Nearly 10 years ago, before our family moved across the world to begin foreign work as missionaries, I reflected on my life and the
path God had led to where I was. I had seen how God had prepared my heart and provided Godly influences and opened doors of opportunity to equip me for the task of ministering
It is my desire to challenge and Inspireyoung
people in particular and encourage them to have a passion for God and to be used for God’s glory.
I want to Inform of the present needs today in the area of foreign missions. Not only do I want to present specific areas that
are unreached and people groups that need labourers, but I want to Instruct how to minister effectively through Biblical principles.
Instead of releasing this manuscript in a traditional book format, I am instead making one chapter available at a time on my blog and here on my website. In
addition to the chapter, I will share a Bible challenge by way of video.
-by Luke Knickerbocker, Author
Do You Have
What it Takes to Give God Your All?
Airborne over the world’s highest lake – Tilicho Lake in Manang,
The cry of my heart echoes the words of the Psalmist: “Help, LORD;
for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.” (Psalm 12:1) Do you have what it takes to give God your all?
Where are the MEN? There is no lack of athletes, muscle-builders, video gamers, and womanizers, but where are the
Godly men who have a backbone for that which is right? It seems that men have become an “endangered species” rarely found even in our churches! One hope we still have is that a few good men, or boys,
will get a healthy view of God. That they learn to dream big, and believe that God has a purpose for them to make a difference. Do you have what it takes to give God your all?
I want to say right here that this is in no way an intentional oversight of girls and ladies who also have a passion
to serve God. I have a wonderful wife and two daughters who are dedicated servants of God. But the Bible emphasizes men to be the leaders and ladies have their important role to follow that
Do you have what it takes?
Where would we men be without the aid and encouragement of Godly ladies! We all have our various responsibilities, and
it seems that men have relinquished their God-given calling to be the leaders, protectors, and providers in the home and church. So if you are a lady who has a big heart for God, enjoy the read and
feel welcome to say “Amen” as I try to rouse the men to take a stand for God without apology.
Biking in the Foothills of the Himalayas – Kathmandu,
Take the challenge
I owe so much to the Godly men who have mentored, matured, and molded me into who I am today. My wish is to simply
honor them by recording on paper some of the specific things God has taught me and used to lead me to becoming a servant and missionary. I want my three sons to have their dad live by faith, lead by
example, and love God no matter the cost.
This blog and video series is a call to each young man who really wants to get in the fight of faith. To those who
wish to make a difference with his life, even if he must die trying! I wish to encourage, challenge, and aid YOU in your quest for doing the unthinkable, obtaining the impossible, and overcoming the
improbable for the Name of Jesus Christ. See if you have what it takes to be a Servant of God and give Him your all.
Jeremiah 10:23 – O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.
Since I was a teenager, I knew deep in my heart that God had something great for my life. Over the years, I have seen
how God has been preparing me to serve Him in various roles. These would include being a Christian school teacher, an American pastor, and a foreign missionary. So many people have encouraged and
taught me how to know and serve the Lord. Through many experiences with other visionaries, I have been challenged to read, think, and prepare for my life’s calling. Regardless where I have been and
what positions I have held, I have had to come back and answer this question: For what purpose did God create me? I know that it
is to know Christ and to make him known to people who have no Bible, no church, and no preacher.
Do you have what it takes to
give God your all?
Trekking with friends in Langtang, Nepal
Catch the vision
The journey of how God led my family and I to work with Tibetans in Nepal is both interesting and inspiring. Though
there have been great challenges, I would not trade this walk of faith for anything else. I continually feel that I am just at the entry level and have so much more to learn. I cannot overlook the
role that my family has had as we prepared for foreign service and even now as we serve stateside in our local church and Christian school.
In the following stories, I invite you to review with me the accounts of what the good hand of God has done in my
life. You will read about some of the things God has taught me through His Word, Godly people, and life’s experiences.
God’s work is always accomplished according to His perfect time. May this be a challenge to you to follow our Lord as
He unveils His will for your life. My hope is that this will help accelerate the learning process for you.
I do want to make clear that I have not yet attained, and consider myself simply as a servant who wishes only to
please my Master from day to day. Perhaps, I am a visionary and only an aspiring pioneer; yet the mission remains the same. Christ’s mandate to go preach the Gospel and teach all nations has not
changed, and the task still remains unfinished.
Making balloons and ministering to believers in a village of
Prepare with purpose
Whether I live to see the job completed or die trying to do my part, I go because Christ is worthy. I submit
therefore, that He is worthy of your life as well. This means you must dedicate and prepare yourself to do whatever the Lord asks in order that all the earth might know Him. However the Lord leads
and uses you, I trust that this series of articles and messages will be a part of the stretching and envisioning in your life. May it help you realize that dreams must be God-sized and your future is
worth the preparation. My desire is that you understand the importance of being fully equipped for service. May you never be accused of having zeal without knowledge.
Each of the blog posts in this series Fully Equipped is accompanied by a short video with a Bible devotional. Enjoy
the following video “Prepared unto Every Good
Work” as I share Paul’s challenge to Timothy. You will appreciate the illustration of how a servant of the Lord should be like a crescent wrench!
Do you have what it takes to
give God your all?
Chapter 1
The Hardest
Thing For a Man to Do
Hiking in the Himals of Nepal
Growing up can be a hard thing
Believe it or not, the hardest thing I have ever done was not hiking the Himalayas or driving in the chaos of
Kathmandu roads. The hardest thing in my life was not even growing up in a pastor’s home! Like any other pastor’s kid, I grew up around the church, interacting with many different people. I always
counted it a privilege – even if I was in a fish bowl. For some, it seems like a hard thing to be in the limelight and have higher expectations, but my parents definitely made life in the ministry
fun. Yes, there were some sacrifices to make. My close friends were always few, especially as I became a teenager. But my dad was always involved in my life and helped me enjoy the
I was religious, but lost
Let me back up to my earlier years. As a four year-old, I made a profession of faith for salvation. I knew I didn’t
want to go to hell, but I didn’t really comprehend what salvation meant. As I attended Christian school, I began to learn more about sin and my accountability before a holy God. I remember a question
a preacher made that I would never forget: “Will you let your pride send you to hell?”
My four sisters and I when I was around the age of 4
Fighting the Holy Spirit’s conviction is a hard
As I grew older, I would go to bed in constant fear of dying. I would think of what would happen if the rapture
happened, knowing I would be left behind. I finally could not resist the conviction of the Holy Spirit any longer. On March 6, 1996, following a Wednesday night service, I went into my dad’s
I had been carrying a load of guilt and now was ready to come clean. I told my dad that I wanted to be sure of my
salvation and knelt at his bed calling out for the Lord to forgive me and save me. That night, I turned from depending on my own works to looking unto Jesus Christ and his finished work at Calvary.
It is by his grace alone that He saved me, and I rested assured by His Word that my Soul is secured in His hands.
I could not do enough good to be right with
The bottom line is this – each of us must realize that we cannot do one thing to please God. This is a very hard thing
to admit. The arm of the flesh will always fail you, be sure of that. You must not have any confidence in the flesh. Our hope is in the Lord, and no other. In order for Christ to build you and use
you, you must first be broken.
You must come to the place where you recognize there is no good in you. There is absolutely nothing you can do to make
yourself acceptable to a holy God. You can never do enough good to be made right with God: this is why we need Jesus. He lived the perfect life, and in doing so, fulfilled the law. He offers us the
gift of eternal life, if we receive His righteousness by faith. But it is often hard for a person to accept the kindness and help of another person!
Pride is a stumbling block to
But who can receive this gift? God says He gives “grace to the humble.” Allow me to let you in on a little secret – so
many “men” stop here and reject the Way of Salvation because they think they are good enough without Christ. Their stubborn pride refuses to allow them to admit they have a need. This was the
Pharisees problem, as they were self-righteous.
No wonder Christ said, “I will have mercy and not sacrifice.” Do you realize some of the hardest words to say are “I
have a problem that I can’t fix.” “I was wrong, and I’m sorry.” Or how about this one: “I am hopelessly lost and I need help”. This is the type of person God can help, and only this kind of
person will He save! God longs to show mercy on the penitent sinner, but the proud in heart – God will not tolerate, but rather judge.
My family when I was
about age 14
Jesus must be enough: a hard thing to admit
Are you willing to let the true living God be your God? That means you will abandon and destroy anything else that
would come between you and God. No more games. No more idols. Just Jesus…is that enough for you? Christ Jesus died on the cross to pay for your sin. He shed his blood to purchase your pardon. If this
is enough to satisfy God the Father, why should it not be enough for you?
In John 14:6, Jesus declared, “no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” If you are not willing to let Jesus be your
Saviour and Lord, then it is simply impossible to become a man of God that He will use. Without Christ you will never have what it takes to be a servant of God. But with Christ all things are
possible. It may be seem like a hard thing to submit to Christ, but it is much harder to live life without him!
My life verse
Philippians 3:8 – Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus
my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
This is my life verse. Having a background somewhat similar to the Apostle Paul, I can definitely understand the
pitfalls of growing up in a religious home. Paul trusted in his heritage and ability to do enough good to impress others and himself. Sadly, he missed the mark. When he realized that he was actually
acting in opposition to God, he had to repent and turn to Christ alone. Finding his rest in the finished work of Jesus at Calvary was enough! He came to understand that he had a righteous standing in
Christ alone!
Without faith, it is impossible to please
I also realize that Christian instruction, Bible knowledge, and the ability to talk about God is insufficient to
please God. Only faith in what Jesus has done will satisfy Him and make me in a right relationship with God. Now that Christ has saved me, I want to live every day for Him. May He be glorified in
everything I do, each conversation I hold, all activities I participate in, and every goal I set.
One of the immediate changes in my life after I received Christ as my Saviour, was the desire I had to share Christ
with others. As I followed the example of my dad and Granddad, I would enthusiastically give Gospel tracts wherever I went. I particularly was burdened for the youth and would consider it a personal
challenge to engage a group of older teens and give them tracts.
I always enjoyed playing sports and would play basketball with the neighborhood guys. If they wanted to play rock
music, I would leave if they refused to turn it off. I was learning to stand for what was right. Naturally, it is a hard thing to speak up about Christ in front of our peers. But when you stop and
think about the fact that a person will spend eternity either in heaven or hell, it makes it worth it!
A transformed life is not a hard thing when
Christ does the work
I began to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit who now indwelt me. If I knew I had wronged someone, I would be sure to
make things right and ask their forgiveness. At times, it would be annoying to my sisters, as it appeared frivolous. If I said a hurtful word, it would bother me until I made it right with them.
Indeed it is a very hard thing to confess wrongdoing and seek forgiveness from someone we have offended!
I longed to have God’s power and knew that if I was not right with my sister or “brother”, I wasn’t going to have the
blessing of God upon my service. Truly, my life had transformed – from my heart and mind to my actions. Now I wanted to only please God and serve Him with all my life.
I had many opportunities for ministry. Our family sang, and made visits. I would ride on the church van, usher, preach
in Junior Church and Outward Bound. Whenever there was an occasion to preach or teach, I was all in! Even if serving the Lord appears to be a hard thing and makes us uncomfortable, it is always
exciting and joyous.
As a teenager, I took every opportunity given to preach God’s
Making some personal standards
In my personal life, God dealt with me in some specific ways, especially in the area of separation. In tenth grade, I
had a good friend named Zach Peterson who taught me some things about Godly music. I became convinced that some of my music, although Christian in name, appealed to the flesh rather than the Spirit.
So I went through my cassette tapes and CD’s and threw out about $200 worth! That’s a lot of money for a fifteen year-old! I’ll never forget throwing that box into the dumpster near our house.
Though it seemed like a hard thing at the time, it also brought me great joy because I was honoring the Lord.
Also, I listened to some good preaching by Jim Van Gelderon about holiness and the waste of time spent watching the
television. Now I must confess that I do enjoy watching a good ball game. But for a period of time, I refused to watch television and movies because of the corrupt influences and worldly agendas
taught. It was a weight that could easily beset me from the race. Perhaps, I was swinging like a pendulum from one extreme to the other, but at the time, it was definitely the right thing for me.
Though it is a hard thing to turn off the television, it’s worth having a clean conscience.
Turning off distractions is a hard thing to
Truly, much time is wasted and energy lost on something that may not be entirely wrong, but keeps from using our time
doing better things. I have learned that my flesh is not strong enough to refuse temptation of the lust of the flesh. So for much of my life, I have refused to own a television myself. I have
observed that when in a motel room alone, it seems that when I turn the remote on, I am turning off the Spiritual power in my life. It is a hard thing to control the temptation of looking at
something I know I should not.
Oh, that we may not grieve the Holy Spirit! It is imperative that we heed the following words from the Apostle
Paul: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,
which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of
God. – Romans 12:1, 2
A daily walk with God
Though I had strong Godly parents and grandparents, I needed to learn to walk with God myself. As a teenager, I would
wake up at 5:30 am and listen to the Back to the Biblebroadcast on the radio with Dr. Woodrow Kroll. He would always finish his
broadcast with the statement: “Have a good and Godly day: for of what lasting value is a good day, if it’s not also a Godly day?” I would then eat a bowl of cereal and read a portion of God’s
Getting up early is a hard thing for our flesh to do. But discipline is necessary if the Holy Spirit is going to be
given the advantage to rule our life. This is the time when I really grew stronger in my personal walk with the Lord.
Personal devotions is the area in which you will have your greatest challenge. If there is any battlefield on which
Satan will engage you the most, it is in this area of quiet time with Christ. For it is here that we receive our nurturing from the Lord. We must get in the Word of God and let God’s Word help us,
change us, and build us. As we grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, we will be in position to bear spiritual fruit.
Don’t be afraid of hard things
As we are filled with the Spirit of God by allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, we will manifest the
fruit of the Spirit. Only when this fruit is born, may we multiply ourselves and reproduce more disciples. Remember, everything reproduces after its kind. Our public ministry of the Word should be a
result of our private ministry in the Word. Let God’s Word daily renew your mind. Doing hard things is worth it as long as it is what honors God!
Watch the video “The Servant God Uses” that accompanies this chapter. You will enjoy the illustration of the pitcher of water and glass to illustrate how to be
filled with the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 2
Lessons Every Generation Must Pass Down
Three Generations: My Grandpa David Knickerbocker, my Dad Tom
Knickerbocker, and me
I am so grateful for my parents who trained me in the way that I should go. My dad has been a preacher all of my life.
He not only has taught me God’s Word, but has exemplified it in his daily life. My mother consistently reads God’s Word and prays for me. The most valuable lessons I have learned in life have been
taught to me from the Bible. The following verses that Paul wrote to Timothy describe my personal testimony.
But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast
been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast
known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That
the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (II Timothy
Notice the progression “from a child” in verse 14 to
becoming “the man of God” in verse 17. The necessary ingredient to coming to maturity and becoming equipped for the ministry is the Word of
God. The Holy Bible must be the cistern from which we drink on a daily basis, if we are to grow spiritually. If we want to be obedient to the will of God, we first must hear and know His
My parents Tom and Barb, and my two younger sisters with me when I
was 14 years old
13 Valuable lessons every young man should
My dad and I are cut out of the same mold, and share many of the same interests. So it was natural for me to want to
follow my dad’s footsteps as he has followed Christ. I have learned how to teach enthusiastically, listen compassionately, and witness boldly from mere observation of his life. I got my love for
writing and music from him (he is an accomplished author, musician, and song writer). He taught me to play the guitar when I was twelve years old, and he helped me buy a banjo at age fourteen. This
has been an invaluable asset in ministry. But it was my dad who allowed me to prove myself and “get my feet wet” giving me opportunities to publicly serve in the church. Below is a list of
lessons that every young man should learn.
My dad on the guitar and me on the banjo
Learning Hard
The 1st Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
An early lesson that I learned was the discipline of work. When I was ten years old, we moved from Vermont to Florida
to help my Grandfather at the church he pastored. The church and school property had five acres, so there was a lot of mowing to be done. As a teenager, I had plenty of opportunities to “serve the
Lord” out in the hot sun. At age thirteen, my dad encouraged me to start going around the neighborhood and offering my services to mow grass and do other yard work.
An elderly widow next door agreed to pay me $4.25 an hour to mow her yard. Since I moved so fast, I would finish the
big yard in less than two hours. I soon realized that it might be a little wiser to get paid by the job instead of by the hour. I talked it over with my dad who told me I needed to let her know how I
felt and ask her to raise the price. Talking about money has never been my thing, and this was extremely hard. But it had to be done, so I went and shared my concerns. Thankfully, she understood, and
we worked out a fair price for the job. I pulled weeds and spent hours working in her yard.
It wasn’t long until I had several yards to mow and many other people paid me to rake leaves or any other odd jobs
needing to be done. I learned many skills – especially a good work ethic – and developed character traits of honesty and integrity. Of course, I would witness to the people who employed me. One lady
eventually got saved after I had gone to college. She told me that she even became quite involved in her local church!
Learning to
The 2nd Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
There were some successful businessmen that hired me for odd jobs. They had been around the block a time or two and
had many things to teach me. Probably the hardest thing to do as a young person is to listen to instructions. It’s not always easy to have someone tell you how to do a task – especially when you
think that you already know how to do it! But it is so important to have a submissive spirit and learn to listen to authority.
I’ll never forget the statement of Mr. Tison who was showing me a tip on efficient gardening. He showed me that after
I dug the hole, I should fill it with water before planting the pot. I previously would have planted a flower, filled in the dirt, then stood with a water hose over the dirt. Most of the water would
go in any other direction except downward! He told me “to work smarter, not harder”. I never forgot that, as sometimes there is a better way than what seems to be the quickest way.
Learning to
The 3rd Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
As I started to have an income, my dad was sure to teach me to budget my money. The first 10% obviously would be the
tithe. 20% had to be saved for college. I began giving 10% to missions and would increase it thereafter. I was also saving up for a new guitar, so that didn’t leave a whole lot to be wasted. A
vehicle was never on my priority list. In fact, I wouldn’t even get my first car until I was out of Bible College! I guess you could chalk it up to priorities.
Eventually, the family mower would not suffice for my jobs, so I bought my own mower. Learning to budget and save is a
lost art, but important if you want to serve God. Don’t fall in the trap of getting into debt! So many people are limited and restricted to their usefulness because they are in bondage to their
Learning to
The 4th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
I learned a hard lesson about loss, as my mower was stolen, then another time when my bike was stolen. It’s good to
learn to earn things, but as a servant of God, I need to be prepared to have things taken away. Loss of money is not a fun lesson, but a good one. Be able to let go of things; after all, they are
Growing up, I always enjoyed playing sports. I was a little too competitive and remember crying after losing games in
the Little League. As time went on, I learned that keeping a good testimony was more important than the outcome of a game. Be a good sport and learn to congratulate others when they win! Learn
to lose graciously.
Learning to
The 5th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
My dad always helped me keep the right priorities in life. We would always be in church Sunday mornings, evenings, and
Wednesday night services. During the Little League season, I would have to leave after the 3rd inning on Wednesday nights. I would quickly bike home, change out of my uniform, and head to our mid-week
service with our church. Although I would have loved to play the whole game, I was just happy that I could play for half the game on Wednesdays. I always knew that church was more important than
Luke at 10 years old in my Little League baseball
As a teenager, I had to forfeit some privileges for the sake of attending our Christian school and honoring my dad.
You see, I really longed to play for our local county high school football team. In fact, another pastor’s son in our town who home-schooled was allowed to play. But my dad emphatically refused to
let me pursue any possibilities of trying out for the team.
His biggest concerns were my health and purity. Although, it was a tough thing to accept at the time, I believe God
spared me from some things that I would either regret morally or physical injuries that may have hindered my ministry – especially in the mountains.
Interestingly enough, I learned that my Christian friend who played football on the high school team also became a
foreign missionary. Sadly, he has had bad headaches which have affected him ever since his football playing days. I am glad I learned to listen and now I appreciate my father’s decision not to let me
play tackle football.
Learning to
The 6th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
During my high school years, I had the opportunity to attend a small Christian school at Maranatha Baptist Church
where my grandfather pastored. For a while, some of us would meet on Wednesdays at lunch time where I would lead a short devotional and prayer. This was a good experience learning to lead
a small group.
Living near my Grandparents came with the privilege of spending nights at their house. They didn’t have much in a
worldly sense, but they had God! My Grandpa Knickerbocker would sit and read Scripture with me before getting on our knees to pray. He would always ask me to list ten things I was thankful for. (This
didn’t always make me thankful!) But wherever we went, he faithfully witnessed to the banker, the neighbor, the waitress – everyone! He always had a song on his heart and a Gospel tract in his
Grandpa David and Grandma Lois Knickerbocker
Leading a church service
I’ll never forget the opportunities my Grandfather gave me. I especially enjoyed leading the singing for our teen
activities that he hosted at the church he pastored. When I was age fourteen, my Grandfather was sick one Wednesday, and asked me to lead the whole service! This included leading music and preaching
the Bible message.
My grandmother died in a car accident when I was fifteen, and my grandfather had sustained some severe injuries
including broken ribs. I got to spend a lot of time helping him and bonding with him. I remember counseling with him as he was quite bitter about the judge who had blamed him for the auto accident
and made him take classes to restore his license. We read Matthew 5:44 which tells us to love our enemies and pray for them which despitefully use us. I think it helped.
Learning from
Godly Heroes
The 7th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
My grandfather had made his five sons learn a large portion of the famous sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God by Jonathan Edwards. So in 10th grade, I too had the job of memorizing it for our closing program. I also got to be familiar with sermons by
Charles Spurgeon and books by R.A. Torrey and D.L. Moody on the topic of being filled with the Spirit. My grandfather always raved about the book Power of Pentecost by John R. Rice. Someone said, “You are what you eat”. This is true about books, “You become what you read”.
Luke in 10th grade reciting an excerpt from “Sinners in the Hands
of an Angry God”
Learning to
give Gospel tracts
The 8th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
I enjoyed speaking to others of Christ. I remember going with our Assistant Pastor, Dr. David Bedell to our local high
school when they let out one day. We walked on the property and started giving out gospel tracts (no doubt illegally). We left before getting kicked out. Certainly I had more zeal than knowledge! We
had many wonderful times visiting the bus route and sharing the Gospel with people through Gospel tracts.
