florida 33616

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