New Year Challenge

Reading through the Psalms in 2025

This year, our church is reading through the Book of Psalms. We are encouraged to read an average of only six verses each day. The goal is to be the person who has his delight in the law of the LORD and in his law doth he meditate day and night. I encourage you to do as follows each morning or evening:


1) Read the passage (out loud if possible).

2) Meditate on what God is saying.

3) Study a word or phrase to understand its meaning.

4) Write out a verse that is meaningful.

5) Pray through those verses.


Watch the video below to watch as our church does a devotional in Psalm 1 together and I explain this challenge.

Free New Book! 

from My Amtrak Journal

Twenty years ago, I had the privilege of traveling for a solid onth on the North American Rail Pass. This epic journey had its shares of thrills and chills.


Climb aboard and take a seat next to me and watch how God would protect me from dangerous situations, provide when I was down to my last penny, and allow my journey to be so much more than just a tourist trip around North America. My faith would be shaped and shared by so many interesting encounters with people from around the world as we would experience traveling together in a train car!


Click here to read the book for free now!

Why Jesus?

What you need to know about Him

There is no person in history as polarizing as Jesus Christ. His actions were powerful and his words were even stronger. Many love him and have died for their faith in him! Others, however, are offended at the mere mention of his name, refusing to listen to his teachings.


Each of us will decide what we will do with Jesus. You will either receive him or reject him. There is no middle ground. But before you rush to judgment, please take the time to consider who Jesus is and what he has done.


Click the pdf file below to read the book!

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Imagine having the opportunity to talk with Jesus one-on-one! There are several recorded accounts in the bible of individuals who had this privilege. You will surely identify with some of their struggles and discover how you also may be set free through the answers Jesus gave them.


Watch the video series Free Indeed by clicking here

8 Bible Stories

Chronological Bible Story set

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