The Power of a Personal Testimony
One time while I was in sixth grade, our church was out soul winning on Saturday. This was normal as we would make bus
visits and knock doors. I’ll never forget meeting a Jehovah Witness family and debating a girl who was a senior in high school. I felt like I held my ground, but wasn’t being very convincing. When
her dad came out, I had no chance. He was saying things I had no answer for and even denied that the Book of Hebrews belonged in the Bible! Finally my mom came to my rescue when she drove up. She
calmly shared how God had saved her and changed her life. After my mom finished we left without dispute. I learned a very valuable lesson that day. The power of a personal testimony cannot be
discredited! At least my mom planted a seed that day of the power of the Gospel.
There were some good things that happened. I remember handing a Gospel tract to a young man named Frank. He took it
home to his dad. Frank’s dad and mom visited our church and joined, soon becoming the church treasurer. Then Frank’s Brother in law got saved and eventually drove our church van picking up children
for Sunday School! Recently I heard from Frank that he now has a camp ministry for the vulnerable in need of restoration. You just never know who you may impact as you faithfully serve God and give
out Gospel tracts!
Dr. David Bedell and Luke
Learning to
The 9th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
Now I believe in having fun and enjoying life. We must follow the Bible principle of service if we would like to be
happy. Christ gave us the example of a servant’s heart when he washed the disciple’s feet. He then said, “Happy are ye if ye know these things and do them.” The key to happiness for any believer is
service. I have learned the joy that comes with serving others. Anyone wanting to be used by God must realize that every job is important in God’s eyes. We must not think ourselves too important to
perform the most menial tasks.
Learning a
foreign language
The 10th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
God blessed me with the opportunity to be around missionaries a lot. Specifically, Joe and Michelle Parrock, former
missionaries to Costa Rica came and taught at our Christian school. I got to learn a lot of Spanish during my sixth grade year, where we learned many Bible verses! Our final test was to give our
personal testimony in Spanish, quoting verses from the Romans Road from memory! Our classes were similar to the old “one room schoolhouse”, Joe Parrock taught most of our classes when I was in
seventh grade. He would tell us many stories of the mission field, creating a hunger that I would never be able to abandon. What an influence his family had on my life!
Luke with Joe Parrock
Many years after high school, I was on furlough visiting a supporting church in Georgia. I did not realize another
missionary family was there the same day reporting on their work in Costa Rica. What a surprise when I found out that my former teachers were once again serving on the foreign field! That day we got
to both minister to a church as fellow visiting missionaries!
Learning other
The 11th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
At age fifteen, I was visiting the Spanish community with Brother Gibby Trevino, who currently was leading a Spanish
ministry at my Grandfather’s church. He was starting services on Thursday evenings where my dad pastored nearby, and I played the guitar for the meetings. Shortly after he began these services, he
was fatally shot in his home. At his funeral, I was given the honor to share a testimony about his life. I’ll never forget the excitement of visiting the homes of many migrant workers. I would hear
them converse in a different language, and smell the tortillas cooking. I just grew to love the people and thought, “Maybe I’ll be a missionary to these people.”
After Brother Trevino passed away, Brother Abel Ramos began to hold services. What a wonderful friendship we formed.
Years later, when I pastored in a nearby town, Brother Ramos would attend our church and again we were able make visits to the Spanish speaking community!
Brother Abel Ramos
remained faithful to the end of his life
Learning to
speak out
The 12th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
When I was 16, our town had a big clash over the selling of alcohol on Sundays. My dad and several other pastors in
town, along with some folks from our church went to make our stand against the evils and effects of alcohol on our community. I was given a few minutes to share from a teenager’s perspective of why I
thought it was a wrong example to my generation. The local newspaper even included a quote from my remarks! It is a very healthy exercise to learn to defend your beliefs and articulate them to
Learning to
The 13th Lesson Every Young Man Should Know
Ever since I was in grade school, I found that Spelling was a subject that I enjoyed. In high school, I had Anna Irwin
as my literature teacher who was proficient in grammar. She challenged us students to be good writers. We would take articles from the newspaper and have to write opposing
Teacher Anna
I remember writing about what was wrong with the sensuality in WWF wrestling, why the local high school boys shouldn’t
have a fashion show modeling in women’s attire, and what was wrong with the sodomite groups having their own clubs in school. I doubt the newspaper ever printed those, but I sure enjoyed
the assignment! A good lesson here is to realize what you are good at and enjoy…for therein you may be discovering your spiritual gift!
As I reminisce on many of these experiences in my teen years, I see how God has used these to make me and prepare me
as His servant in later ministry. I have written articles for the local newspaper, Gospel tracts for unbelievers, and books to help strengthen the faith of believers. Go here to see some of these projects.
Concluding thoughts
A final lesson for every young man to chew
If you are going to be fully equipped, you simply must have a teachable spirit. There are some things you must learn
that the Lord will use to qualify you for whatever tasks he calls you to do. As it is necessary that the Bible be your instruction manual, it is just as significant that those who teach and mentor
you be Godly and Biblically sound. Don’t underestimate the opportunities to learn skills, whether it’s a musical instrument, speaking, writing, or budgeting.
Be sure to watch the video that accompanies this chapter titled “A Vessel Unto Honor”.
Chapter 3
My First
Taste of the Mission field
“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already
to harvest.” – John 4:35
My first mission trip
Few events mark and mold a person for a life time. One of those experiences in my life was the opportunity to visit
the foreign mission field on a mission trip. At age twelve, my family drove from Florida to Texas where we visited with a missionary couple who worked on the border of Mexico. I don’t remember much
about that trip, but I do remember the phrase in Spanish we learned when giving out Gospel tracts during their church-wide outreach. We would say “Esto es para used” meaning “This is for you.” I
would use this phrase often back home when meeting Hispanics and offering a tract. While on that first mission trip, I began to learn about Indians who lived in the mountains who still remained
unreached. A seed was born in my heart during that trip.
At age sixteen, my older sister Lori and I went to Ecuador for almost three weeks. We went to visit the Leroy Pifer
family. When our plane approached the capital city of Quito during the night, I noticed the lights throughout the mountainside. How excited I was for the adventure that lay ahead. I was not
My sister Lori and I on a mission trip in Ecuador
After breakfast the next morning, we headed out over the Andes Mountains. There were four of us packed in the truck.
As we rounded the twists and turns, we beheld the breathtaking beauty. Then it happened – we had blown a tire. The Lord was gracious, as the hair pin turns were many and sharp. Most of the roads had
no shoulder, but we were able to stop before the next bend in the road and had enough room on the right side of the road to park. We were high into the mountains and realized we had another
problem…we had no spare tire! An 8 hour trip would turn into a 12 hour trip, as we had to wait for Brother Pifer to get a ride down the mountain, get a tire, and come back up.
Luke in Ecuador up in the Andes Mountains
Meanwhile, we waited as the sun lowered. While overlooking the layers of mountains, we watched the fog slowly roll its
way through the valleys! A wonderful chance for pictures! When Brother Leroy arrived with the tire, we had some extra help appear out of the mountains….which was a delightful surprise for
For some reason, since I was young I had an infatuation with Native American Indians. Whether it was watching a
Western, or learning about missions, I always had a soft spot in my heart for them. The people who appeared to help us with our flat tire were natives who lived below had seen our plight. A few days
later, I was able to see my first Colorado Indian. You can’t miss them, because they take a red berry and use it to dye their hair! As I look back, I realize God was preparing me to have a heart for
those in the regions beyond still needing to hear the Gospel.
Mission trips teach valuable
On that mission trip, I learned some valuable things. One is that missionaries are just normal people who have
whole-heartedly devoted themselves to advance the message of the Gospel of Christ. It’s not that they are more talented or qualified, but rather willing and available to let God use them.
Also, I learned that it takes a long time to do ordinary tasks in third-world countries compared to the United States.
Just to get the truck fixed could take up an entire day, as life is much slower in the culture of the third world. The schedule was different too. We might not eat breakfast until 10 am, lunch at 2
pm and supper at 10 pm! It’s just a different mindset! This mission trip really opened my eyes to different culture.
Missionary Leroy Pifer
Before we left the country on our mission trip, the Pifers took us out to eat at Pizza Hut. There we met an exchange
student from America. He asked Brother Pifer why he would bring his wife and children so far away from home to live in third-world conditions. The missionary explained that we believe there is a God
who loves all men and gave His Son to die so lost sinners could be saved from eternal punishment in Hell. The young man’s response was, “If I believed what you believe, I wouldn’t have time to sit
around here. I would be out warning everybody possible!”
There is no substitute for going and seeing
firsthand what missionary life is like on foreign soil.
In fact, it was around that time in my life when I surrendered to be a missionary during Teen Camp in Haines City,
As a teenager, I thought I would be a missionary to the Indians in the mountains of Mexico. I had experienced time in
Mexico and Ecuador, learned some Spanish, played the guitar in the Spanish ministry, and loved Mexican food!
Purposeful Preparation
At my high school graduation, I had my sight on being a missionary and went to further prepare myself at Bible
college. I had learned about a few schools, but one college in particular captured my attention because of their focus and heart for missions. In one word, I could summarize the Crown College of the
Bible in Powell, Tennessee…”Vision“. (Of course, this just happened to be located in the Smoky Mountains!)
Dr. Clarence Sexton is a man passionate about getting out the Gospel and evangelizing the world during our generation.
“Going a little further with no place to stop” was his directive which he repeated often.
Pastor Sexton and Luke at Crown College of the Bible
Unconscious Preparation
Because I had saved enough money to pay for my first semester, I was able to play on the soccer team. I had never
played organized soccer before, so I had a lot to learn. But it was a good experience. As an athlete, I knew that the experience could only be an asset in foreign missions, as soccer is a global
sport! As Pastor Sexton would say, many of our life’s experiences were God’s “unconscious preparation”.
Many of the guys who played on our soccer team became missionaries in other lands, especially Latin American
countries. Being athletic is not a requirement to serve the Lord, but can be a tremendous asset. It is an easy way to meet new people and connect with others.
Unreached People Groups
The idea of Unreached People Groups was introduced to me during my first mission classes in 1999. A people group has
its own ethnic and social identity. They are considered unreached when less than 2% of its population is evangelical Christian. They generally have no local church to preach the Gospel to them. Many
of these groups are unengaged, with no one actively trying to evangelize and disciple them! Most of these Unreached People Groups live in the 10×40 Window. This is who Christ referred to when He said
go and teach “all nations”.
In my freshman year, I learned about the people in Bangladesh being the largest unreached group! I was just so eager
to go where God wanted me, and I just knew it had to be where the most needy people were. During a church service, I went forward and surrendered to go as a missionary to Bangladesh, if that was what
God wanted. I went to the library and started to gather information about these impoverished Muslim people. What would it take to take a mission trip there?
The top 10
largest UPGs in the world are as follows:
Shaikh in Bangladesh….population of 132,950,000
Japanese in Japan……………………………………….….121,950,000
Shaikh in India……..………………………………………..….73,079,000
Brahman in India………………………………………..…..54,955,000
Yadava in India………………………………………………..54,272,000
Turk in Turkey…………………………………………………….52,739,000
Chamar in India………………………………………..…….48,011,000
Rajput in India…………………………………………………39,839,000
Han Chinese, Xiang in China…………………36,031,000
Sunda in Indonesia……………………………………….35,105,000
During my sophomore year, I began to learn about the Muslim peoples in Central Asia. In the countries of Uzbekistan,
and its neighboring countries, there is very little Gospel witness. I thought, perhaps this is where God wanted me to go. Should I take a mission trip there? Uzbekistan is surrounded by many other
“Stan” countries, and there is a saying that “As Uzbekistan goes, so goes Central Asia”.
Take the opportunities God
gives you
Because I was a Mission’s Major, I needed to take a foreign language. I wanted to take Arabic, as that might be
helpful with working with Muslims. But there was not enough interest for the college to offer that class. So I took Russian, knowing that many of the former Soviet states spoke Russian, at least as a
second language. I ended up taking three semesters of Russian. One semester was during a semester of Greek simultaneously! That was fun. Actually, many of the letters are the same in both
Luke with some friends on a Crown College evangelistic team (New Testament Church Pioneers) in
As my time in college continued, I had opportunities to travel with evangelistic teams taking mission trips to
churches that were beginning or struggling. This was a real joy to be able to get a taste of pioneer works. A highlight during my junior year was being chosen to join a group of about 20 men from the
church and college to go to New York City after the terrorist strikes on September 11th,
Look for opportunities to
When we arrived in Manhattan, you could still see the smoke ascending from the spot where the twin towers were
leveled. We rode the subways, roamed the streets and ministered to people everywhere. There we were given permission to use various church buildings. We set up tables and gave out cookies and water
along with Gospel literature. We had the opportunity to lead a number of folks to the Lord on that trip! You may read more about this outreach on my blog about the week of September 11th here.
Ministering in New York City just days after 9-11-01
In Bible College, I was continually challenged outside of the classroom by good reading material that friends gave me.
One book that really impacted me was Shadow of the Almighty by Elizabeth Elliot. As I read about the life of Jim Elliot, I noted many parallels of his experiences with my own.
His personal discipline physically and mentally became a personal challenge. He was an intentional student or servant in training because he understood what it would take to be engaged with a
pioneering mission. Jim Elliot gave himself whole-heartedly to being fully equipped for the task – what an example! He competed on the wrestling team and studied Biblical languages. Even while
standing in line for meals, he redeemed the time by memorizing Scripture from index cards he had written them on.
Seek to make friendships
with missionaries
Being at Bible College, I had the privilege of meeting many missionaries who came through and would encourage us young
zealous men. One representative from the Gospel Furthering Fellowship asked me to go on a trip with him to Indonesia. Although I never went, I began to learn specifically of the need of people groups
within the borders of countries. In fact, there are over 300 Unreached people groups in Indonesia alone! There were three groups specifically that this missionary was targeting and strategizing to
reach. One of these was the Madurese with 14 million people and no church present! You will learn later how this information would affect me and how God would further direct my steps.
Spending time with Dr. Ed and Margaret Reese while I was at Crown
Another great blessing in college was spending time with Dr. Ed Reese, who is a wealth of knowledge on great heroes of
the past and the compiler of the Chronological Bible. He would tell us of his past experiences with Youth for Christ crusades he participated in. Dr. Reese always thought big and planned big! He had
an idea to systematically evangelize the world. He made a list of all 3,000+ counties in America. Then he made a list of all the countries in the world divided by their provinces with their
populations. We would divide the provinces or countries of the world into groups of approximately 2 million.
Bible preaching churches in each county of America would be responsible for one of these areas of the world.
They would sponsor a church planting evangelist to reach the two million people in the designated region of the
world. I enjoyed spending hours looking at maps and working on this project. I felt like I was having a part in making a world-wide difference.
If you have never been on a foreign field, I challenge you to take a mission trip with your family or church. Prepare
now by learning about missionaries your church supports. Start saving up money for a plane ticket and get your passport!
Please check out the video below that accompanies this chapter titled “Committed to His Cause” about the life of David and his faith, vision, and
Chapter 4
Relationships that Impact Your Future
My dad Thomas Knickerbocker and my Father-in-law James Womble on my
wedding day. (July 22, 2006)
For this is the will of God, even your sanctification,
that ye should abstain from fornication: That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour; – I Thessalonians 4:3,4
Cultivating Healthy
The saying is true, “You will become like the people you are around.” Godly influences will aid you as you pursue
Christ; ungodly companions will lead you astray. The greatest relationships that will mold your life will be your family and friends. The friends you choose will certainly have consequences. One of
the consequences is the life-long decision of a life’s mate. You will marry someone that you are friends with. And if you don’t marry someone who is a Godly friend and influence, you will have many
My beloved Jamie when
during our courtship (2006)
Purity is important.
I am thankful to God that I had never done anything inappropriate physically with girls while growing up. But there
were times I allowed myself to get emotionally attached. I’ll never forget my dad teasing me when I was 13 years old about a girl that I liked. He said “Puppy love is true to the puppy.” That wasn’t
exactly encouraging. Most guys like me are already too shy when it comes to girls. My sisters could say the name of a girl and I would just blush! But that is a good thing. Today, it seems that there
is nothing sacred when it comes to guys and gals. It is important to remember Paul’s advice to young Timothy and treat the younger women in the church as sisters.
Jamie and I at a rodeo
during our courtship. Friends and family are all around us here!
We must learn how to have healthy
Although I had my crushes, I always kept relationships at a distance. Thankfully, I had parents that taught me to
respect girls and keep my hands to myself. My dad would say, “Don’t tell a girl you love her unless you have a ring to put on her finger!”
Probably the best deterrent to immorality was an article I came across as a young teenager. It was a periodical in the
magazine Today’s Christian Preacher. An anonymous pastor who had built a successful church wrote his story. He told how he had become
successful, but to the neglect of his wife and family. Before he knew it, he became involved in an affair with a lady he was counseling. Finally, he had to come clean and tell his wife, children, and
To imagine the shame and reproach he had brought upon himself made a major impact on my life. This pastor said that
his own daughter despised him because of his actions and didn’t want to be around him at all. He had to resign his pulpit and mend his altered marriage. He had lost the trust of his wife and the
respect of his friends. I determined that this was not a story I ever wanted to experience myself!
Godly influences
As a freshman in Bible college, I had a some Godly influences in my dorm that gave me some preaching messages by Dr.
S.M. Davis about Victory over the Dating Spirit and God’s Plan for a Life’s Mate. These radically impacted my thinking in learning to wait on God’s timing to bring me a spouse. But I needed to focus
on becoming the man of God I needed to be while in college, not trying to figure out which girl I should marry! While a sophomore I wrote a pamphlet about the Overlooked Gift: the Season of Singleness and distributed it to my friends to help create healthy
The preaching of Dr. S.M.
Davis really helped me in establishing Godly principles regarding marriage.
I learned that a strong foundation for marriage begins before the wedding. It is so important that you be faithful to
your spouse now even before you are married! Remember that habits are established early, and are not easily broken. If you develop a wandering eye and a flirtatious spirit now, you will no doubt
carry these actions into your married life. This is not a healthy recipe for a happy relationship!
Happy healthy and relationships
I realized. early on that not everyone at Bible college is there to serve the Lord. Those of various interests find
each other quickly. You will be attracted to others who share similar interests as you. Be sure that you cultivate healthy relationships with those who will encourage you to be Godly and challenge
you to do what is right! Those friends in my dorm also influenced me by their testimony to participate in a wonderful summer outreach called Neighborhood Bible Time.
Neighborhood Bible Time
Some of the best practical ministry training I received in college was traveling with Neighborhood Bible Time for two
summers. The veteran evangelists taught us many helpful skills like balloon art and juggling. We had much interaction with pastors and working alongside the teachers; most importantly, we were
taught how to deal with children and present the Gospel. We saw literally hundreds of professions of faith and made many friends in these churches. Some of those same churches now support our
I loved my two summers traveling as an evangelist with Neighborhood
Bible Time and the friendships I made!
There were about fifty evangelists who had been recruited from seven different colleges. We were trained at Boulder,
Colorado for a three-week period before being paired up and sent to churches for week-long rallies. This intensive instruction not only prepared us for the games, lessons, and leadership, but helped
us grow in our personal walk with the Lord. We were challenged to examine ourselves that we would be emptied of self-dependence, be clean in our heart, and filled with the Spirit for fruitful
Meet the “Boss”
Charles “Boss” Homsher, founder and director for 50 years, led us in his militaristic style. The training was at an
old church building with two floors. Our bunks, restrooms, and kitchen were down in the basement. We would awake at 5 am and go upstairs “top side” for calisthenics. Then we would each get alone to
find a quiet place to spend with God. This was such a special time, during which we would sing, pray, and read God’s Word, along with reading a book by Roy Hession entitled Calvary
Personal Daily Direct Devotion Renewal
This quiet time was called PDDDR (Personal Daily
Direct Devotion Renewal). We were challenged to “keep it sweet till Jesus comes, and receive rewards at the Bema Judgment”.) We would be alone for an hour before we would convene for breakfast and
cleaning duties. Being close to several other young men and being preached to for that period of time was a maturing time in our lives. We were truly brought to a place of brokenness that we might be
truly dedicated to the Lord. We would have opportunities to confess sin and be accountable to one another in the Lord. What a sweet time of nurturing that was and building healthy
Neighborhood Bible Time gave me great experience in children’s
At the end of the training, we learned who our partner was and our destination. My first summer would include
travelling to Michigan, North Dakota, Texas, Massachusetts, and Maryland. The first rally made a lasting impression as we were at a country church in Southern Michigan. I would teach the primary and
junior children for three hours in the morning. That was followed by lunch and a brief nap. Then we would go canvass the neighborhoods with the teenagers inviting them to join us in the evening. We
finished the evening with our senior high teen rally.
Destination Unknown
The final night we had a “Destination Unknown” meeting at someone’s house. They had a mud pit they actually dug and
filled with water for games. After tube pull and tug o’ war, everyone hosed down and went in to change. There were about 60 people that gathered around a campfire where each of us young evangelists
got to preach our lungs out while standing on the back of a pick up truck! We counseled with several teenagers who made some wonderful decisions. That was an exciting beginning to an incredible
summer of ministry. Many great friendships were formed that week and throughout the summer. In fact, some of those churches would support our family years later when we went to the foreign mission
The Bible Time evangelists with Boss Hamster had a great influence
on my life! (Boulder, Colorado)
A week of rest
During the week of July fourth, all the evangelists would convene back in Boulder, CO for a week of Rest and
Relaxation. One day, we drove up to a mountain, where we hiked to the top. About a dozen of us made it to the peak where we got to sign a paper guarded in a plastic tube noting our accomplishment.
What a view it was seeing snow-topped peaks for 360 degrees! We then proceeded to slide down some of the snow patches…which would abruptly turn into fields of large rocks! In fact, I got carried away
and couldn’t stop sliding, until I was jolted headfirst into a boulder! Praise the Lord, I only got some scratches and was able to hike the rest of the way back down.
A Godly testimony
I am so grateful for those who God brought into my life to influence me by their Godly testimony as a freshman in
college. I am glad for the opportunities to grow as a minister of the Gospel and be surrounded by good servants of the Lord. You will enjoy my blog ten guidelines for guys and gals that will help you
keep your focus on the Lord while you are single! You must start laying the foundation for a strong marriage now by building healthy relationships! No doubt one of the primary reasons I am still
serving the Lord all these years later is because of the healthy relationships God has blessed me with to encourage me to keep pure and continue walking in the light! Cultivate healthy relationships
with Godly people!
Please watch the video below about the importance of keeping yourself pure! You may also order my book Keep Thyself Pure here on Amazon!
If you are interested in learning more life-lessons from my experiences and travels, you may click here in another free online book title
Fully Equipped: Having What it Takes to Give Your All.
I am thrilled to be able to make these books available at no charge to you. However, if you wish to make a donation, you may click the button below or email me for at to
request another form of payment.
Thank you so much!
Chapter 5
Mentored for
Pictured with my teacher/mentor James Zenker at my graduation
(Crown College 2003)
Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,
but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. – Matthew 9:37,38
Shortly after Jesus made the aforementioned statement to his followers, we find Jesus at Mary and Martha’s house.
Martha was busy with household duties, while Mary enjoyed his company. Jesus commended Mary on choosing the better part as she sat at his feet and listened to him speak. As I consider the prayer and
plea for labourers, I must ask, “Why are the labourers few?” Is it possible that the labourers are few because the true worshippers are few?
If we love the
Lord with all our heart, the natural result will be that we also love our neighbor as ourselves!
As an upper classman in college, I became involved in the International Ministry. Our mission’s teacher and mentor,
James Zenker, took a great interest in many of us young missionary enthusiasts. He planned many special activities for us and we had a lot of fun ministering to foreign exchange students on the
campus of the University of Tennessee.
Encountering God
One particular activity at the beginning of the semester was a retreat in a large cabin at Pigeon Forge. Before the
fun and games began, we met in a room at a church building and learned about prayer. We learned that we must worship the Lord for
who He is. We went around the room sharing attributes that God possessed. Then we dismissed and got alone with the Lord. You would be surprised at how fast you can run out of things to say when you
are just talking about God while talking to Him! Perhaps, my knowledge of the Almighty is quite shallow – how humbling! Then we would meet together after a long five minutes or so and talk
about praising God for what He has done. Now this was somewhat easier as there is much to be thankful for! Again, we would come
apart for about five minutes.
Then the hard part – we would deal with the issue of surrender to the Lord: this naturally would include confession of sin. It is amazing how many things I tolerate in my life that ought not to
exist. I remember going alone outside and gazing at the stars: I simply stood in awe of the greatness of God. That made it easier to acknowledge that he is worthy of my surrender. Sometimes
I just need to stop what I am doing and truly worship and praise my God. We concluded our time with supplication. This was specific
petitions on behalf of those we would be ministering to that semester. We had a paper with a target on it. We had a place for three names of whom we would focus our prayers. What a wonderful way to
begin a semester of ministry!
One of the Ministry trips
that Brother Zenker led us students on.
Revolution back to the Bible
Brother Zenker would challenge us to study the Bible afresh, considering the mode and method of evangelizing the
world. I must confess that we prided ourselves in being great visionaries and called ourselves revolutionaries. We tried to view missions from Jesus’ viewpoint and think on a bigger and broader scale
than what was currently happening in the world today. We started to challenge the popular methods of missions and seek a church model that would multiply and rapidly affect continents during our
lifetime. Our goal was to establish reproducing indigenous churches that would result in movements evangelizing the world within 10 years!
The gift we made for our mentor James Zenker (New Testament Church
Pioneers 2003)
I remember strategizing with my friend Ryan at IHOP for hours, examining the Book of Acts. We would talk about having
a team of Church Planting pioneers who would start in China, travel the megacities and work our way westward throughout Asia.
Luke and Ryan
Inspiring Ideas
During this time, I read an article in the local newspaper about a local 24 year-old man who had rode his bicycle from
Hong Kong to Lhasa, Tibet. He had met Buddhists on their pilgrimages, slept under the stars, and even crossed the Tibetan border in the middle of the night under cover of darkness. If he could live
on a daily average of two dollars a day, why couldn’t my friend Ryan and I just go and tough it out with little or no support? Of course, we had no time for marriage, and we would simply be
“bachelors to the rapture”. But all those plans came to a halt when my friend eloped with his girlfriend! One by one many other friends of mine began to fall prey to marriage!
A book that opened my
understanding to disciple-making
A book was given to me that greatly challenged my vision titled Tally Ho the
Fox! written by Herb Hodges. This book really emphasized how Jesus took twelve ordinary men and transformed them into disciple-makers, thus impacting this world in their lifetime! I
found out that Dr. Hodges held weekend seminars and I had the privilege of attending a Disciple-maker’s retreat in Birmingham, Alabama. There I met men, some quite young, who had discipled other men,
who in turn evangelized and discipled others continuing the process. This is exactly what Paul had in mind when he said in II Timothy 2:2, “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many
witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”
Luke with Herb Hodges at a Disciple-makers
The Labourer God is Looking For
I am grateful for those who challenged me to think and to dream big. I had to see my God as the worthy cause of
self-sacrifice and live for His pleasure. The Bible teaches that without faith, it is impossible to please God. God works in miraculous ways, because He is supernatural. He desires to get glory from
all nations by making His name known. But He has chosen to use His servants as instruments of accomplishing this great task. But we must be clean and set apart should we be meet for the master’s use!
What good would be all my ambitious plans, if I were not Spirit-filled and led by the Lord of the harvest in the gathering of His harvest where the labourers are few?
Four years at Bible college went by rapidly. We had a tremendous graduating class in 2003. Two of my closest friends
received the most coveted preacher awards, while I was honored to receive the Servant’s Heart award. But my education, as I would learn, was just beginning!
Waylon Husk, Dominick
Cuozzo, and Luke Knickerbocker at our college graduation (2003)
Following graduation, I remained in Tennessee an additional month working at Shoney’s restaurant as a waiter. I was
able to finish paying off my school bill, before returning home in Florida. What a blessing it was to not have any debts keeping me from moving forward with what God had for me. My time in
college left me with an appetite more than ever to learn about the operations of the local church and existing needs in missions. I was learning to be content with striving to please God above all
others. But at the heart of it all, I must have always have the right motivation in ministry – to love God and worship him! For without worship, there will never be surrender of our will and
sacrifice to make Christ known!
The labourers are few–will you go?
Below you will learn from this video the key characteristic of God that distinguishes him from the false gods of this
world. It is interesting to see how many people in the Bible presented this important fact to their audience – including Jonah, Daniel, and Paul!
Chapter 6
30 Days on
Amtrak: Life as a Legal Hobo
Chapter 6 from
“Fully Equipped: Having What It Takes to Give Your All”
Ever since I had graduated from college, I desired to have a “wilderness experience”. I knew that before the Lord used
many of his servants in public ministry, they had a time apart with Him. Since I didn’t have specific direction for a place of ministry, I knew this was an important time to draw near the Lord
and get his mind for what I should do next. Then comes 30 days of Amtrak.
And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert
place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat. – Mark 6:31
For Moses, it was 40 years with the sheep; David hid from Saul in caves; Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness; and
the Apostle Paul was taken for over three years to the Arabian Desert. What is interesting to note is that with Moses, David, and Paul, they each were murderers, but all found God’s forgiveness. God
brought them unto himself and used them as the greatest leaders of his people throughout history. Most notable however, is that they were each used by God to pen the words of the majority of
Luke Knickerbocker as a 23 year-old
embarking on my month long journey. First stop was Boston Bay, Mass.
As I considered where I could go to be alone with God, I learned about the Bass River State Forest in New Jersey. I stayed there for about eight of the loneliest days in my
life. The days were spent mostly reading my Bible, praying while taking walks, and writing in my journal. I cooked over an open fire and bundled up in my lean-to.
Riding the Rails
A couple days after my campout in New Jersey, I boarded the Amtrak train in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It was Easter
Sunday, April 11, 2004 and I would spend the next month traveling across Canada and the United States on a North American rail pass. This pass cost only $500 (about all the money I owned) and gave me access to the Amtrak trains and the VIA Rail in Canada,
along with bus rides and ferry boats.
There is nothing like
seeing the landscapes across the USA from a passenger rail car!
I would not only see the cities and countryside, but would witness firsthand the provision and protection of God. I
met people from all backgrounds around the world including world travelers and national personalities such as former Presidential candidate Al Sharpton in the Philadelphia train station and
Hall-of-Fame baseball player Ron Santo when I visited Wrigley field in Chicago for a baseball game.
A poor attempt at a selfie with Al
Sharpton in Philadelphia
I also ran into Ron Santos after a
game in Chicago
My adventures included sleeping on a bench at Fisherman’s wharf in San Francisco, losing my wallet on a Los Angeles
bound train, and viewing the spectacular sights of the Canadian Rockies, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite National Park.
Enjoying a short hike at Yosemite State Park
Faith in Action
As I learned on this trip alone on the rails, Christ is very personal and present. One instance of seeing God provide
was while I was in Bangor, Maine. I was walking up a street with my backpack and it started to rain. I didn’t have an umbrella and was hurrying back to the bus station. There were still a couple
miles to go, and I asked God to keep me dry. Just then a piece of cardboard was blowing across the road. I picked it up and used it to cover myself. My clothes in my bag stayed dry!
God answered my prayer and provided an “umbrella” at the perfect time in Bangor, Maine!
Since I left with only a small amount of cash, and no credit cards, I had to be quite frugal. But God has ways of
providing. One account was while I was on a ferry boat going to Vancouver Island. I started a conversation with a Brazilian couple, speaking in Spanish the best we could. They were so delighted to be
able to talk with someone and before we parted ways, they gave me a Canadian $50 bill!
I love every part of the train experience: both mountain scenes and tunnels alike!
I left my wallet on the train!
Another unexpected source of income came after I had left my wallet on a Los Angeles bound train. I had been
explaining the Gospel to a lady and used my wallet in an illustration. I had gotten off the train while it was still dark around 5am. It was a small little depot, and when the sun arose, and I
realized my wallet was missing! I realized that it was still on the seat, and now the train was long gone. There was some change in my bag that I used to call the Amtrak office. I did get my wallet
back a week later, but without the cash, of course. I should mention that I did not have any credit cards – both a good and a bad thing! Now I had to live off of almost no
This is the depot in California where I first realized that my wallet was missing!
Since I had a very low budget when I started the trip, I knew there were some ways I could exist on a low budget.
Knowing that I could get hot water on the train, I brought Ramen noodles and instant oatmeal packets. I also had packed some peanuts and beef jerky to supplement my protein intake. I figured my
little cash would be enough to hold me over! But now I only had less than two dollars in change left!
A miracle from a waitress
I had an overnight stop in Bakersfield, California. As was my custom, I stopped in a Denny’s Diner for the late
hours of the night so I would at least be off the street. I ordered some hot water (for the oatmeal packet) and cold water to drink. Then one of the waitresses came and offered me coffee, without
charge! Having only a little over two dollars in change, I left it all for a tip, asking the Lord to multiply it! I left the restaurant about five in the morning to head back to the train station. As
I went outside, the waitress got my attention and handed me a five dollar bill! She said that I needed it more than her and asked that I pray for her, as she was going through a difficult time. That
five dollars made me feel like a rich man!
A view of the Canadian Rockies from the Observation Railcar
Fine dining with Family
Five dollars never was more valuable to me than at that time. Shortly after this incident, I met up with some
relatives from my mom’s side in San Diego, who gave me $40! Then my Great Uncle Henry near San Francisco gave me and my cousin Jenny $100 to go eat with at a fancy restaurant. Talk about going from a
pauper to a prince!
I can’t get over the beauty of God’s creation in the Rocky Mountains out West!
My travels did have some unsettling moments though. When I had arrived in San Francisco by bus, it was ten o’clock at
night and the station was closed for remodeling. So there I wandered on the street and ended up sleeping on a park bench at Fisherman’s Wharf! The next day I walked down Market Street to the library
past all the homeless people. Though I was warned against it, I put my trust in God as my Protector!
Hiking the Grand Canyon
Another exciting adventure was going to the Grand Canyon. While on a shuttle van entering the Park, I met another
young man who was also a Christian! Emil and I hit it off and he offered for me to stay at his rented room and hike the canyon with him the next day. Now I must inform you that it had been thirteen
days since I had slept in a bed or taken a shower. I had done my sleeping while on the train and kept myself clean by using a trick shared by a friend who had been in the military. Yep, I used baby
wipes to keep from getting stinky, and would wash my hair in bathroom faucets – either on the train or in restaurants. After a good night’s rest, we had a memorable hike down and up the Grand
Canyon…in about seven hours!
My new friend Emil and I enjoyed hiking
the Grand Canyon together!
Surprises in Denver
One last story here was my adventure in Denver, Colorado. It just happened to work out that I arrived in the Mile High
city in the early evening, and the train depot was across the street from the Rockies baseball stadium. So I ventured over to the line of people outside the gates. A young couple behind me asked if I
wanted a ticket, because a couple of their friends didn’t show up. So I ended up with two free tickets and enjoyed a relaxing ballgame!
Spending the late night hours with a
Christian brother from England whom I met in the train depot in Denver, Colorado
After the game, I went back to spend the night at the train depot. There I met a Christian man from England and we
began to get acquainted. We were soon informed that the station was closing for the night and we must leave until the next morning. The workers told us that we could take a free transit bus across
town to an all-night diner. My new friend and I had such a good time of fellowship before walking back to the station early the next morning to catch the next train.
Met some fellow adventurous travelers from Mexico and Brazil on the Westbound train in Canada
God provided again when I met up with my mom’s sister in Pittsburgh and they gave me $20. I was able to finish my
journey in Knoxville, Tennessee without starving! A friend picked me up from the train station and I enjoyed attending my cousin Rebekah’s graduation at my alma mater Crown College!
Adventures in Alaska
After my trip riding the rails around North America, I spent some time working back home in Florida. In the fall of
2004, I flew up to visit my oldest sister and her family who were living in Seward, Alaska. While on a layover in Minneapolis, an announcement was made that the flight was overbooked. I jumped up to
volunteer to take a later flight and was promised to receive a voucher for a free plane ticket! As I was at the desk confirming the details, someone came up and offered me a hundred dollar bill
because they didn’t want to be separated from their friend. Since I had almost no money, I gladly took the hundred dollars and sat back down in my seat! When I arrived in Alaska, I found out motels
ran for at least $90. God had already met that need!
Something about trains in the open
frontier that seem to link the past with the present
More unexpected blessings
But the story gets better! The next morning, I went to the train station in Anchorage and sat in the lobby, reading my
Bible as I waited for the train departure. While minding my own business, a couple middle aged ladies with their mother walked by and commented on the “Good Book” I was reading. We got talking and I
shared how God had provided the hundred dollars the day before. One of the ladies, happened to work for Continental Airlines. She said she wanted to bless me and gave me one of her free round-trip
vouchers which I used a few months later!
On top of Marathon Mountain overlooking Resurrection Bay in Seward, Alaska
During my stay in Seward, we took a hike up Marathon Mountain where there is an annual race up down the face of this
steep mountain. The view of the glaciers and Resurrection Bay was breathtaking! We purified icy water from the melting glaciers streaming downward.
Hiking in Seward, Alaska (2004)
At the conclusion of this particular trip, I took the train back up to Anchorage and arrived around nine o’clock at
night. My plane would fly out only a couple hours later. I was on foot and had to find a bus to take me to the airport: I only had a couple hours. Someone told me where to find a bus stop, and I had
to run through the streets with my suitcase to make the last bus of the night. I made it just in time and boarded out of breath. Then I had to pay…but I had hardly any money left! The fare was only
two dollars…the last of what I had! Wow – God had come through again!
Prove your faith in God
A life of service that God will honor must be a life of faith. Having a healthy appetite for adventure is a bonus!
Faith will require risks and oftentimes great sacrifice! But there is nothing to compare with the way God supernaturally provides and protects as we serve Him! God indeed is worthy to be
Faith must be tested and proven. Before I could be in a position to travel and live in Asia, God needed to prepare me
through many trips as I have recorded above. In the video below, I explain why I have my evangelistic website It is primarily for all the people God brings across my path whom
I long to see come to an understanding of how great my God is. It is my desire that they too come into a personal relationship with Him!
Chapter 7
From Bible College to the School of Hard Knocks
Working at Cracker Barrel during my time in New Jersey
It is essential that we keep a Biblical balance in our approach to the Christian life. We must not confuse a busy schedule for obedience
in God's work. A servant is to do exactly what his master tells him in the way he instructs him. Mere religious activity is not the same as Biblical spirituality. We must also beware of emphasizing
one spiritual discipline at the expense of ignoring others mandated in Scripture. A Biblical balance is vital for God's servant if he wants to truly be useful.
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the
scriptures daily, whether those things were so. – Acts 17:11
Counsel after College
In May of 2003, I graduated from Bible College with a Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies. I stayed an extra month in Powell, Tennessee
to work and pay off the remainder of my school bill. Before I moved back home to Florida, I made an appointment with Pastor Clarence Sexton to see if he had any counsel for me. I remember him
reminding me that I came from a Godly family. He advised me to spend at least two years working under a Godly man. Though in my heart I knew he was right, I was restless and had other
Pastor Clarence Sexton would emphasize the importance of being Complete in Christ
While studying at The Crown College, my major was in Missions and I had learned about
the emphasis of God's work through the local church to fulfill the Great Commission. As I considered how I may serve in foreign missions, I was challenged by the thought of what a church would look
like on foreign soil - especially in countries considered "closed" to Christianity. Some of my friends and I had studied the early churches in the Bible and were reminded of their simplicity and
power. It made me curious about other groups who had a different approach to church planting methodology than the traditional model I had grown up around all my life.
House Church conference in Texas
In the Fall of 2003, I took a bus from Knoxville,Tennessee to Dallas, Texas to attend a House Church conference. There I met Neil Cole and
many others touted as the premier house-church planters of our day. I went with basically no money and a credit card I had borrowed from my friend Dominick in case of an emergency. I took lots of
notes and learned some helpful things about evangelizing people and church-planting reproduction. Like anything you learn in life and books you read, I had to “eat the meat and spit out the
At the House Church Conference in Dallas, I learned that many house churches are filled with disheartened people who disdain pastoral
authority and hold to charismatic beliefs. (Those were the bones.) There was some good "meat" to chew on, however. There are helpful lessons to learn from the way Jesus sent out his disciples two by
two and how Paul established churches wherever people met, especially in homes. The process was simple, natural, familial, and reproducible. As Neil Cole would say, many modern church models today
are based on "budgets, bulletins, and big shots" and are not easily reproducible.
In search of the perfect church model
Upon returning home to Florida, I had a burning desire to be a part of a movement in modern missions that would transcend mere tradition,
yet remain faithful to the truth. My poor dad had to put up with a number of debates with me about many “new” ideas I was learning about.
I soon had the opportunity to move to New Jersey where some friends I knew were starting churches that met in homes. But as I observed,
something was just not right. Early on, I recognized a critical spirit from the leader that I knew was not healthy; but I overlooked it and went along for the ride anyway.
When I first moved North, my friend and his new wife, who had eloped and left college, were living in the basement of their Grandmother’s
house. I had no other options of places to stay, so the leader of the house church let me stay in his attic. Having three small children already made it difficult for their family. Inevitably, it was
time to find new lodging. But there was one problem – I had no car and no job. Now I had to add "no home" to my list of accomplishments.
A house fellowship meeting in New Jersey
Homeless in New Jersey
I’ll never forget the Sunday afternoon, following our morning service, when Pastor Donald dropped me off at the flea market in Columbus,
New Jersey. I immediately bought an old bicycle, and began to make my way through this small farming community. I consoled myself that Jesus had no place to lay his head. It would be okay to suffer a
little. I found a dairy farm that could use my help milking cows in the evenings. Since the owner was away for a week, I could stay in the “office” upstairs. I was glad for what I had, but this was
not “living the life”, to say the least. Believe me, the thoughts of the prodigal son spending time with filthy hogs came to my mind often while I took in the overwhelming dairy aroma! I was learning
- albeit the long, hard way!
I was able to ride the River Line transit train down to Burlington and Medford where a few friends were. Some nights I would stay at a
diner during the darkest hours of night, then would roam the streets on my bike. I could catch up on rest at a park during the day time. After a couple weeks, I finally had a break through. In one
weekend, my friend Nathan took me to Cracker Barrel in Mount Laurel, where I got a job as a server. Another friend let me use his car till I could get my own vehicle. The Milligan family who hosted
church services at a chapel they owned let me move into their large basement for $200/month. They were such a fabulous family to be with.
Living by faith, again
Before I could start work for Cracker Barrel on Monday, I had to buy slip-proof shoes. At this point, I had no money. So I got on my bike
and went to a neighborhood and started knocking doors offering to do any kind of yard work needed. A lady gave me two hours of work, pulling weeds and trimming her bushes. Then she gave me a check
for fifty dollars! I was excited and found that the bank was actually open, so I could cash it. I rode over to Walmart where I got my needed items. How I rejoiced in the Lord to see him reward my
willingness to work. I even got to eat my favorite meal of cheese steak and onion rings at the Marlton Diner that night.
The summer of 2004, I began working at Cracker Barrel. I must say it was my favorite secular job I have ever had. I considered my position
to be that of a deacon, as I served tables! I made many friends. In fact, one Christian couple that I served many times became friends that I still have contact with to this day! I was able to start
spending time with the Schopp family outside of work, and we enjoyed good fellowship.
My dear friends Betty Schopp and her son Paul whom I met while serving tables at Cracker Barrel
They had a family member, David in Delaware, who planned a hiking trip in the Appalachian mountains. What a time we had on our two day
hike camping out in the mountains of Virginia! David Schopp was a Godly man who would ask me spiritual questions to challenge me in my walk with God. He would ask me about what Scripture I was
memorizing and share what God was teaching him at the time.
A great camping trip in Shenandoah valley with David Schopp
After a couple months, I had saved up enough cash and Mr. Milligan took me to a used car lot where I bought my very first automobile. It
was a small white car. I called it my miracle car because the engine was rusted out, the tires bald, and at one point I blew a piston and it ran on 3 cylinders…but it kept running as long as I needed
it and I would put about 20,000 additional miles on it before it basically died!
My first car that I bought for $500 from tip money earned by waiting tables at Cracker Barrel
Our experiment with the “house church” movement came to an abrupt end. One day, the pastor began teaching that water baptism is no longer
meant for believers today. That evening, my friend Nathan and I brought our Bibles and confronted him about this. He insisted that this was what he believed. So without any other choice, we left his
house for the last time. We never saw him again as he moved out of the state within a few months later.
The Plymouth Brethren
As I pursued my quest for finding the perfect church model, my friend and I started attending a Plymouth Brethren church nearby. I
appreciated some of the things they did, including a weekly observation of the Lord’s Supper. During that first hour of worship, men could share a Bible verse, short devotional, prayer, and anyone
could suggest a song which would magnify Christ and the Gospel. It was a good start to a week with personal examination. Knowing that I might be participating made me want to come prepared and clean
before God.
I also did get to attend a summer orientation they offered for prospective missionaries. There I met Ken Fleming, the brother of Pete
Fleming, who was one of the missionaries slain in Ecuador alongside Jim Elliot and Nate Saint. These pioneer missionaries were with the Plymouth Brethren and quite conservative in their beliefs.
Interesting to note is that when the five missionaries were martyred in Ecuador, Ken Fleming was currently serving as a missionary in Africa and didn't hear of his brother's death until three months
Sitting next to veteran missionary Ken Fleming and listening to his stories was a great blessing!
However, there were some things I observed that were not in line with what I had been brought up with in the Independent Baptist Church. I
remember trying to defend many of the Plymouth Brethren's views to my dad and how “Baptistic” they were. Yet I knew in my heart there were some things that were simply not right. I was at a
crossroads in my life.'
A major crossroads
My dad had encouraged me to come home and work with him in the church and school where he pastored in Arcadia, Florida. At the same time,
I had friends beginning a church plant in Maryland. I knew I had to make a decision, and the consequences of this decision would impact the rest of my life, no doubt including the areas of marriage
and ministry. I knew the right thing for me to do was to return home and submit myself under my dad’s authority. It was time to eat some crow and swallow my pride! Thankfully, God had placed a Godly
brother, Jim Fulleylove, in the same Cracker Barrel where I worked. He encouraged me to go home where I belonged.
Working at Cracker Barrel alongside Jim Fulleylove
Some observations I made from this whirlwind journey to New Jersey and back home to Florida would include the necessity to remain
Biblically balanced in three key areas: First, you need to have the right doctrine; secondly, you must follow the right methods; and thirdly, it is essential to have the right spirit. Most people go
overboard emphasizing one or two of these, but without all three, problems are sure to throw you out of sync. God has used many different men and ministries throughout the past. It is good to learn
from them, but it is imperative to remember they are men, and are not perfect. Only Christ is the perfect example, and everything we do must be based on and judged by the Bible.
Like the Prodigal Son
You can do a lot of things and get away with it. But you cannot do whatever notion you have and expect God’s blessing and peace when you
do it outside of the authority structure God has set in place. For me, it was seeking to find a way to minister to others when I did not have a proper relationship with my own father and church. How
could I expect to properly teach others the Word of God, if I was not submitting myself to the authority within my own home and church? Once I finally returned to the place where I was supposed to
be, humbled myself, and submitted to my dad's authority, the doors of God’s revealed will began to swing open!
Back home with my dad and the Heritage Baptist Church where he pastored in Arcadia, Florida. (2005)
I am so grateful for God's patience with my stubbornness and his protection in my life, even when I have not always made the the wisest
choices. God graciously allowed me to return to Florida and serve in the church and Christian school with my dad. It was then that God began to reveal his will regarding a life's mate! More to come
in the next blog! Watch the video below as I share another area in which I learned an important lesson the hard way!
Chapter 8
The Second Greatest Gift in Life
Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker on our wedding day (July 22, 2006)
Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord. - Proverbs 18:22
Submitted and Serving
At the end of 2005, I moved home to Arcadia, Florida from New Jersey and submitted myself to my dad’s authority. (Read the previous chapter here.) I began serving wherever needed in the church which included teaching a teen Sunday
class. I also got to organize youth groups on Friday nights. This gave me an opportunity to share my passion for missions with them and the needs of persecuted believers around the world. Magazines
from Voice of the Martyrs provided me with helpful material about current events.
Once a month, our church would meet up with a couple other churches of like faith for fellowship. One youth group came from Okeechobee.
Their unofficial leader was an older teen girl named Jamie Womble. She was their leader simply because she owned a vehicle and could drive them! Though I had met her a little over a year before that
at my sister Katie's high school graduation, Jamie and I had gotten to know a little about each other through email. But that would soon change now that I was back in Florida.
Our family at Heritage Baptist Church in Arcadia, Florida (2005)
Watching and Waiting
I watched Jamie and saw her talent and the enthusiasm she had for Christ. She taught in a Christian school and did typesetting and editing
for Faith Baptist Publications in Fort Pierce. I attended their printing conference and youth conference they held. We got to know more about each other’s interests, and we found we had a lot in
common! But I was impressed at how much talent she had and how much she enjoyed serving the Lord. I especially took notice of her when we had a teen activity themed on Bible smuggling. We had a
competition between two teams and we each were the leader. She put her whole heart into it and I could picture her on the mission field with me.
Jamie and I became good friends. I knew she was interested in me and I wanted to be sure not to say or do anything that would lead her to
believe I liked her. I wanted to be sure that it was the Lord bringing us together, not our emotions. I did not want to lead her to believe I was interested in her romantically if I was not yet
willing to enter a committed relationship.
When I Knew She was the One
We got to know each other more through email, and the youth activities. Soon I began to call her on the phone. We always had other people
around when we were together and I spoke to her dad letting him know if anything progressed in our friendship, he would be the first to know.
I saw Christ in Jamie’s life. One day while reading Proverbs 31, I realized she excelled all other virtuous women, and she was the one for
me. In fact, I wrote her initials (JJW) in my Bible next to Proverbs 31:29.
The day I knew I would marry Jamie Joanne Womble was while reading this verse.
Honoring our Parents
I continued to talk to my dad about the development of our relationship while waiting on the Lord to move forward. Christmas was coming
and so was our church cantata. We invited Jamie’s family to come to our church for that special service, then come to our house for fellowship afterward. That night I gave her a Christmas gift, which
was a big move for a budding friendship. The gift was simple: a framed acrostic about a disciple of Christ I had written and a bracelet that a Cambodian missionary had given me.
In January of 2006, the annual county fair was coming up and I invited Jamie to go with me. She brought her sister Kim with her. I had
previously asked her dad for permission and he was fine with it. I also asked my dad to eat supper with my mom and her parents so they could freely discuss the two of us and our budding friendship.
This would help provide confidence in knowing a little about us and each other’s families. It was important to me that we receive the blessing of both our parents.
My dad Thomas Knickerbocker (left) and my father-in-law James Womble (right)
Soon after this, Jamie informed me of a Valentine’s Banquet coming up at her school and wondered if I was interested in going with her. I
told her I would get back with her. (This really made her nervous!) But I had to handle this cautiously as I viewed this as more than just a casual date. This would mean our friendship was becoming
more serious. I told my dad about it and he thought it was a good idea to go. It brought Jamie much relief when I finally called her to let her know I would be honored to take her to the
Our Courtship Begins
I set up a time with Jamie's father where I could meet with him before the banquet. We secretly met up at a park near their house in
Okeechobee. I told Mr. Womble how much I respected Jamie and saw our friendship leading to a serious relationship. I wanted his permission to court her. This would simply be a time of getting to know
one another with the purposeful intention of marriage. We had a wonderful time at the Valentine's banquet that night.
Together at the Valentines Banquet in Fort Pierce, Florida (2-10-06)
After the banquet, I informed her of my clandestine meeting with her father at the nearby park. Under the moon-lit sky, I told her
officially that I liked her and that I had her father's blessing to pursue a courtship with her if she felt the same way about me. She returned the sentiment and our relationship instantly rose to
another level. Our courtship lasted a month and a half before I proposed to her on a canoe trip. There in the sand I drew a heart and told her for the first time the words, “I love you” and gave her
an engagement ring.
She said "Yes!" This photo was taken shortly after I proposed to marry Jamie.
Setting Boundaries
We had both decided not to touch – not even shake hands until our wedding day. We would simply draw the boundary as far back as possible,
and have a hands-off relationship. It would be hard to refrain, but it would be harder to stop once started! Give the devil a toe hold and he’ll make it a stronghold. We wanted to show our future
children by example how to find God’s choice of a life’s mate and get to the marriage altar physically pure. But we got creative and had fun with it. For example, when we went miniature golfing,
we held each end of the golf club and pretended that we were holding hands! It was so much fun.
One of our favorite dates playing miniature golf!
Abstinence is not highly regarded today as it once was, even among many Christians. The fact is, some things are meant only for marriage.
Fornication and adultery is the perversion of what God designed as the blessed physical union to be enjoyed between a husband and his wife. If you love God, you will honor this. If you truly love
others, you will not want to take advantage of them to attempt to gratify your own lusts. If you think only of yourself, you will not regard their feelings.
Our official engagement photo (2006)
Worth the Wait
Our magical moment came on July 22, 2006. There I stood beside my dad, officiate, and my groomsmen. My heart pounded, as I saw my bride
come down the aisle. We had prepared for four months for this occasion. We both had our parents blessing, but more importantly, God’s blessing. Now it was appropriate to go forward together hand in
hand, heart in heart, in our commitment to one another for life.
The most euphoric moment I’ve ever experienced is when we took one another’s hands and kissed for the first time at the marriage altar! It
was definitely worth the wait. What a strong foundation that was laid for a good marriage, because we sought to honor God and His Word, while respecting our parents and each other.
The first time we held hands was here at the marriage altar!
I feel badly when I see so many young people throw away the chance to experience the gift God has allowed us have. God’s way is best. It’s
even better than your feelings and what you think you want now. Let Him write your love story! Indeed, life's greatest gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ. But the second greatest gift is
marrying in the will of God! Read 10 Godly Guidelines for Guys and Gals to lay a proper foundation
for a great marriage.
Our first day after being called to pastor in Lake Placid, Florida (2007)
Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find? – Proverbs 20:6
After we married in July of 2006, My new bride Jamie and I attended the Heritage Baptist Church that my dad pastored. Jamie taught at the
Heritage Baptist Academy in Arcadia, Florida, and I worked full-time at the Walmart distribution center to provide a place for us to stay. I was starting to get antsy about what work the Lord might
have for us. I didn’t know exactly what the Lord had in mind, but I remembered what they taught us in college, “You will either be the pastor of a church, or work to help someone who is the
One time while gathering together with family at a lake in Lake Placid, Florida, I thought, if Jamie and I do stay in Florida, this is the
town where I want to live. After a few months went by, we heard about a small church in Lake Placid, Florida who had an older pastor and needed some help with their music and youth. This caught my
attention, and I thought that this may be just the opportunity for us. We could drive over to visit on Saturdays and attend services on Sunday and Wednesdays.
But during this time, my grandfather had moved to Vermont and was attempting to start a church there. He had invited me to come and work
with him and my Grandma Carol. This too appealed to me, as moving back to Vermont seemed like a very adventurous enterprise! So, in March of 2007, my wife and I flew up to Vermont to visit my
Grandparents and observe the work there. I learned that there was another man trying to start a church in a nearby town and there was already a church which my grandfather had started 50 years
previously. There were some dissenters who had pleaded with my grandfather to come back, yet they rarely attended the meetings he held in his trailer! I definitely saw this from a different
perspective from my Grandpa, and realized this door was not open for us.
Grandma Carol and Grandpa Knickerbocker
Then it happened! While we were still visiting in Vermont, my mom called informing me that the pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Lake
Placid, Florida had put in his resignation, effective at the end of April! That was only a few weeks away! My mind started churning. We had already met with the pastor, and he had mentioned his
desire to have a young man work with him for two years before making the transition. Obviously, he got the drift I was looking to get into the pastorate much sooner.
Upon our return to Florida, we visited Bethel Baptist Church. Within a week or two, I was recommended to candidate, which I did. On April
29th, I was voted to be the pastor! We were on a mountain top, but were soon to enter our first valley!
Our First Sunday at Bethel Baptist Church in Lake Placid, Florida
As I started visiting the members, I was informed by one couple that they had already been planning to leave the church: they just wanted
to give us time to make the transition. It was nothing personal they assured me. Meanwhile another couple who had recently joined never returned. I learned they had to be part of an independent
Baptist Church to join a particular evangelistic ministry. So it was simply a formality on their part.
At this time, we were bringing in children on our church van. But the driver would take the kids home after Sunday school. I thought, “Why
not just bring them into the main service?” I found out quickly that was a bad idea, as I had to lead the service and discipline kids at the same time! There went another couple, who told me that
they couldn’t handle the disruption of the unruly kids.
Then I preached on True Christianity, how we should be consistent at home with the way we are in the church house. Of course, I dealt with
the issue of dress. I had this brilliant idea to hold up a pair of pants and say, “Who wears these?” followed by holding up a skirt and saying, “Who wears this?” I made the point clear that there
should be a distinction between men and women. As you can imagine, this was not appreciated by all. The one faithful deacon, who gave, cleaned, taught, and seemingly held the church together was
irate with me afterward. He stormed out of the building declaring, “You weren’t fair to the ladies.” He and his wive never returned! I had attempted to present the message with the best spirit I knew
how, but the content was just too much I suppose.
Only a month in and I was seeing the small group disintegrate into what seemed like a shell of a church body. At this point, I should
mention that my wife gave birth to our first son a couple months after taking the church. When our son Paul was just three weeks old, the acting treasurer (who was the former pastor), came to me
after the service and said that he could’nt start over again. He travelled a long distance to attend the services and with the great exodus of members, he was discouraged. So he took my wife and I
back to the office and gave us a crash course in the books and financial affairs.
So now I was left with a church made up of my family of three, a lady with her granddaughter, some children from the bus route, and a
couple, whom I was informed that the husband was not dependable. Well, the man and his wife turned out to be our greatest workers throughout our time there and were a great blessing to us. Tom and
Kaye have remained friends and have kept in contact with us all these years since. God brought us through and we recovered. God would bring others in as we remained faithful.
I will never forget how God ministered to my wife and I that Wednesday night after the former pastor said “good bye”. We felt so lonely
and wondered what was going on. We left the office overwhelmed by all the added responsibilities. We made our way to the front of the auditorium. There at the altar, we knelt and poured our souls out
to the Lord. We had many questions, but no answers. Then out of nowhere, my three week old son Paul began to giggle. He had never done this before! The Lord spoke to me bringing to mind the verse in
Nehemiah, “The Joy of the Lord is my strength.”
Jamie, Luke, and our first son Paul (2007)
Then Paul giggled a second time, again relieving the tension of the moment. I thought of the verse in Psalm 16:11, “In his presence is
fullness of joy.” My heart was stirred and I began to think, “Lord, we have you and you will never forsake us!” Truly, it is not the circumstance, but rather the person of Christ who gives joy. Then
I began to look at my son and wondered if he would laugh another time -for every good message has at least three points, right?
Indeed he giggled once more, and I thought about verses in the Bible that speak of "joy". My mind went to the prison epistle penned by
Paul to the Philippian church, where he states, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, rejoice.” (Philippians 4:4) Now I had no excuse but to be glad in the Lord. My wife and
I stood up and embraced knowing everything would be okay. Our tears had been turned into laughter!
No matter what happens to us, we can allow a difficult experience to conform us more into Christ’s image, or we can use it as an excuse to
resent God’s working in our lives. When Daniel was thrown to the lions for praying, he didn’t let it change His proper view of God. The Bible tells us he had an excellent spirit. This world needs to
see God’s servants with a joyful spirit that carries us and makes us excel over all trials.
As my pastor friend Josh Goodwin pointed out, the red letter days of the giants we read in history were actually quite few. We easily
forget the long years they endured faithfully, perhaps in monotony. But without proving themselves during the preparation, they would not have the seen the victories God would wrought for
In July of 2007, Jamie and I celebrated our first anniversary. We had just moved from Arcadia into our newly purchased trailer in a 55+
mobile home park. Somehow they let us move there in spite of our age! We felt like we retired early. Because we had used the little money we had toward our down payment, we were counting our pennies
when our anniversary came around. It was a Sunday and we decided to go to McDonalds for lunch. We found enough coins to purchase a Bic Mac and split it! We couldn't have been happier!
During our first year in Lake Placid, God really challenged and increased our faith. We had a two older couples join the church who were
real spiritual giants, the Prathers and the Ramos family. The Prathers would go visiting with us even in the 100 degree heat of summer. Brother Abel Ramos’ health was deteriorating, yet he still
tried to reach out to the Hispanic community. That summer I had the joy of baptizing my first convert. God was working!
In 2009, I had the honor of being ordained at Heritage Baptist Church in Arcadia, Florida where my dad pastored. It was both a wonderful
and challenging time as Godly men questioned me about my beliefs and encouraged me with practical counsel for the ministry. It was recommended to me that I regularly read the small
booklet Heartbeats of the Holy. This is a practical yet powerful booklet every preacher may be helped by.
Over the course of four years, we saw God provide over and over again. We saw small growth here and there, but just stayed faithful
knowing we were there to labour for the Lord first, and for the people second. God came through during the times we needed Him most! We had a time where the motor was blown on the church van, our
copy machine was broken, and the city was making us convert our septic system to a new electric pump grinder system. This alone would cost us about $5,000. I remember sitting at my desk looking at
the bills and saying, “Lord, these are your bills.” This was beyond the ability of our small congregation. Then we received a check from out of state for $10,000! Wow! Truly the church is the Lord’s
church, and He will sustain it!
Some folks attended for a short while, and others for a longer time who would contribute greatly just when we needed it most! While I
always had to work a second job, I always seemed to fulfill my duties. I came to realize that God-given duties do not conflict. I drove a school bus in the county, and I remember getting phone calls
from the funeral director or others in need, and was able to attend to the situation immediately, never interfering with my bus driving schedule. It was assuring to know that my Father in Heaven
knows all.
Also, family duties must not be neglected for the sake of the ministry. After all, my family is my first ministry. If I lose my family, I
will cease to have a ministry! It took much adjusting going from being newly married to becoming a pastor and dad within the first year! Then the Lord gave us another son, Jason in 2008. In 2010, we
were blessed with a beautiful daughter named Abigail.
Our family in 2011 (children: Paul, Jason, and Abby) in 2011
I must admit, that pastoring is no doubt the most stressful job under the sun. Many times I thought that certainly someone else could come
and do a better job than I. But I was always too scared to quit. The last thing I wanted was to be a quitter. I realize that God calls us to faithfulness; the “success” or “failure” as we may call it
is in the Lord’s hands.
I was only 25 when I became pastor and was as “green” as they come! We dealt with various trials and challenges, both financially and
spiritually. At one point, I thought it would be wise to have another older friend come to pastor. Then the people could benefit from each of our strengths. It was not at all about the position to me
as much as it was about what was best for our church. That pastor friend did not come, and God opened a door for him in another church. I am thankful for those who put up with me and stood by me
through these learning years!
I learned many invaluable lessons during my time pastoring. I learned that God will use the least likely people because they allow Him to;
His power is provided that He may receive glory. Don’t be surprised when those you have the greatest expectations for turn away, and the least likely ones grow to be used of God greatly. You must
learn to love even though the more you love the less you are sometimes appreciated. You will sometimes be hurt the most by those you seek to help the most.
Tom and Chris, two of the most faithful workers in our church
God calls and leads his minister; no one person is indispensable. Treasure and love those who God puts in your care. Sometimes this means
doing what is best for the church, not what is most comfortable for me. I remember having to confront a man who was critical and spiritually deflating our church. He was causing harm, and I had to
ask him to change his attitude or just not come. That was difficult, but it was necessary for the health of the flock. He understood and even later sent us a love offering on a couple
Ask God for thick skin and a soft heart. Christ never flinched from his stand for truth against the Pharisees, yet he certainly kept a
heart of compassion for sinners. Oh how we need to be dead to self, and filled with the Spirit, that we might care for others properly and nurture them with the fruit of the Spirit – by loving and
being longsuffering with the flock.
I’ve learned that God really does care and is faithful to supply our need as we are faithful in obeying His will. Small doesn’t mean
insignificant; and big is not always a sign of blessing. I must consistently take care of the little things, because little things turn into big things!
God opens the doors to those who are willing to walk through them. I was given opportunities to write in a column in a local newspaper,
and was asked to pray in front of all the county school board transportation department. We witnessed God supply flooring for our nurseries, paint for our fellowship hall, a sound booth for our
equipment, and an addition to our trailer, not to mention a beautiful minivan! But let me not get ahead of myself!
Just be yourself: be real for Jesus. Phonies are easily found out. Don’t fall into the trap of comparing yourself with others. You and
your ministry will be unique – from your style of preaching, your experiences, the field of service – it’s history and culture, and the burden and vision God gives you. Be obedient to what God has
given you. Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep your hand on the plow.
God is pleased only by faith. There is nothing else that pleases him! Also, no great work of God goes uncontested by the Devil. If you are
expecting great victories, prepare for difficult battles. During one vacation Bible school, when some precious children were saved, we had an exceptionally challenging night. It started with a mother
storming in during the opening exercises. She was irate because her son rode the van without permission. Uh oh…but there was no consoling her now! She grabbed her son and marched him right out. Then
during snack time, some boys were horse playing and broke a window. But at the end of the night, God won and so were some precious souls!
Vacation Bible School (2008)
One other lesson I have learned is that I find greater joy handing a job over to a young believer than doing it myself. Whether it’s
turning over a Sunday school class to a new teacher, or transferring a responsibility, like song-leading, to a new worker. It brings rewards that money can’t buy.
I would not recommend the pastorate to most young inexperienced men like myself, but I am grateful for the opportunity I had to serve. I
remember someone asking me, “How old are you?” and “You are the Senior Pastor?” My thought to that was, “How old does a person have to be to serve God?” However, it is imperative that you keep a
teachable spirit and take the opportunities that God gives you and remain faithful to that task.
In October of 2010, I received a phone call. A man named James informed me that he was a friend of Mr. Everett who attended a weekly Bible
study I held at a local assisted living facility. They wanted to meet up with me for coffee. So we scheduled a time and met at Wendy’s. They started asking some probing questions. Specifically, they
asked how our family was doing. I said, “You mean physically…spiritually, uh, were doing fine, and we have all our needs provided.” Though we did have all our needs provided for, my wife was
praying for a mini-van. Earlier that year, we had given our 2006 Chrysler Town & Country to some missionary friends who had lost theirs in a fire. Now we were limited to squeezing our family of
five into our two-door Ford Focus.
The minivan Mr. Everett gave us in 2010
Long story short, on Thanksgiving week of 2010, we met up with Mr. Everett and Bro. James at a car dealership where they had a beautiful
red 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan awaiting us. It only had 8,500 miles on it. We had met Mr. Everett while doing weekly Bible studies at a retirement home. He would attend and wanted to be a blessing to
our family. Now we had a good reliable vehicle which would eventually serve us greatly in ways only the Lord could foresee!
Note: Bethel Baptist Church is currently under the leadership of Pastor Keith Carringer. The new church name is Highlands Baptist Church and God has been blessing the work there!
Highlands Baptist church (2024)
Chapter 10
What I Learned from being in the Pastorate
God allowed my wife and I the privilege to minister at a small church in Lake Placid, Florida from 2007-2011. We had only been married for about nine
months when I accepted the call to become the pastor at age 25. We had our first child a few months later. My wife and I had begun a new journey of faith and dependence on the Lord. Before resigning
the pastorate to serve in foreign missions, I shared with our church the following lessons that I had learned about the ministry during our time there. Here are the top ten things that I had learned
by being in the pastorate.
Our family in 2011
10. God builds the church.
I Corinthians 1:26 - For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are
Everyone is different, and has different needs; yet is important to the body. God will use the least likely people because they allow Him to. His power is provided that
He may receive glory. God deserves glory and desires my worship.
Don’t be surprised when those you have the greatest expectations for end up turning away. And surprisingly, the least likely ones grow to be used of God greatly. Love
others, even though the more you love - the less you are appreciated. You will sometimes be hurt the most by those you seek to help the most.
When I had arrived at the church, I was warned that I could not depend on one man in particular. As it turned out, he and his wife were the most faithful family in the
church throughout our time there. In fact, we are still in contact with this dear couple all these years later! Ironically, the others that were previously leaders in the church left within the first
three months after we arrived.
Tom and Chris, two of the most faithful workers in our church
9. I am here for God first and people second.
Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
God calls and leads us; people are the beneficiaries of our ministry. No one person is indispensable. Get to learn about people. Treasure and love those placed in your
There was a man who attended our church for about a year. Sadly, he had been in the ministry years earlier, but was disqualified from the pastorate. He was bitter and
had been through a lot of recent hardship. He grew critical and had a spirit that was "infecting" others. The hardest day I can recall was going to his house and confronting him about this. I told
him I loved him, but unless his attitude changed, it would be better for him not to attend. This was a necessary confrontation for the health of the flock. He agreed with me and some changes were
made. Years later he would send us money to help us in our mission!
8. Ask God for thick skin and a soft heart.
Ephesians 4:15 - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Christ never flinched from his stand for truth against the Pharisees, yet he certainly kept a heart of compassion for sinners. It has been said, “If it was not for
people, ministry would be easy.” But without people, there is no ministry! It is necessary to walk in the Spirit according to God’s Word, and you will bear the necessary fruit of the Spirit to help
others. God will give you his love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, faith, longsuffering, and temperance to shepherd the flock.
One of the hardest things for a young preacher is to stand true for his convictions even though so many are transitioning to culturally acceptable methods and
unbiblical teachings. Some families would come to visit and not want to stay because they wanted more contemporary music or desired a charismatic setting.
Sometimes no matter how gracious and patient you are, there is no way to help them. A few different times, we would have people come to services and try to influence
others with various doctrines, including Jehovah Witness ideologies. I remember having to tell them to not give out their literature. Though I would take a stand, I still wanted to be gracious enough
to help their hurting families. Sometimes its a no-win situation. Do what is right and God will take care of you. These are a few lessons that I have learned while being in the pastorate.
7. God knows what we need.
Philippians 4:19 - But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Ask specifically, and trust God for the big things as well as the little. Depend upon God and not on man. God’s timing is always right. Small doesn’t
mean insignificant, and big is not always a sign of blessing. Take care of the little things: for small things turn into big things. Be faithful.
One day I sat down in my office and looked at three different bills that needed to be paid. Our engine on the church van needed repaired; we needed to fix an air
conditioning unit in the fellowship hall; and the city required us to connect our sewage into their new system. We barely scraped by from week to week – how could we pay these bills? I committed them
to God and reminded him that it was his church and these were His bills. Shortly after, we received a check from out of state for $10,000, which covered all three bills! God is able to supply your
every need.
6. God-given duties do not conflict.
Colossians 3:23 - And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
Balancing many God-given responsibilities is difficult. Caring for your mate, your children, church family, and other jobs can become a juggling catastrophe if you get
your priorities out of order. Be sure that what you are doing is something God has given you to do. Being busy is not the same as being obedient! Learn to say "No". When
God has your heart, He gets everything else we have. Therefore, love Him with all your heart…and do everything with all your might for Him. He will ensure the time to meet the demands of the
I had the privilege to be bi-vocational while pastoring. God gave me the perfect job that gave me a flexible schedule, while putting me in front of numerous families
around our town. Driving school bus for the county got me up early for my rounds and gave me several hours before my afternoon routes. On Wednesdays, after dropping off the students at their
respective schools, I would pick up donated bakery items at a local supermarket on my way to the Assisted Living Facility to hold a morning service.
After, I would be free to prepare for the evening service or make visits. Occasionally, the funeral home director down the street would call me to come hold a service
for a family that had no church. It never ceased to amaze me how the opportunities God gave me worked out with the allotted time schedule I had. When God gave me something to do, He would also grant
the time needed to fulfill it.
5. Christ’s paradoxical principles are true.
a. Being a servant is better than being a master. (John 13:16,17)
As you honor God, God will honor you. Sometimes opportunities arise to further our influence. One such opportunity was to write articles for our local newspaper.
Sometimes I would show up at the tennis court to play, and was able to befriend our mayor. At Christmas time, we had the largest community gathering of the year show up for the annual parade. We
would make up special tracts to give out at this occasion.
Our church building was located across the street from our High School ball fields. One time before the game, we grilled hot dogs to give away with gospel tracts that
had the football schedule on the back. Don't be afraid of novel opportunities God gives you to get the Gospel out!
b. It’s more fun to give than to receive. (Acts 20:35)
We had a missionary that we supported whose minivan caught on fire while traveling. Our family had recently purchased a used van with our tax return. When we heard
about this need, we felt led to give them our van. They wanted to be a blessing in return, and built an addition to our trailer that we lived in! Later that year, we were given a newer minivan by an
older gentleman who attended our weekly meetings at the assisted living facility. You cannot out-give God!
The minivan Mr. Everett gave us in 2010'
c. Contentment is found in Christ, not possessions. (I Timothy 6:6)
Although we did not have much financially while we served in Lake Placid, we grew in our dependence on Christ. Seeing the Lord provide in unusual ways greatly prepared
us for foreign missions. My wife began learning about coupons and saved literally thousands of dollars! She began teaching workshops to help others. One day while at the grocery store, a man in line
behind her offered to buy her a laptop if she would teach his wife and daughters how to use coupons in return. Indeed, he fulfilled his promise! God knows every need. Be content with Him, and He will
never fail you.
4. Work at making your secret life strong in the Lord.
Matthew 6:6 - But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which
seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Your secret life will lead to your success or failure. You must have a strong devotional life and healthy marriage if you expect to have a happy church ministry. I
could not consider my ministry a success if I had a failed marriage. We must guard our hearts, for Satan’s attacks are relentless and continual.
I am grateful for the patience of the church family while I grew with them in the work. Although I did not know everything and had so much to learn, we moved forward
together. I have learned that God uses clean and available vessels, not always the smartest and most talented. In fact, many more able servants have lost their ministries because of a damaged
reputation because of their failures and sin.
I desire to always keep eligible for whatever God may lead me to do. Remember, you can always grow in your ability with experience, but your reputation cannot be
replaced. Your success in public depends on your purity in private.
II Corinthians 10:12 - For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by
themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
You and your ministry will be unique – from your style of preaching, your experiences, the field of service (it’s history and culture), and the burden and vision God
has given you. Be obedient to what God has led you to do. Keep your eyes on Jesus and your hands on the plow.
I have always been convinced that people who are involved are happier and love their church more. Instead of complaining about what you don’t have and the abilities
that others lack, put to use those who are present. A child can help take up the offering, a teenager can sing or lead songs, and even help teach the children. When we first arrived in Lake Placid, I
had to play guitar to accompany the singing.
My wife knew a few chords and played some of the same songs service after service. But she would learn some new chords, and we would be able to add to our list that we
could sing with her accompaniment. The joy of training others to teach and serve and watching their growth has always been greater than the pleasure of doing the job myself.
2. You can only please God by faith.
Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that
diligently seek him.
Take the first step to accomplishing a task and trust God to provide. William Carey said “Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God.” Do what you know
is right and God will provide the way and means to accomplish what he has put in your heart and hand to do. We cannot see or plan for what remains unknown to us. That is why we must trust God and let
Him have his way in our life and ministry. Just do what He has given you to do today!
No great work of God goes uncontested by the Devil.
One summer we had a particularly challenging evening during our Vacation Bible School. During our singing time, a mother barged into the room and grabbed her young
child that we brought in on the church van. We had somehow brought him without her knowledge and permission, and she let me know how upset she was in front of everyone! During the snack time, some
kids were goofing off and broke a window. But with all the difficulties that night, God moved in a special way, and we saw some precious souls saved after presenting the gospel. An important lesson I
learned in the pastorate was that no great work of God goes uncontested by the Devil.
Vacation Bible School
1. Don't lose your joy in following Jesus.
Psalm 16:11 - Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
We are commanded to rejoice in the Lord always. There is never a good reason to not be happy in the Lord. Our first month in the pastorate was the hardest. Some people
who voted us in, never returned. Others had been planning to leave anyway, while others got offended by my preaching and left. (Go figure!) It was a Wednesday evening when the treasurer approached me
after the service. His family had also decided to attend another church closer to them and he gave my wife and I a crash course on the finances. After they left, my wife and I, along with our newborn
son, went to the altar and cried and prayed together. It was hard to understand why the Lord would bring us, only to see others leave us.
Out of nowhere, our 3 week-old son began to giggle. He had never done that before! It was actually quite humorous! The verse in Nehemiah 8:10 came to mind “...the joy
of the LORD is your strength.” That was encouraging. While thinking on that, my son Paul again started laughing for no reason! I remembered the verse from Psalm 16:11 which says “…in his presence is
fullness of joy…” How uplifting it was to know that joy comes from God, not people. Sure enough Paul giggled a third time, which caused me to think about another verse in the Bible
about joy. Philippians 4:4 came to mind: “Rejoice in the LORD alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” How could I remain discouraged? Because of the Lord’s presence and goodness, I will
always have something to rejoice about.
Conclusion: Serving the Lord is the greatest thing you can do in life! One of my favorite verses is Psalm 100:2a "Serve the LORD with gladness." When you do everything
unto the Lord, and not unto men, you can endure hardness, rejection, and setbacks. But never forget that it is not just what you do, but how you do it. So serve the Lord today, but do it with
Q & A about the Life of a Bi-Vocational Pastor
Q & A about the Life of a Bi-Vocational Pastor
Introduction: A friend of mine studying in Bible College was doing a research paper and asked me the following
questions. I have pastored and served as a missionary overseas. Though responsibilities may vary, the life of a minister will require some qualities that apply to everyone. I trust that the following
questions and answers will help add perspective and assist in preparation for service as God leads you.
What are your duties during the week?
As a pastor, I was bi-vocational. For a couple years I drove school bus on weekdays in the early morning and afternoon.
This allowed time in between for study or visits. For at least a year on Wednesdays, after dropping off the students at school, I would pick up donated bakery items from our local grocery store, then
go to an assisted living facility to teach a Bible study for the senior citizens there.
On some occasions, I preached funerals. From time to time, I may play tennis (with the mayor), or go golfing with some
preacher friends. Usually one Friday a month, we would have youth activity. Saturdays were for bus visitation and preparing messages. At one point, I also delivered pizza on Friday and Saturday
nights for extra income.
Making time for family is absolutely important. Playing with the kids and taking your wife out on a date must be
What kind of degree does pastoring require?
A degree is not a requirement, but I would highly advise two things:
Get an education through a Bible College that emphasizes the local church. (It is possible to do this online if you were to intern with your local church pastor.) But others will respect the fact
that you took time to invest in your training by following the disciplines of training and receiving a degree.
Practical experience under the tutelage of a pastor for a couple years minimum after Bible college will be invaluable. For me a tremendous help was travelling with Neighborhood Bible Time two
summers while in college. This really helped me with traveling and ministering to many churches and acquiring leadership skills.
*I would add that reading good books by successful pastors and older pastors will greatly help you. But no education
will be a substitute for the time you spend with God in prayer and reading the Bible.
What are the costs of education?
You may need to contact some colleges that you would be interested in. There are factors to consider such as tuition,
room and board, food, vehicle, etc. I didn’t own a car until after college. I stayed in the dorms and worked to pay my school bill. I believe it was around $4,000 a year at Crown College (20 years
How did you know God’s calling for you was to be a pastor?
For me, my calling has always been missions first. As I learned more about the work of missions, I realized the local
church was the main work. I learned that starting churches was the primary work of a missionary. Before I knew where God wanted me to go as a foreign missionary, I knew it was important to get
experience in the local church here in the USA. I had discovered my spiritual gift was teaching and helps. I simply was surrendered to do what God put in my hand. When a church nearby needed a
pastor, I recognized this as God’s leading. I had the “desire of a bishop (overseer)” and accepted the call to pastor. This was a time that God taught me much about faith and proper motivation in
ministry – all for God’s glory!
How do you set up your sermons?
As a pastor, I had at least 3-4 lessons/sermons to prepare each week, when you consider Wednesday night, Sunday school,
morning worship, and Sunday evening. Expository preaching is the very best, but you will have needs to address topics. Preaching through Books of the Bible makes great series and allows you to
naturally address various topics as they come up. There are some helps such as ABCs of Christian Growth that is good for new believers. My college notes helped for giving an overview of each book of
the Bible (Old Testament Survey, and New Testament Survey). Also, a series on the Bible Doctrines is very good.
As you pray and prepare yourself, consider who you are preaching to. You may have unbelievers, new believers, mature
believers, and backslidden believers in your audience. As you read your Bible, God may put a verse, thought, passage, or theme on your heart. You may study that out and read other books on the
This all helps in the formation of a message or a series. You always want to preach to the crowd you have, and preach
from the overflow (of blessings that God has given you through study). Recently, in Nepal I preached a short series on the Blessedness of Brokenness. We have gone through many challenges, and I knew
that we needed encouragement and endurance. There were some passages on the subject that I preached from, but I also had been listening to some preaching on the subject that had helped me. If you
preach to others what has helped you, you will be passionate about it!
What is your favorite part of pastoring?
Seeing others grow in their faith and mature to the place where they can serve is the most rewarding. Watching people
take a Sunday School class, lead music, play an instrument, or just get involved in whatever small way is encouraging. Kind of like a parent watching their child grow up and take responsibility!
There is no greater joy than to know that my children walk in truth! Also, being able to be with someone who is trusting Christ for salvation is so uplifting.
Do you have a least favorite part of pastoring?
Having to confront and correct someone from the congregation about their sin is very hard, but must be done. Visiting a
member who is missing services consistently and hearing them say they are leaving to go to another church is very difficult. It’s hard not to take it personally. But you must remember it is God’s
work and people are the sheep of HIS pasture.
What are some little known jobs a pastor does?
As previously mentioned, a pastor may have to have a second job to care for his family. This is very prevalent
nowadays. As a pastor I have had to lay flooring, paint, mow the grass, drive the church van to pick up kids, plan activities and outreaches, run a VBS, schedule special meetings, go door-knocking,
make phone calls, prepare and print literature, write articles for the newspaper, etc.
Basically a pastor must be an exemplary servant. Don’t ask others to do what you are not willing to do and/or
What is the most difficult part of pastoring?
Keeping a vision for where the life and ministry of the church is going. It is easy after a few years to get
discouraged that you are not seeing more fruit, watching people let you down or quit altogether, or simply just become complacent. You may preach your heart out, and people just leave the same as
they came. It is vital to keep your eyes on the Lord, and remember that you are there for His sake first. But to keep moving forward when it feels like people are wanting to stay where they are is
very difficult. This is the time many pastors will look to move on somewhere else because they feel like they are not making a difference. Faithfulness is mandatory!
Do you know of a general salary a pastor makes?
The church where I pastored gave me $300 a week (part of this was housing allowance). After giving to tithe and
missions, paying the bills, it didn’t leave must left over. This is why I had to work another job. Depending on the size of church, this could vary. Some larger churches will be able to pay a pastor
full-time and/or provide a housing allowance. Regardless the salary, you should know if this is where God wants you to be and what God wants you to do. God will provide for his servant. But don’t be
afraid of work. The work of the pastor is the hardest work there is. You cannot do it without God’s help!
Chapter 11
Stepping Out by Faith
And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. – Luke 17:5
The very next day after our new van had
been given to us, our family drove to Alabama where we met up with my wife’s family for a Thanksgiving campout. (Read that story here!) While there, my father-in-law James Womble had us read a
challenging book called Radical by David Platt. The straightforward approach of questioning the Christian’s pursuit of the “American Dream” hit close to home. My
father-in-law gave me more books about missions which rekindled the flames of world evangelism in my heart. One book was about the lives of William Carey, Adoniram Judson, and Jim Elliot who all
suffered much for the name of Christ. Their commitment was such a challenge to me to give my all.
Our family with Mr. Everett and his friend James on the day he purchased this van for us! (2010)
During this time, I was contacted by a
national pastor in Bangladesh and I started to plan a mission trip there. I applied for a passport, since I had lost mine years before that. In ways I did not clearly understand, God was at work
preparing our family for the next task. It is wonderful to reflect and see God’s goodness in how he was working to lead us in stepping out on faith in Him!
miraculous provisions
While we were living in Lake Placid,
Florida, my wife had been teaching coupon workshops around Florida. She had mastered the art of finding bargains and saving us lots of money on our groceries. One day while standing in line at
Publix, someone remarked how impressed they were with her couponing skills and wished his wife and daughters could learn to coupon as well. My wife said she would be glad to do someone’s shopping for
a year in exchange for a laptop computer. To her surprise, he went and bought a new laptop computer. All he wanted in return was for Jamie to teach his wife and daughters how to shop with
Now we had a new family van and laptop
computer that had both been given to us (two essentials for any missionary on soon to be on deputation). At this point, I was still pastoring. I really agonized over what God wanted for us to do.
Some days I would be excited about the future of our church, then other days I couldn’t stop thinking about the foreign mission field.
Walk for
weeks without meeting a Christian?
I thought about a missionary I had met in
college. He had told me about the need for the Indonesian people – especially the 14 million Madurese people. So I went online and found a documentary recorded by Caleb Project (see Joshua Project). It featured some unreached people groups in South East Asia, including the Madurese. I ordered it
and was fascinated by the first two groups who were documented – the Amdo Tibetans and the Khampa Tibetans. It said that you could walk for weeks and weeks among the Amdo Tibetan nomads and never
meet one person who has ever heard of the Name of Jesus Christ! That fact stuck deep inside of me. As Jeremiah wrote in Lamentations, “Mine eye affecteth my heart.” A seed was planted in my heart
that day.
Amdo Tibetans in the
As we moved into 2011, my heart was
definitely pulled in two. We had two missionary families come through our church during the first couple months. Josh and Rebecca Florence came and presented their burden for the people in Papua New
Guinea. They were preparing to go train at Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Bowie,
Texas later that year. I found myself getting jealous, wishing it was me that was going.
We were able study alongside the Florence family at BBTI! This is
at mission’s conference we were all at in 2012!
Shortly after, we had the Dan Haifley
family come sing and preach. Brother Haifley had made some cards about countries in need of an Independent Baptist missionary. Our hearts were knitted for the cause of reaching unreached peoples. I
was now learning that not only are there 6,000 unreached people groups, but also 3,000 Bible-less languages!
In Romans 15:20, Paul said that he
strived to preach the Gospel where Christ was not named. In Romans 10, He said, “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God…”, and “their words went unto the ends of the world.” I
wondered about these unreached people without a Bible: “How can the preachers who are sent preach, unless they have a Bible in the recipients’ language? The world needs God’s Word, for within its
pages is the greatest message on earth. It is God’s message to man of His love and provision of salvation through Jesus Christ. But the lost cannot understand if someone doesn’t go translate God’s
Word first.
Dr. Charles Keen, founder of Bearing
Precious Seed and First Bible International wrote a book, Thinking Outside the
Box. He emphasized the need for reaching lost people groups in forgotten areas of the world. To bring closure to the Great Commission, it is essential that we concentrate on the tribes and
language groups that still remain unreached. There are at least 6,000 unreached people groups remaining still today!
Luke with Dr. Charles Keen
During my first year at Lake Placid, I
had contacted First Bible International to send a representative to come speak at our church for a mission’s emphasis Sunday. Ken Fielder, founder of Worldview Ministries, came to our church and another seed was planted for future friendship.
Dr. Ken Fielder and friends from
Worldview Ministries during a visit to Nepal
Some statistics First Bible International
printed are as follows: 85% of the Bibles printed are in English; and only 9% of the world speaks English. Less than 15% of the languages of the world have any portion – even a few pages of God’s
Word. Of the more than 5,000 languages in the world today, less than 400 have the Bible translated and published. Tens of millions of people have yet to hold a complete Bible, much less own one.
First Bible International has a three-fold strategy to bringing closure to the Great Commission: 1) Scripture Translation and Bible Publishing, 2) Training nationals, and 3) Church
God places
the puzzle pieces together
In March of 2011, another major event
took place. We had a gentleman knock on our door and tell us he wanted to buy our trailer. We had it for sale the previous year, but didn’t get any buyers. So with the help of our missionary friends
Don and Carol Merritt, we added a room on to the house and took it off the market. But this man returned two more times insisting that he and his wife wanted to buy our house – even without us
finishing the added room! His mother-in-law lived in the neighborhood and they just had to have it. After considering his offer, we agreed to sell.
Our dear friends Don and Carol Merritt
We began looking for another house to
buy. You can only imagine how excited my wife was to have the opportunity to find her dream home, have a garden, and settle down to a comfortable life. But I realized too that God’s hand was at work.
We found out that because of my job history – having an interruption with my salary from the church and not working for two years for the local school board – we couldn’t get a loan to buy a
No preacher,
no church, and no Bible
One night while walking and praying, I
stopped by the pond near our trailer. I looked at the brightly lit sky and studied the stars. I thought, “Lord, I have the privilege of knowing the Creator of these stars, but there are people living
on the other side of the world who have no idea how those stars got there. If you would allow me, I would love to go to a place where there is no preacher, no church, and no Bible.”
One day in April while riding in the car
with my dad, he broke the news that he was planning to resign the pastorate so he could work full time with a mission organization called H.E.L.P.S. ministries. He had pastored the Heritage Baptist Church for nearly 18 years and was now considering the idea of joining our church.
I was stunned and excited, then thought, “I also want to resign and go into missions!” But I couldn’t tell him at that point what the Lord was doing in my heart. I knew I had to tell my wife Jamie
what was going on first.
Breaking the
news to my wife
I took our family to a nearby IHOP
restaurant and finally explained to my wife all the things God was doing in my heart and how everything was pointing to enter missions. I told her that the first place we would go to prepare was
Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Bowie, Texas. I didn’t know where we would go from there, but that was as much as I knew. Jamie began to cry; she had never lived more than an hour and half
away from her family. Now our lives would change forever.
I called Brother Dan Haifley about the
possibility of our family attending Baptist Bible Translators Institute (BBTI) in Texas. He was excited for us and gave me Dr. Rex Cobb’s phone number. I called Dr. Cobb to see if there was
availability for the upcoming Fall Class. I just needed to fill out an application and send a small fee. I asked if he had any other questions and he said there was one: “Do you believe there is a
God?” You would have to know Brother Cobb. He has a great love for God and world missions, and also a great sense of humor. I had met him a few years previously at a First Bible International
conference. Deep in my heart I had known that when the time was right, I would be attending the missionary training school in Bowie, Texas!
Rex and Mary Cobb (director of Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Bowie, Texas)
I shared with my dad these recent events
and where I believed God was directing us. I knew the next difficult task had to be done: I had to present the news to our church. This is where crossing the line of commitment would be made. There
was no turning back, and it had to be done. This first step was to meet with the leadership of our church.
our church
It was a Monday evening, and I began
sharing with them some of the statistics about the unreached and Bible-less peoples. I had already been preaching quite a bit about faith and missions that year, so this came as little surprise, as
Brother Dye would tell me later. I told the men we needed to do more in world missions than what we were already doing. They agreed. Then I said, “How would you feel about sending your own preacher?”
I told them of the recent happenings and how I believed God was calling my family to be foreign missionaries. I shared with them much of the following things that God was doing in my
your calling
I know that it is my calling to be a
missionary…this is who I am. I have friends who love to pastor, and that is what they’ve longed for. In fact, this is the primary requirement to be a pastor… “desire the office”. (I Timothy 3:1) I no
longer desired this work here in America. It was indeed time to go where Christ has not yet been named. I would not want to succeed where God doesn’t want me to be, if it kept me from being in His
perfect will.
My desire and dream to go into missions
had grown and couldn’t be depleted by the challenge of good men who told me I should just stay. I realized, that if is God leading me, no one can stop it. I could take this difficult step knowing in
my own heart this is what God wants.
God equips
us and places us
Now I realize that I have a part in world
missions as I support it financially. However, my heart was moved to be a laborer in the field, rather than only a financier. As God equips each of His children with spiritual gifts, I believe He
also gives us a place to use it. He has given me an insatiable desire to participate in pioneer mission work.
It would be much easier to find a
pastoral replacement in the church here in sunny Florida than for a servant on the foreign field such as Asia. There are more than enough labors doing their part in missions here at home, but who
will go abroad? Perhaps, so many who are to be on foreign fields have listened to the pleas of family and friends to take the more comfortable path and stay home. Therefore we have so few on the
foreign fields where many millions remain without a preacher!
God starts with one step
At this point, I could identify with the
account in Genesis 12, when God led Abraham “to a land that I will show thee.” (Genesis 12:3) All Abraham was supposed to do was to leave his home in Ur and go westward – the direction God had
revealed to him. He soon learned that life is not about a fancy house, the feeling of security, or even catering to family.
For the first five years of our marriage,
these things had been helpful as it allowed Jamie and I to labor together and learn to trust God without much stress. We were blessed to live less than an hour away from both of our parents. We even
were privileged to see our remaining single sisters get married. We also were present for the funerals of some of our Grandparents.
I was aware that my life-long dream of
being a missionary never died; however, I believed that if I suppressed it much longer, I would never be content with being who God made me to be. I would hate to kill this dream, for others in
foreign lands will die as a result, and I from within.
The next
My wife and I had many details to iron
out at this point. Much prayer and preparation lie ahead:
Jamie and I needed to be of one mind which included prayer, surrender, and discussion of details.
We must determine our sending church, and mission board
We needed to apply with BBTI in Texas and prepare to move in August (of 2011).
We must learn about unreached people groups and what God wanted us to do.
We would eventually need to take a survey trip to wherever God was leading us.
When the time was right, we would have to give away and sell our possessions.
When we knew our specific field, we would need to travel to churches to raise prayer and financial support.
We did sell our trailer and the new
owners told us we could stay as long as up to March of the following year if needed! Dr. John Hankins who had pastored another church in the county was now in evangelism. He had previously offered to
help us if needed. He agreed to become the interim pastor at the end of June. In July, we had a yard sale unloading almost all of our earthly possessions. In August, we began our journey to Bowie,
On the way, we stopped at a church in
Georgia, where we met with some friends. The pastor had me come and give a brief testimony and I spoke of the needs of unreached people groups. The church gave us a love offering of $500! This was a
fresh reminder that God would provide and take care of our needs. Our friends we were staying with had car trouble at the time, so we were able to pass the money on to them to help with their
unexpected bills. As we would continue to learn, God provides – sometimes for our own needs, and sometimes so we can help meet the needs of others. Either way, He always takes care of His
The video below is a simple historical overview of how and
where the Gospel has spread throughout the earth.
Chapter 11
Skinning Squirrels to Reach the World?
Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker with children Abby, Jason, and Paul at BBTI in 2011/2012
The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD. – Proverbs
In 2011, the Lord led our family to make the transition from pastoring in Florida to preparing for service in foreign missions. Our first
stop would be moving out to Texas to receive advanced practical training. It is important to remember that preparation time is never wasted time!
God has used BBTI for over 60 years to prepare missionaries!
Upon arrival in Bowie, Texas in early August, we were hit with immediate culture shock. It was literally 115 degrees and all the grass was
dead. We moved into an old house on the property of Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute. This would be one of the greatest years of my life! We attended class with several other families and single
students. Everyone had a heart for missions.
Brother Rex Cobb teaching a class at BBTI in Bowie, Texas
Our teachers gave us a good dose of reality of what we might encounter in a foreign land. We learned the importance of understanding the
culture and learning the language. In some cases, a missionary needs to learn the trade language and a local tribal dialect. It was emphasized that we need to go as students and servants. We learned
phonetics, which is how sounds are made and identified.
The International Phonetic Alphabet was an invaluable tool that would assist us in quickly learning the language without a distracting
accent. We were equipped to enter a village with no written language, hear the natives speak, and write down the various sounds using the IPA. Then other linguists can benefit from using the notes
you have made. The goal is to apply this in areas where no Bible currently exist in the heart language of the people.
Board members and teaching staff of Baptist Bible Translator's Institute
We learned morphology and syntax: the formation of words and sentence structure. Every civilization has order in their language
properties. If you know how to use the keys, it is possible to unlock the doors to learning multiple languages.
We had other classes in Greek, and teaching English. We learned how to develop primers for illiterate societies. An exciting course was
Firm Foundations, put out by New Tribes Mission. We learned how to efficiently teach the Bible stories chronologically from Creation to Christ.
In the mornings, we had class, then work detail in the afternoons. We worked on anything in need of attention, including the houses,
grounds, and automobiles. We also had opportunities to record messages for the weekly radio broadcast, write articles for the quarterly titled Lift Up Your Eyes, and speak in nearby
The quarterly magazine "Lift Up Your Eyes"
During Jungle Week, we learned to catch and kill animals, then prepare and cook them. We learned how to make a fire with a bow drill,
along with flint & magnesium. Other fun projects included making natural shelters and gathering water from trees.
Having fun in the woods during Jungle Camp at BBTI
This training inspired me so much that a few months later when sitting on a pastor friend's porch, a car driving by ran over a squirrel.
My immediate reaction was to retried the fresh road kill, skin it, and bar b-q it to go on the supper table that night! Yes, I am sure our friends thought I had lost my mind!
Skinning a squirrel before BBQ'n it on the grill!
The Breaking Point
The most significant factor of our family going to the foreign field was my wife's surrender. I would not have peace or clear direction
until this occurred. It was during the first semester during our studies when God got a hold of my wife’s heart regarding missions. I’ll let her share her testimony in her own words below.
In 2011, my husband, three kids and I were living in a single-wide mobile home. So when a man knocked on our door, three separate times,
and begged us to sell our home to him, I was excited. I started dreaming of a new house with lots of room for the kids to play. I was already planning the colors to paint each room, and how to
decorate my kitchen. When Luke told me shortly after that he believed God was calling us into missions, and that we needed to move to Texas to attend the missionary training school, I was not
excited. I actually started crying uncontrollably, and didn’t stop for at least three days.
You see, my husband has wanted to be a missionary since he was very young. I however, was not that way. I didn’t have anything against
being a missionary, It was just something I never wanted to do. I have to say, the only reason I moved out to Texas to attend BBTI was because I loved my husband, but for no other reason. When
we moved there, I absolutely hated it—115 degree heat and locust everywhere, not my place of choice. But the real reason I hated it was because of the turmoil going on in my
I knew what Luke wanted to do—be a foreign missionary, but I was not willing to go. I kept praying that God would change Luke’s mind. I
kept telling God what would really be better for our family. I was miserable and scared. Scared, because I knew the same love that made me follow my husband to Texas wasn’t strong enough to take me
halfway across the world and keep me there. I knew something had to happen in my heart, but I didn’t know what, and I didn’t know how to make it happen.
Our family enjoying the blue bonnets in north Texas during our time studying at BBTI
We were at BBTI for a few months when Pastor Fred Schindler came through to speak about the family. He spoke to the class, the missionary
wives especially, about surrender and being able to make it on the mission field. He spoke of how we need to cut the cords from friends and family back in the States - not so we never speak to
anyone, but so that we can go to the field for the long haul. We needed to go without looking back or running home every time something difficult happens. We needed to be able to stand behind our
husbands and do this! I left class early because I couldn’t quit crying.
I went home and got on my face before the Lord and opened His Word. I finally came to a point of surrender. I prayed the hardest prayer
I’ve ever had to pray which was, “Lord, I don’t want you to give me the desire to go to the mission field; I want you to change me so that I want nothing else.” That was the hardest prayer I’ve ever
had to pray because I was afraid of the answer. Immediately, a burden was lifted off my shoulders, and I had peace. I wasn’t ready at that moment to charge off to the jungles of Papua New Guinea, but
I came to a place where I could allow God to work in my heart and truly change me.
Over the next few weeks I really delved into God’s word, sought Him in prayer, and received encouraging words from other missionary wives.
About three weeks later, I was sitting in the front row of a church service while we were singing a familiar hymn, “At the Cross.” God used that song and spoke to my heart. The last verse
“But drops of grief can ne’er repay the debt of love I owe. Here Lord I give myself away 'tis all that I can
It was at that moment that God changed my heart. I have to say He didn’t just give me the desire to go to the mission field, but changed
me so that I wanted nothing else!
I’m realizing more and more that surrender isn’t one big thing for a moment, but many tiny points in our lives where God brings us a
little further out of our comfort zone so that we will trust him a little bit more. Each day has its own challenges. My fears keep arising, and I can think of several excuses of why I shouldn’t go,
and why we would be better off here in the States.
But God has given me a passage of Scripture that truly helps combat all of those fears and excuses. It is written in Isaiah 41:9-13,
“…Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will
uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness…For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”
During our first semester in Texas, I would eagerly look over maps and study people groups in need of the Gospel. I wondered where we
might go as missionaries. I learned about Thailand and how it was a needy place. It is strategically located in South East Asia with freedom for missionaries to enter. There were a number of
missionaries there already and I began to correspond with some. I also knew they had good hospitals, so this would be appealing to Jamie. But God would not give me clear direction until she had come
to a place of full surrender. What a day that was when she finally announced that she was willing to go anywhere God led us.
Where in the world does God want us?
I just couldn’t get peace about Thailand, however. I couldn’t get the Tibetan people out of my mind. I didn’t think there was any way
humanly possible that I could reach them. But I would think, “We could start a Bible school in Thailand and send missionaries into Tibet!” I even told someone, "At some point, I know God will have us
do something to reach the Tibetans."
Nearing Christmas break, we looked at our personal finances. Our bank account was dwindling down and it seemed we couldn’t continue the
whole school year without me getting a job. Before we left to visit family in Florida, we were given several Christmas donations by people, many whom we had never met. Then we saw God provide for our
entire trip home and back through love offerings by churches we visited. I was able to represent the ministry of BBTI at several churches in Florida and tell about our burden for the unreached! We
were even scheduled in churches on the night before Thanksgiving and Christmas Sunday!'
God was about to reveal the next step of where we would eventually serve and who we would work with!
The video below looks at the life of Paul as God led him step by step in His Christian life. This lesson focuses on the importance of teaching others God's
Chapter 12
Following Jesus to the Ends of the Earth
Our family headed out to prepare at the missionary training school BBTI in Bowie, Texas (July, 2011)
A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his
steps. – Proverbs 16:9
In 2011, our family had moved to Bowie, Texas to study at Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute (BBTI). We were
simply taking the next step of preparation for the mission God was leading us toward. While we were obediently in the way in submission to the Lord, He soon would give us more specific direction as
to which country we would go.
While visiting Victory Baptist Church in Sunset, Texas one Wednesday evening, I was looking at the prayer letters
on the wall. One in particular jumped out at me. It was a family working among TIBETANS in the country of Nepal! I had never heard of a missionary to the Tibetan people. I would soon learn that this
family had also studied at BBTI where we currently were attending!
One day, while we were having a break between classes at BBTI, I walked by the office. The director, Dr. Rex Cobb
stopped me and mentioned he had just gotten off the phone with that same missionary. He had been interviewing him for an article in the Lift Up Your Eyes quarterly. He said to me, “This man would be a person you could work with who needs help, as there are multiple languages he
is working with. Many of the Tibetan people groups are without a Bible in their own language.” I thought, “Well, Brother Cobb isn’t the Holy Spirit. Does he really know God’s will for my
Meanwhile, we had become friends with another couple, who were on staff at BBTI. They desired to travel to the
difficult tribes in mountains of China…this would describe many Tibetans. They would definitely be a couple we would love to work with. We also learned about another family wanting to work with the
people in Bhutan. Bhutanese also have many similarities to Tibetans.) It definitely seemed that the Lord was zeroing in on the area where we might work.
An interesting fact when considering the Unreached Peoples of the world is where the majority of the groups are
located. Here is a list of the top five countries hosting the most unreached peoples in the world, according to Joshua Project:
India – 2,218
Pakistan – 461
China – 426
Bangladesh – 369
Nepal – 348
An interesting note is that these countries are clustered together in Asia, with the Himalaya Mountains spanning at
least four of them! I view this vast mountain range as a symbol of Satan’s last stronghold!
A couple months after we had moved to Texas, I had ordered materials on people groups in Asia. One calendar had
pictures of various Tibetan groups. I had cut the pictures out and placed them on our living room wall. From time to time our kids would ask who they were, and I would tell them that they never heard
about Jesus. They would respond with, “Well, we are missionaries, we can tell them!”
Our three oldest children Jason, Abby, and Paul (2014)
A couple more books my father-in-law told me about challenged my thinking once again. One was T4T: Training for Trainers by Ying Kai. This is an account of how multiple churches are quickly started and reproduced. This must
happen with the many Tibetan groups. Another one was about vision from the life of Nehemiah. I am challenged to trust God for the impossible. I believe God wants every tongue, nation, kindred, and
family to know Him (Revelation 7:9)
But they cannot believe unless they have a preacher. Perhaps I can go, or go reach some where I can, who can go to
their home towns. I want to pray and ask God for labourers who will help see churches established in every Tibetan people group, see a believing family in every Tibetan town and village, and a Bible
available in every language group.
Below is a stirring story about missionary James Fraser, who with a prayer band behind him and powerful God in
front of him, saw the Lisu people of China miraculously reached with the Gospel!
God has been preparing me and building my faith through His Word. In the Gospels, Christ spoke about faith that can
remove mountains. Certainly, work among Tibetans is a God-sized task that only He can perform! We simply need to believe God. Also, God has used the preaching of His Word to challenge me to trust in
God. A recent message was preached on Gideon reminding me that God is an expert on doing the impossible with our minimal resources that He may get the glory!
This prayer calendar features several Tibetan groups who live in Nepal.
For a while, we had been researching, contacting missionaries and asking where God wanted us to go as missionaries.
One afternoon while out walking, I asked the Lord, “What do you want me to do? Where do you want us to go? Is it that I don’t know what you want; or do I know, but have not truly surrendered to it?
Then the Tibetans came to mind, and it made sense. We who see the need must sow the seed! I realized that God wanted ME to do something about getting the Gospel to the Tibetan people. However, I knew
it was impossible for me to do anything substantial to reach them. It seemed too hard, and perhaps, I was trusting in what I could do. But then it occurred to me God can do anything. The Lord assured
me, “With me nothing is impossible!” What a huge burden that was removed off my shoulders, knowing that it was God who hath begun this work, and only He could complete it!
The Lord speaks in a still small voice. As a poster on the wall at the BBTI training center states, “Is He not
calling, or am I not listening? In Luke 10:2, Christ directed His disciples to pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into the harvest. Who will respond as Isaiah did and say, “Here am
I Lord, send me”? It will be those who first obey Christ’s command in John 4:35 to “Lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest.”
It was a Sunday night about the middle of February of 2011, when I was getting ready to go to sleep. I had already
told Jamie how I believed God wanted us to work with the family in Nepal. I had emailed and spoken with the missionary there and we already had kindred hearts for the sake of the Gospel. As my wife
and I spoke about the prospect of taking a survey trip – possibly after we finished our classes in May, she had an idea! I had learned by now, that when she has something to say, I better
listen, especially if I don’t want to miss out on a blessing!
She said, why can’t you go visit Nepal during Spring Break? Then we don’t have to have somebody watch our kids. She
was actually willing to follow me to Nepal sight unseen, if that was what God wanted for us! (Read my wife Jamie’s testimony of surrender here.)
I started to get excited. Spring Break was less than a month away. I called the missionary in Nepal the next
day and mentioned I could come for about ten days in March! He said that was actually a really good time of the year to see the country of Nepal and he was already planning a hike into the mountains.
Another Tibetan brother had recently bought a new camera and could shoot lots of footage that I could use for a presentation video.
In no time, I had purchased a round trip plane ticket to Nepal…$1,350 total including insurance. Now remember, we
had no regular income, with the exception of our home church which was supporting us at $100 a month! I figured we had enough in our bank due to our tax return to cover the amount. I found out later,
that it did not. My mom said she couldn’t wait to see how God would provide!
Well, as I would see firsthand, God supplies our needs through the least expected avenues. I had already received
my passport in the mail after we had arrived in Texas. I had applied for it at least three months before that! But God knew when I needed it! Unsolicited, two checks arrived in the mail from Florida
totaling $150 – just enough to cover the money I needed for my immunization shots. Then I found $90 cash one morning on the windshield of our minivan. Another anonymous gift showed up in our
mailbox. A $20 gift came from a lady in Pennsylvania I have never met. This covered the love offering I sent the Fellowship Tract League for the tracts in six languages I had ordered!
For most of our second semester at BBTI, we had been attending a small church in Nocona, Texas. The dear people
there loved us and we became closely attached, especially to Pastor Les Ryan and his family. When they found out we had purchased my plane ticket, he asked how much it had cost me. The following
Sunday morning, he held a brief business meeting after the service; shortly afterward, he announced the good news that they were paying for my plane ticket and handed me a check for $1,350! We could
hardly believe our eyes: God had provided yet again!
Chapter 13
Boots on the ground: My first visit to Nepal
Luke in Qenji, a village
in Langtang, Nepal
And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. – Acts 16:9
It was March of 2012, and we were on Spring break at Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Bowie, Texas. The Lord had been working in my heart to
reach the Tibetan people in Nepal. Now I would finally get to go see this unreached people group for myself! I was excited to be able to visit the land where I believed God was leading our family.
The flight to get there would consist of three different plane rides. My first plane departed from Dallas, Texas and took me to Germany. From there I went to the United Arab Emirates, and finally to
Kathmandu, Nepal. But let this be a lesson – life is not about the destination, but rather the journey getting there. On this nearly 30 hour journey, I met people from over twenty different
countries, many of those in international airports!
I must confess that when I got off the plane for my layover in the Middle East, I felt quite intimidated. Seeing the Muslims in their full dress,
including men in long robes, reminded me I was not in America anymore. In fact, there were prayer rooms with sandals lining the doorways. People were from all over the Middle East. Soon I found
myself sitting and chatting to a man from Pakistan. He said I should come visit his home sometime… “a very beautiful place” he said. That was in spite of the fact he had moved his family to a
different location because of recent bombings. I witnessed to a Muslim cleric who had attended college in California. I could sense some conviction as we spoke about spiritual things and he abruptly
left, leaving behind his cup of coffee and a gift bag! I chased him down and was able to return it to him. Thankfully, I had some Arabic tracts with me to leave with these men I met.
Although the power of Satan is real, the power of
God is greater!
I then went into a large room where long lines of souls awaited to board the planes. Several were actually bowing toward Mecca to say their prayers.
There was a group of about 100 Indonesians taking their annual pilgrimage. How this tore my heart out. As I made my way around to witness to men and ladies from all over, I felt a sense of peace and
confidence overtake me. I realized that though the power of Satan is real, the power of God is greater! It felt like I was conquering this territory for the glory of God! What an awesome experience
it was during that six-hour layover!
An unexpected blessing
When our final plane approached Nepal, an announcement was made over the intercom that we would have to detour to Dhaka, Bangladesh to refuel
because of poor visibility. I wish I could describe the giddy feeling that swept over me as I thought, “The Lord is interrupting everybody else’s plans so I can see Bangladesh after all… and at no
extra charge to me!” Though our stay was brief to refuel the plane, it was a good feeling, knowing that my Father cares for the littlest of details when it comes to our desires. Finally, our plane
was flying parallel to the massive Himalaya Mountains as we made our way to the airport in Kathmandu. I got my visa, and since no one was manning customs, I walked directly outside to find my
missionary friend *John waiting for me. We embraced and loaded my stuff into a cab. I was immediately introduced to the crazy traffic of Kathmandu and the sight of “stray” monkeys roaming the dirty
Packed bus in Kathmandu,
Lodging at a monastery
I was taken to a Buddhist monastery in Boudha where I would lodge in a guest room on the third floor. It was a simple room and had electricity at
nighttime only. Since water also was rationed and available during the day, I made sure to shower and keep a pail of water on hand for after hours. I was so exhausted from the 29 hours of travel that
I crashed on the twin-sized bed. A few hours later, my friend John came and woke me up and took me to his flat where his family lived. There we enjoyed a delicious lasagna supper his wife had made
from scratch. Then they opened a suitcase full of food and candy given by a supporting church I had brought from Texas! They were so excited, as it was like a late Christmas! Afterward, Dawa, a
Christian Tibetan friend, and his brother Pema came over. Pema was a monk at the monastery where I stayed, and oversaw the guest housing. We plotted our trip details on a map of the Langtang area. We
were set to leave out early the next morning. Pema had another monk pick me up to take me back to my sleeping quarters. He arrived on a scooter and I jumped on the back. We whisked between the alleys
and down the dark corridors back to the monastery. My first day in Nepal had been eventful and was coming to a close. But it was just the beginning.
Luke and Pema, our friend who was the Buddhist monk in charge of
the monastery guest house.
Most people in Nepal speak two or three
The next would began at five o’clock in the morning. Awakened out of sleep by my friend John’s voice once again, we hurriedly grabbed my backpack
and ran down the monastic staircase and hopped in the taxi. It was dark outside, and we had to make our way to the northwest part of the city to catch the 7:00 am bus. We navigated traffic
successfully, and boarded the packed bus. I got to sit near the front and was right behind a Tibetan lady. I had seen pictures of their freckled sunburnt faces. Now I was actually seeing a Tibetan
person in real life! I could hardly contain myself! The reality of the language barrier was settling in, for very few people spoke English. Most people there will speak two or three languages! Though
Nepali is the trade language for the country, it is only the first language of half the population of nearly 30 million people! There are over 120 languages spoken in Nepal.
Our bus made its way up the foothills of the Himalayas and soon we were sweeping back and forth along the perilous mountainside. We soon overlooked
the capital city of three million people and vanished into the many valleys and peaks northward. We ascended higher and higher, passing farmers, children, and animals. We drove through many small
villages and numerous makeshift houses that dotted the landscape. Then we stopped in a town where we took a break. There were actually people riding on top of our bus! We went into a restaurant where
you can sit anywhere – even across the table from other diners! Everyone ate the same food which included rice with lentil soup on top (called daal bhat), vegetables in separate metal bowls, and a small portion of meat. Since it was customary to eat with their hands, I dove right in taking in
the full experience getting my hands messy with the hot wet rice!
Surviving the bus ride
After traveling by bus for about nine hours, we had come as far as the road would take us. At one stretch on the road, the road was so narrow and
twisted so sharply, we were literally at a crawling speed tenuously riding the edge of the cliff! I prayed hard, and one of the Tibetans accompanying us vomited. When we arrived safely I felt like
giving the driver a hug! I was both relieved and thrilled to be alive! (Click to see video
for footage of the bus ride!)
Now we were to go on foot. The four of us: John, Dawa, Pema, and I, crossed the long suspension walking bridge in Syabrubesi and started the long
hike into the mountains. We each had a heavy backpack holding our essentials. It was difficult as the air was getting thinner from the high altitude and I was not in shape and a few pounds
The Guest House
After a few hours, we found a Tibetan guest house which was basically a couple extra rooms that was family owned and rented for the night. They
asked us if we wanted a hot shower or a cold shower. I told them I wanted a hot shower. Several minutes later I had to smile to myself when a girl handed me a 5 gallon bucket with warm water that had
just been heated over the fire! She pointed me to a small room made of concrete blocks which would be my shower room. Scooping water out to bathe was a new challenge that I would learn to master.
After cleaning up, our group gathered in the kitchen/dining area where the host family prepared food over an adobe stove. We sat around the fire and sipped our hot tea. Exhausted, we ate our
delicious food, had devotions, then hit the hay for much needed sleep.
The next day proved more strenuous yet, as we would hike for about twelve hours and only stopping to break for meals. We made it to Qenji about
12,000 ft. above sea level. At night, John and I sat for about two hours witnessing to a couple from Germany. They had many questions about our faith in God and we took turns telling stories how God
had answered our prayers. Later, I received an email from one of the German travelers saying, “I know you are missionaries to Tibetans, but we are unreached too!”
On our final day in Langtang, we passed a field of farmers where a man held a wooden plow and trailed his oxen. In the distance behind him was a
lady holding a basket, broadcasting the seed. This was a perfect illustration of the Seed and the Sower. Sadly, there are few willing sowers to reach the Tibetan people. But a greater challenge yet
is the fact that there is so little Seed available to be sown. Many Tibetan languages are so different and have little or no translation of the Bible in their dialect yet!
After taking many pictures with the backdrop of the snow-capped Himalayan mountains, we made our way back down the mountain. We gazed at the myriad
of colorful prayer flags that the people draped outside their homes. They believe these written prayers blowing in the wind will appease the evil spirits and bring a blessing on their crops. Prayer
wheels and prayers inscribed on stones reminded us of the superstitions that dominated the lives of these precious people.
When we got back to civilization, we arranged to take a Land Rover back down the mountain. This was such a relief, as the large buses hugged the
steep sides of the mountain roads. At one turn, there had been wash-outs making the bus rock back and forth. Then there was barely enough room to pass other on-coming vehicles. I had asked the Lord
to put his hand on the side of the bus and protect us! Now we were enjoying our ride downward in a much smaller, and more reliable vehicle. I began to think that I might actually survive my survey
trip after all!
Plowing the fields with oxen
The four of us laughed and retold the stories of our expedition as we proceeded downward. At one point, our driver let us get out where a man was
plowing his rice field. He waved for me to come join him. So I took off my socks and shoes, rolled up my pant legs and ventured into the mud up to my calves. He gave me the reigns to his plow, and I
held on for dear life as the oxen pulled the wooden plow and me along with it!
Tamang woman on her way
to plow the fields in Nepal
Now when you encounter new circumstances, you can either embrace the moment along with the differences and challenges; or you can complain and
choose to be miserable. I highly recommend the first option! I fully expected things to be different in Nepal than America and knew it was not all going to be suited to my taste and comforts. But I
could and would choose to still enjoy myself!
When we finally made it back to the city, we four guys celebrated by going to Pizza Hut! After that we got some ice cream. The guys teased me
mercilessly about my overuse of the word “Wow!”, for that was my continual response of the endless views of the mountains and rivers and every new experience… “Wow!”
Indeed, my affection for this land and people was growing. Yet I had only been there for five days! I had the privilege of attending the church
service and hearing Brother John teach a Bible class in Nepali. I sang a song with Dawa’s guitar and preached with him interpreting into the Nepali language. I spoke from the Psalms that teach us how
God is a Father to the fatherless. It was my desire to encourage this young group, as some of the believers there had grown up in a children’s home and were distant from their biological parents.
Most were the only Christian in their entire family!
My true highlight was still yet to occur!
Brother John took me to meet my first Amdo Tibetan. (Amdo is a region in Tibet and is the group that the Dalai Lama is from.) He was a language
helper to Brother John, and he welcomed us to sit in his little room. He was quite friendly and told us how he had come to teach Mandarin Chinese in the University.
After that, we made our way through the tiny shops that lined the narrow streets. I was introduced to Wangchup, a rare Tibetan Dolpo believer. He
had been led to the Lord years ago by a Christian he had met in a restaurant. He loves the Lord and even had some Tibetan literature in his small shop. He showed it to me and it looked like a story
about the life and Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then he proceeded to tell me that many of the words are unintelligible, coming across as an insult to Tibetans. For instance, the word for God is another word for “Buddha”. The word for sin means “bad karma”. So in
the minds of Tibetans, it’s propaganda for another sect of Buddhism. Especially disturbing is the suggestion that this “Buddha God” had a son. Buddha had never been married, so how was that
Luke with an Amdo Tibetan
“Did I just have my Macedonian vision?”
Wangchup pleaded with us to pray that somebody would come help translate the Christian terms properly so his people could have an intelligible Bible
and reach them with the Gospel. As we walked away, I thought, “Did I just have my Macedonian Vision?” For essentially, he was pleading, “Come over and help us.”
Soon after, I read the verse in Proverbs 3:27, “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due,
when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.” Indeed, this was the reason God had us preparing to work with unreached peoples at Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute. God had revealed where we might reach Tibetans – in Nepal! Plus, we had Brother John’s family to work
I remember standing on the roof of the monastery where I was staying. Early in the morning, I could hear the sounds of deep gargled voices reciting
Tibetan Buddhist mantras. As the fog began to lift, the people were starting to move about – some ladies sweeping the pavement below and motorcycles making their way between the buildings on the
narrow lanes. Overlooking the Stupa and flats of several old buildings, I pondered what my future held in seeking to make a difference in this religious, but spiritually barren area of the world.
Indeed, the incense, prayer flags, prayer beads, and spinning prayer wheels remind me that there is not a need for more religion and rituals. The Buddhist people are kind and hospitable, speaking
much about peace and goodness. They want to abandon evil and do good. I thought, “What do I have to offer that they don’t already have?”
The Boudhanath Stupa
(Buddhist shrine) in Nepal
On the other hand, the underlying roots of Tibetan Buddhist practices are demonic which permeate the people’s lives with fear. Festivals are
regularly held to appease deities and bring cleansing to the people. They know they have done wrong and seek to atone for it. Politically, the Tibetan people have been oppressed for over sixty years
by China. At least twenty-two ethnic Tibetan groups have fled for refuge here in this neighboring country. But the people remain without hope and will continue as long as the majority of the 100
Tibetan groups speaking over sixty different languages have very little Bible translated into their languages.
“To reach Tibetans is like going into a cave and
robbing a lioness of her whelps.” – Hudson Taylor, Missionary to China
I wondered if I may be able to come back – and if I do, how can I make a difference? Many missionaries have already given their lives to reach these
people and some have been killed. Hudson Taylor stated over a hundred years ago, that “to reach Tibetans is like going into a cave and robbing a lioness of her whelps.” Outsiders are forbidden in
most Tibetan areas, but God still wants someone to go. But the Lord had opened a door to reach them in Nepal!
Officially on deputation!
When I arrived back to Texas on Tuesday, March 26th, 2012, I had clear direction ahead of me. The very next evening, I was scheduled to conclude a mission’s conference in the area. That weekend, our family was in
another conference. Both churches took us on for support! We were officially on deputation!
Months later, my wife Jamie went with my cousin Janelle to visit Nepal. This was helpful for her to get to know the missionary family and learn a
little about the country firsthand. This also allowed her to know how to pack for our family to live in Nepal.
Jamie in Kathmandu with
many colorful prayer flags in the backdrop
*For security purposes, I have used the name of John to refer to my missionary
friend who assisted me on my survey trip. Watch the video below to see some pictures and video clips from my survey trip to Nepal.
Chapter 14
The Deputation Ministry of the Missionary
Our family while on deputation.
Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and
receiving, but ye only. For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity. Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account. –
Philippians 4:15-16
Following the New Testament pattern
God had directed our family to serve as missionaries in Nepal! Now that we had a destination, we had a lot of work ahead of us and many decisions to make in preparation
for the move. Our home church would be Bethel Baptist Church of Lake Placid (now Highlands Baptist Church) where I had previously pastored. I considered it to be consistent with the Biblical pattern
as Paul and Barnabas were sent from Antioch, a church they both ministered in before going on their missionary journeys. Plus, we could be a help financially to them with our tithes and
Choosing a mission board
Our home church proved to be a great blessing to us by supporting us with faithful prayer, love, and meeting our financial needs. They even bought new tires for our
family van before we moved out to Texas for advanced missionary training at Baptist Bible Translator's Institute. Another big decision was which mission board we would partner with. I had learned
about Word for the World Baptist Ministries and was impressed by their position on the local church. They specialize in aiding missionaries and assisting churches in handling finances. They don’t
even require us to give the office a penny, as they also operate by faith and support of others. They have a good board of pastors and evangelists, and there are many Godly veteran missionaries
available who were a help to us.
Our prayer card while on deputation (2013)
Missionary "pre-field" ministry
We began the process of ordering prayer cards, compiling footage to record our presentation DVD, and order our table materials for deputation. My wife Jamie designed
all our literature and did a great job on our video. I began making phone calls and scheduling churches to present our work in. Since we had no house to go back to after we finished our schooling in
Texas, there was great motivation to keep a full schedule.
At our graduation from Baptist Bible Translator's Institute in May of 2012, we had a guest speaker from Waco, Texas. The pastor told me his son had wanted to be a
missionary to the Tibetans in Nepal since he was a young teenager. We definitely had some common ground right off! (His son is currently working in Asia!)
The pastor and his wife from Texas visiting with us in Nepal.
We soon were packing up to hit the road. Our first meeting was in Ohio with our friends the Gee family. While sitting on the their front porch overlooking Main Street,
I witnessed a hit and run. A car had hit the poor thing, killing it on impact as he was running across the road. Then a thought hit me, “That dead squirrel is fresh meat!” The skills acquired at BBTI
during Jungle Week came in handy. Now, I got to try them out with this squirrel. I took a dull knife and sliced it down the belly and basically ripped the skin off its back. I took the four meaty
legs and seasoned it before firing up the BBQ grill. That night, we ate roasted squirrel along with the cuisine our friends had prepared.
Missionary Candidate School
In June of 2012, we attended the Candidate School with Word for the World Baptist Ministries in Rossville, Georgia. What
a time of encouragement it was to hear lots of good preaching and hear from preachers and veteran missionaries. The meetings began on Monday morning and ended on Friday afternoon. Morning and evening
we had services with the orientation during the afternoons. We were given a lot of helpful information about deputation and preparation for the field; along with correspondence and handling of funds.
Brother Rudy Stembridge proved to be a huge help with his assistance in the office. Thursday morning, my wife and I were questioned by the board of directors. Their only concern was that we were not
raising enough monthly support and recommended that we increase it so we have a buffer should some churches come to the place where they are not able to support us. We were grateful to be welcomed
into the missionary family!
God provides unexpectedly
Deputation was a tremendous blessing and encouragement to us. We travelled thousands of miles to hundreds of churches seeking to raise awareness of the need to reach
the Tibetan people. Many churches and families committed to partner with us to pray faithfully and give monthly so we could live overseas and preach the Gospel of Christ.
God took wonderful care of us! One time while traveling to Houston, Texas for a meeting on a Sunday night, we stopped in a church near San Antonio for their morning
service. We had almost no money at the time. On the way, we passed a car where a couple young ladies were on the side of the road trying to change their flat tire. We stopped and helped them and they
insisted that we take $20 for helping them! When we finally arrived at the church, we were late. Sunday school was already taking place, so our family just waited in the foyer. The pastor happened to
come by and I introduced myself to him. He told me that he had no voice that morning and asked if I would preach the morning message! Gladly I accepted, and had the privilege to preach to about 300
people. Afterward, I was given a check for $500! God would take care of us.
You can't out-give God
I have always been a believer in giving to missions ourselves. One mission conference we were at was in Ohio. Brother Robbie Morrison preached about giving a birthday
gift to Jesus, as Christmas was nearing. I decided to give $500 to the missionary family we would be serving with in Nepal. Little did I know, but God would bless that and double it in return!
Shortly after that took place we were in Georgia. One place we loved to visit, as we traveled the country, was Goodwill stores! We were constantly looking for clothes
that we could pack and take to the field with us. One Goodwill in Atlanta, Georgia had a basketball nicely encased in a plastic stand and was half price. It had the autographs of the Hawks basketball
team. I knew it was worth around $300. I paid only $50 because it was on sale! I figured I could resell it. We went to visit my wife's Uncle Steve who is in the Atlanta area and a huge sports'
memorabilia collector. I wanted to ask him about how to get it authenticated for reselling. He asked to look at it and said he wanted a neat gift to give his sons for Christmas. He pulled out ten
$100 bills and asked if that was enough! I was dumbfounded but happy to sell!
Children can get involved too
The children at a church in Ohio had collected a love offering and gave us about $260! I was overwhelmed, and knew we had to do something special with the children’s
money. So I called our mission board and informed them we needed to start a fund with money given by kids to reach Tibetan kids. The project was called “Hope for the Himalayas”. We used the funds to
buy flannel graph for teaching. We would use the funds also for needed outreach projects and Gospel literature.
But there is another story that must be told here. A few months earlier, I had met a nine-year old boy named Cody in Virginia. Cody took a great interest in our family
and ministry to Nepal. He put our prayer card in his top drawer and has never forgotten us. In fact, he supported us with a dollar each month and increased that to $5 a month! When we received the
first dollar, I knew God had something special in mind. I was reminded of the widow's mite which Christ recognized as a truly sacrificial offering. I believe his dollar was a seed of faith that God
blessed and multiplied. We had at least $20,000 donated to the Hope for the Himalayas fund over the years, especially after the big earthquake in 2015. Watch below as I speak with Cody about giving
to missions!
A child shall lead them
But this wasn’t the end of what God was doing in Cody’s life. A few months after he started supporting us, he called and told me that he had surrendered his life to
serve God. He preached in a Master’s Club competition on “Why we should support missions”. He came in first place and got to preach the message to his church. Then he approached his pastor and asked
if their church was already supporting the Knickerbocker family. The pastor told him “No.” Cody told him that he really thought they should. Well a few months passed and the pastor pulled Cody aside
and informed him that the deacons had met and took our family on for monthly support! Little is much when God is in it! Don’t ever underestimate what God will do through you. As Jesus said, “Be it
unto you, according to thy faith.
Cody is graduating from Pensacola Christian College in May, 2024 and has a heart to serve as an assistant pastor and possibly pastor a Spanish-speaking church one day!
What a blessing to see God use young people.
My wife's influence
After supporting our family for several years, one pastor told me that the reason their church took us on for support was because of my wife's testimony! She was so
candid and heartfelt, and it really touched his heart.
God really used my wife to help another couple while we were at a mission’s conference in Florida. After the service, I spoke with a young man who believed God wanted
him in evangelism. His father was an evangelist and he was struggling with the call. His wife was actually having difficulty with surrender. My wife’s testimony that night greatly helped her. A few months later, we were at a mission’s conference in New
York and this young man’s dad happened to be the main speaker. He told us that his son had called him into evangelism that night. He and his wife had sat in the car crying, talking about the
possibility of making a move into evangelism. That summer, they left to assist a college traveling group!
While we were up North, the missionary family in Nepal that we were friends with had come to America on furlough. We got to meet up with them in New York. Since I had
gone on our survey trip to Nepal alone, the rest of my family had yet to meet them. We got to spend Memorial Day weekend together. Jamie and *Shirley hit it off great together! Our kids are similar
ages and we all enjoyed good fellowship.
Helping one another
A few months later, both of our families were scheduled to be in Texas. Since we were near them, we visited with John and Shirley at a conference they were in. The
pastor let us stay at his house and let us set up our display table at their church. They took both of our families on for monthly support! The following week, we were scheduled to be in another
mission conference in Waco, Texas. John and Shirley told us their schedule was open. A family had an extra room for them to stay in and the pastor had Brother John present his work and preach too! We
were all taken on for support there! What fun it is to be able to help one another.
In February of 2013, my wife had the opportunity to visit Nepal with my cousin Janelle. The missionary family had just returned to the field and my wife wanted to go
see the country. Jamie prayed for $1,000 tickets and found them nearly that price! She was able to price household items and know what to pack from a mother’s perspective. Meanwhile, I was able to
keep up with meetings in Texas!
My cousin Janelle with my wife Jamie on their visit to Nepal.
Unforeseen trials
Deputation definitely came with its challenges. Not having a consistent schedule and a permanent house can be a strain on the family. In March of 2013, we were in about
thirty meetings, and travelled from Texas to New York, on to Florida, and ended up in Michigan! We also had a miscarriage during this month of March Madness! Another tough month was “Suicide
September” of the same year, when we were in a different state each of the five Sundays. My wife got sick and we found out we had another miscarriage. But this time she was sixteen weeks along and
the baby had been dead for nearly half that time. But we found that God’s grace is sufficient no matter what we go through!
Deputation is ministry. It is what you make it. If you go to a church with the mindset to encourage people and the pastor, it will be quite rewarding. We got to be
involved with Vacation Bible Schools, parades, door-knocking, teaching classes, singing, and preaching as needed. We were privileged to meet some of the greatest servants of the Lord and see God's
work in so many places around the United States.
Five supporters from one conference
We were blessed in many ways financially. Another church in Ohio had us in for a mission's conference. They had a guest preacher from North Carolina. We ended up
leaving with five new monthly supporters from the one conference! Not only did the church commit to support us, but the guest preacher invited us to come to his church and another sister church of
their in North Carolina, which resulted in two more supporting churches. Also, another missionary family who was in the conference started supporting our ministry! While we were at the church, we
went door-knocking for another new church plant in the area. That church had us return to present our work and also took us on for support! In fact, while we were door-knocking for that church, we
met a Christian who was so interested in our ministry, they gave us a $100 to help!
So many precious families took us into their homes, and we made dear friends who would faithfully hold the rope in prayer for us over the next several years. We made
friends with the Repaskeys at Southside Baptist Church in Tampa, Florida (currently our home church). Debby is an E.R. doctor and she was a life line for us while we were in Nepal. Many times we
would contact her when we had questions about someone who was sick or injured.
I am grateful for all the people we were able to meet and challenge regarding the need for missions. Deputation is also referred to as "pre-field ministry" and
certainly was a blessing to us. After about two years of traveling to churches from the east coast to mid-west (and Alaska), we were ready to pack our suitcases and make the move to Nepal. My wife
especially looked forward to the day she could settle in her own house!
Chapter 15
Final Preparations before Moving Overseas
Our family shortly after arriving on the mission field (Kathmandu, Nepal in 2014)
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. – II Timothy 3:17
The words "throughly furnished" from this verse simply mean "fully equipped". As Christian servants, we must constantly make the investment to be useful and profitable
unto every good work. As time drew near for our departure to Nepal, I felt the increasing need to be more rounded in the area of preparation. I knew that it is impossible to know everything about
every subject, but some things are essential.
Medical Intensive Course
One area I learned that I could get some training in was in medicine. I was able to attend a two-week medical course through Equip International. In the summer of 2013, I flew to Vancouver, Canada and was taught a variety of skills. In the event that there is no doctor, there are
some useful medical skills to know. Some areas we were taught included how to suture, set casts, deliver babies, treat burns, diagnose symptoms, and treat diseases. We had forty case studies which
helped us implement our knowledge in a practical sense. We had to examine the results of a physical exam, and determine what was the problem and how to treat it. We used two manuals developed by a
missionary in Africa giving us simple instructions how to do this anywhere in a third world country! If this knowledge can help take care of my family or give assistance in an emergency, it is
Clown School
Another area that I considered would be helpful in getting fully equipped was on the more humorous side. I got to attend a three-day clown school in Lake Placid,
Florida. Some would say I am already a clown, and with my training with Neighborhood Bible Time, I already had a passion for working with kids and enjoy juggling and making balloon animals. At the
clown school, we were given further skills to work on, such as how to paint our faces, and do skits. I have even added riding the unicycle to my skill set!
Just like the intensive medical class, I was given a certificate from the clown school. When it comes to
gaining favorwith the government, certificates can help. I had read an article how the embassy of Israel brought over a clown to Nepal who went in an hospital in Kathmandu and received
a warm reception. He taught the doctors and nurses the benefits of cheering up the patients and how it improves their time of recovery. Basically, the principle of Proverbs which states:: "A merry
heart doeth good like a medicine!" They invited him back because it was so popular.
Balloons to Baptism
You never know what doors God may open to reach others. Making animal balloons has provided us with many opportunities to share the Gospel with others. One time I was
at a hospital in Kathmandu with another Christian friend. While he was getting his knee looked at by the doctor, I went to the children's ward and gave out animal balloons. There I met a young girl
named Sristi who was about ten years old along with her father. I invited them to church and she showed up with her brother and cousin.
Over time, we met more of their extended family. One day, I received a call from another family member who is a Christian. Bikash was a young man who attended church
and asked if I could visit his uncle who lived near me. His Uncle Pramud was a drunk and had not slept in three days! My missionary friend and I went to visit this family. They came to church a few
days later and Pramud's wife Gita and her mother both trusted Christ as their Saviour! They were baptized soon afterward. Over the years, they have been faithful to church and now their sons are
serving the Lord as well!
The preparations for moving internationally are numerous, especially if you have a family and are going long term. Here are some other areas to consider:
Going to a faraway land affects many people that you love, especially your family. It is wise to give ample time for your wife and kids to be prepared emotionally. God
has greatly helped us in this area, and we had time to spend with both families before departing for the field. I am glad both sides of our families were 100% supportive with what we were doing. But
they too must pay a cost for our decision to serve the Lord. We must be considerate of how this affects them as well as our immediate family. Don’t overlook this area in your haste to get to the
field. Even when we were on the field, we would take the opportunity to Skype or FaceTime with family. Both of our parents were able to come visit us while we were on the field!
My wife's family visiting us in Nepal
Something else we had to think about when leaving for Nepal was the climate. We knew we would need to learn the language and culture upon arrival. But the weather may
be a factor when first getting there. Since there is no insulation in the houses and the heating devices are not quite adequate, we know that December through early February is the coldest time in
the region where we would be living. Going mid-February will work well, and I wanted to make sure the first impression wasn’t going to make my wife and kids miserable.
We know culture shock is inevitable. Not being understood and eating different foods, will be just the beginning. I am glad for the training at Baptist Bible Translator's Institute which prepared us for the reality of the hardships we would face. I have heard that many missionaries who
leave the field within a couple years of arriving is a result of the culture shock and depression. The linguistic training was invaluable! Learning how to pronounce different sounds in a new language
greatly helped us to be able to speak without a distracting accent.
There are so many things to consider when it comes to finances. We figured we needed a certain amount to live in Nepal. Then our mission board suggested even more above
that! It’s a wise thing that we didn’t try to cut ourselves short, because some unexpected bills came up. We would be “self-employed”, so we had to pay 15% of our income in taxes! For visa purposes,
the government required that we show a minimum balance in our Nepali bank account, usually around $12,000! Our health insurance required $3,000 up front!
You need to be out of debt before leaving for the field!
Then we had to purchase school books for a few years in advance - lots of money to say the least. Of course, we had to buy plane tickets and furnish our house upon
arrival. Not only do you need to budget, but you should start saving now. Thankfully, we were able to save over half of our support money while on deputation, and live mostly off of our love
offerings. It should go without saying, you need to be out of debt before leaving for the field!
Life on the road during deputation before moving abroad.
We had to get some immunization shots before departing for the field, which is normal for most areas of the world. Depending on where you may go, you might have to ship
belongings in containers for your house and the ministry. For us, we just took what we could on the airplane. That included mostly clothes, some decorations, utensils, blankets, and books. We were
able to purchase furniture and other essentials once we arrived, so we set aside $8,000 for start-up costs.
“Only one out of every 100 Christians has the youth, the health, and the Bible training to be a foreign missionary.” - Dr. Viggo Olsen
This is a good place to mention that it would do you well to be physically in the best shape possible! We had to walk a lot more in a third world country than in
America, and it wasn't flat in Nepal like in Florida! We had to adjust to a different diet and lifestyle altogether. Having a strong and healthy body will only make the transition that much easier.
God can certainly use us in spite of our limitations, but He won’t bless laziness and sloppiness! I remember going on my survey trip, I had to travel on little sleep, then hike for long hours,
pushing my body to its limits. I am grateful that I was able to keep up. You will be limited in what you can do and where you can go if you are not physically disciplined.
Dr. Viggo Olsen said, in the book Daktar: Diplomat to Bangladesh, “Only one out of every 100 Christians has the youth, the health, and the Bible training to be a
foreign missionary.”
This would be the most obvious, but may be the easiest neglected area of preparation. As each day is preoccupied with “spiritual activity” and the work of the Lord, it
is easy to overlook your walk with God. Serving God is no substitute for spending time with God. I am realizing more and more how I need to draw near to God, for soon all I will have is God Himself!
Along with daily Bible reading, I have enjoyed reading Oswald Chambers' devotional, “My Utmost for His Highest”. Also, a daily guide to help me continue to learn about the unreached peoples in Asia
is a prayer guide for Peoples
of the Buddhist World by Paul Hattaway.
Serving God is no substitute for spending time with God
Our home church gave a wonderful send-off service. It was thrilling to have my own dad preach the commissioning message and be sent with the blessing of the church I
had previously pastored. We anticipated that reality would set in after the excitement of traveling and settling into our new home wore off. The verse in Psalm 126:5 took on new meaning for me, “They
that sow in tears shall reap in joy.” The next verse says, “He that goeth forth and weepeth…”
The point is, we would be going to a barren field to cultivate, plant, and water. We believed God would give the increase as we would obey and sow His Word. Yet,
Scripture declares that we must sow in tears. Difficulty and hardship is to be expected. Rejection and oppression is sure to be encountered. But God expects his servants to be faithful. Weeping may
endure for a season, but joy cometh in the morning. I simply wanted to remain faithful because of God’s promise of reaping and rejoicing! But to endure hardness requires adequate preparation.
Our commissioning service two days before we left for Nepal.
Chapter 16
The Fourth Quarter of World Evangelism
“so that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, I have fully preached the gospel of
Christ”. – Romans 14:19b
The Apostle Paul declares that his missionary travels took him from Israel westward to Europe. His desire was to preach the gospel where Christ had
not been named. From the time of the early churches in the first century until now, God’s word and work have been advancing. God has even used persecution for the furtherance of the Gospel!
I want to extend a personal challenge to continue to get more informed and involved in world evangelism. We live in a day where we see the sun
setting in regards to our time here on earth. Jesus said, “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few.” (Luke 10:2a) Why are there so few workers in the fields?
Perhaps, the labourers are few, because the worshippers are few. Those who are in love with Christ will certainly love their neighbor and the
stranger because God loves them. But what impact can we make in this world? What needs still exist? Let us see what has been accomplished in early church history at the inception of world evangelism,
then we may evaluate the task that remains for us today.
4th Quarter” of Missions
When Jesus gave his disciples the Great Command to “Go preach the gospel to every creature”, the time clock of world missions began ticking. Since
that time, dedicated Christians have travelled, preached, discipled believers, organized churches, and reproduced the process. Bible translation has occurred in numerous languages, and thousands of
martyrs have shed their blood for the cause of Christ. But with all the triumphs and blessings from the past to the present, we still have the most important work ahead of us.
In any sporting event, players must be unified and disciplined to fulfill the vision of the coaching staff. Everyone, from the starters to the
substitutes, must fulfill their role throughout the duration of the game. As important as it is to score throughout the first three quarters, it is critical that the team stays focused until the end
of the fourth quarter. To let up in the end due to fatigue or mere laziness will undermine the cause of victory.
In Acts 1:8, Christ told his followers
that when they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they would be witnesses both in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. In Acts 8:1, persecution moved the saints out of
their comfort zones. At this point, the Gospel had already spread from Jerusalem, throughout Judea, and into Samaria. We will divide the progress of the spreading of Christianity to the uttermost
parts into four quarters.
The 1st Quarter
Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, went
westward with Barnabas from Antioch, which is modern day Syria, to the regions beyond. He made his way into modern day Turkey, Greece, and died in Rome, Italy. But the Gospel had now spread to
As we understand the movement of
Christianity in a westward direction, several things stand out. We find that as missionaries went into foreign nations, they encountered different language groups. As the Word of God was preached
throughout Europe in the 1300’s onward, the Bible began to be translated into the heart languages of the people: such as in German, French, Spanish, English, etc.
The result of the Bible in the hands of
the common man is powerful! Revival would break out and as a result, missionary enterprise. But there is always sure to be opposition when the Gospel is preached. Persecution from the world is to be
expected when God is changing lives. This is exactly what happened. During the time of the Reformation, Anabaptists along with other groups were persecuted. Puritans, Huguenots, and others fled to
the New World seeking an opportunity to freely worship God. Again, persecution led to the furtherance of the Gospel!
The 2nd Quarter
When the pilgrims arrived in America,
they met the Native Americans. One pastor in New England named John Eliot had come from England. He had a burden for the Algonquin Indians and began to learn their language. He created an alphabet
and devoloped a dictionary. He went on to translate the Bible into their language and saw many saved and baptized. He started at least four churches. As a note of interest, this Native American Bible
was the first Bible printed on American soil! (For the first one hundred years, English Bibles were printed and shipped from England.)
We know of the great missionaries sent
from England and other European countries during the 1700’s and 1800’s, like William Carey and Eric Liddell. William Carey labored over seven years before seeing his first convert. But he was
laying a proper foundation as a pioneer missionary. He was busy translating the Bible into the Indian languages. In time, thousands would be converted and baptized!
IIAs a result of the Christian prominence
and influence in America, many great missionaries have been sent throughout the world. Men like Adoniram Judson, David Livingstone, and Jim Elliot have blazed trails to new frontiers of the harvest.
Africa and South America have been greatly influenced, and many countries there are considered Christian now! But in more recent years, we know that the glorious light of the Gospel has been directed
further westward in Eastern Asia. America is slowly being lost in the shadows. In 1950, we had approximately 100,000 foreign Christian missionaries. Today, the number is greatly reduced to about
In colonial America, God moved through
Bible preachers like Jonathan Edwards to spark the Great Awakenings. Thousands were converted! As a result of the Christian prominence and influence in America, many great missionaries were sent
throughout the world. Men like Adoniram Judson, David Livingstone, and Jim Elliot have blazed trails to new frontiers of the harvest. Africa and South America have been greatly influenced, and many
countries there are considered Christian now!
But in more recent years, we know that
the glorious light of the Gospel has been shining westward in Eastern Asia. America is slowly being lost in the shadows. In 1950, America had approximately 100,000 foreign Christian missionaries.
Today, the number is greatly reduced to about 29,000!
The 3rd Quarter
Our attention must be drawn to the
movement of God in Latin America and Asia. Many missionaries from Central and South America are going into Muslim countries where it is difficult for white Americans to go. Amazing numbers of
believers are being reported in the Philippines, China, and South Korea. In fact, there are more missionaries being sent out of each of these countries than America. They can’t keep up with the need
for Bibles and teachers in some areas! Many of these countries are now focusing on the remaining fields for harvest. Yes, the Gospel is still on the move…and it is westward!
The 4th Quarter
Let us examine the gap that remains
between far Eastern Asia back to Israel where the Gospel began. Much of this area is referred to by missiologists as the 10×40 window. This is the land between the tenth parallel and the fortieth
parallel above the equator. Spanning from Northern Africa across the Middle East to Asia, we find the most needy areas to be reached. Some staggering statistics include:
2/3 of the World’s population
97% of unreached people groups
The majority of the 3,000 Bible-less languages
Countries with the most severe poverty and persecution
Birthplace of the world’s major false religions including Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism
Only 8% of our missionaries are sent here
Less than 1% of our missions money is invested here
The movement of God seems to be directed
toward Jerusalem, where we know Christ will one day establish his throne to reign during the Millennium. We must remember that according to prophecy recorded in Revelation, there will be people from
every tribe, nation, kindred, and tongue (language) that will be around God’s throne giving the worship due his name!
We must not drop the ball in the final
quarter of world missions! Churches and missionaries alike must double our efforts and evaluate what we are doing and where we are going. May we have churches and individuals willing to go where no
one else is willing to go – to the unreached, and do what few others are willing to do: translate and teach God’s Word.
May the Lord challenge you to prepare
yourself and be fully equipped to do whatever He asks of you. He will enable you and lead you as you remain surrendered and abiding in His Word. Let your life be given to what really matters – the
Glory of God. Let God prepare you so that you can give Him your all.
Chapter 17
Why should I go on a Mission Trip?
Headed to Brazil on a Mission Trip (March, 2024)
Have you ever visited another country? According to a Pew Research survey, 76% of Americans have travelled internationally. But according to Barna
research, only 11% of all churchgoers have been on a short-term mission trip. The good news is that 23% of evangelical Christians have reportedly been on a mission trip. Perhaps, you have never
considered going abroad for a week or month to serve alongside a foreign missionary. I want to share some reasons why you should prayerfully get out a map and start dusting off your suitcase.
My first mission trip
When I was twelve years old, my family drove from Florida to El Paso, Texas where we visited missionaries that had a church plant across the border
in Juarez, Mexico. It impacted me to see how the missionaries lived and ministered. I found that there were simple things they did in ministry that I could replicate back home. We learned to give out
gospel tracts and say in Spanish, “Esto es para usted.” This meant “This is something for you.”
Soon after this trip, I started learning to play the guitar and got accompanied the music for our Spanish services in our church. I gave out gospel
tracts in English and Spanish. I was understanding that when God said that He loves the world, that includes all language groups! I even thought that perhaps the Lord may one day want me to be a
missionary in Mexico!
God shaped my life through
mission trips
As I got older, I surrendered to be a missionary at teen camp. At age 17, my older sister Lori and I went to Ecuador to visit a missionary family
for almost three weeks! I learned that missionaries are common people but live in a very different setting and must adapt to a new culture. There are extra challenges, but the joy of serving the Lord
in a needy place is incomparable!
God used these experiences to shape me and prepare me for missionary life in Asia. When my family served in Nepal, we had a few single adults from
America come spend a month to three months with us assisting us with homeschooling, children’s ministry, and wherever else we needed. It was such an encouragement to my wife and I!
When other family or friends would visit us, I felt as though they now shared part of the burden we carried. They had experienced for themselves the
strange sights, sounds, and smells that surrounded us. They now could put a face and personality with names we had written about in our prayer letters. They could truly understand somewhat the
challenges that we faced linguistically and in ministry among Hindus and Buddhists. They now had an up close and personal glimpse into the spiritual oppression and darkness that we were striving to
penetrate with the Gospel light.
Jesus commands us to
The greatest motivation for the Christian to follow the commands of Jesus Christ is love. He said to his followers, “If you love me, keep my
commandments.” He has commissioned us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. There are now over eight billion people living on earth. It is impossible to preach to someone
you never go and meet personally.
“Lift up your eyes and look on the fields,” are the words our Lord Jesus spoke to his disciples. A mission trip is the best way to get your eyes off
of the routine of your own life and community and see the fields ready for the harvest. To have a vision from God’s perspective requires that you look up. Other people’s pictures, videos, and stories
are no substitute for experiencing other countries and cultures firsthand for yourself.
A trip for David had an
incredible outcome
We all are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. We know that David overcame all odds and defeated the giant “that all the earth may know
that there is a God in Israel.” (I Samuel 17:46) But the events that led to this showdown may be less familiar. David had been watching his father’s sheep in Bethlehem while his three eldest brothers
were with the Israeli armies camped in opposition to the Philistines. Jesse, David’s father, called him to take some food to his brothers and check on their welfare. He obediently went to his
brethren on the battle front and saw firsthand the giant Goliath mocking his God. He took the insults personally and queried who was going to stand up to him. No one, including King Saul, was up to
the task, so David volunteered.
Because David went to visit his brethren, he saw the battle. Because he loved God, he volunteered to do something about the situation. He declared,
“Is there not a cause?” He understood the mission and personally got involved. Our local churches will be greatly helped when people get a global vision for world evangelism. God does a work in
hearts of those who go see the needs of the heathen in foreign lands.
The best reason for going on
a mission trip
One of the greatest reasons to go on a short-term mission trip is to encourage your long-term missionary. When you go see your brother, you will
also witness the spiritual battle they are in. This will be a challenge to you to know how to better aid them. Whether it is in prayer, or simply in helping to carry their emotional burden, or
helping raise financial support: the ways of assisting our foreign workers are many.
I remember hearing about Pastor Robert Sutton visiting a missionary in South America back in 2014. When he returned to the states, he was so
burdened to help a particular financial need, that he visited other churches to raise money on Wednesday nights one summer. He saw a need and his eye affected his heart. He just had to help anyway he
could and God used him to raise the money needed to enable the building of the church building pictured below!
Objectives of a mission
There are numerous reasons people take mission trips. Some go to preach in evangelistic outreaches, while others provide training for pastors.
Numerous groups help with medical needs or clean water projects. Some will do dental work or provide other areas of assistance in poverty stricken countries. Whatever you go to do, I would encourage
you to work directly with a missionary and local church if there is one available. Before you go, ask them how you can be of help and when is the best time to visit. It is best to let them set the
agenda, as they know what their needs are and what is actually helpful. Sometimes people who mean well can make things harder on the busy missionary.
There are obvious personal benefits for taking a mission trip. Be sure that you go with the motivation to assist rather than to simply make yourself
feel good by doing something that makes you fulfilled. Remember you are going to encourage and serve. Some missionaries rarely have someone visit them on the foreign field. Don’t underestimate the
power of your presence and the fellowship that they may be starving for.
How to prepare for a mission
Where do you start if you are considering a foreign mission trip this summer? A good place to begin is by prayerfully corresponding with some
missionaries that your church supports. Perhaps your pastor knows of a need or another church group that is going to assist a missionary. Maybe you are already particularly interested or burdened for
a particular group of people or country.
Get your passport. This will take some time and you will need to do your homework on what requirements there are to enter a country. Many countries
require a visa as well, so you need to thoroughly do your research and give yourself ample time before you go.
Start saving your money. Many trips will cost $1,500 to $2,000 a person. Ask the missionary you are visiting how much they recommend you to bring
for living costs. Don’t assume that they will have arrangements for your lodging, food, and transportation, although they may readily assist in these areas. It is polite to offer to pay for your own
costs and bring some extra money to help lighten the financial burden on those you plan to help.
Once you have figured out who you are going to visit, when you are going, and what you are going to do, you will need to purchase your plane
tickets. Some choose to use travel agencies, which is a wise decision. You will need to decide if insurance is necessary as well. Be sure to plan out how you will get to the airport and who will pick
you up at your final destination.
Lastly, prepare for an adventure of a lifetime! Allow God to speak to you and speak through you. You have no idea what lasting impact you may have
on the individuals you minister to. On the lighter side, don’t be afraid to try new things and make some life-long memories! Take lots of pictures. Eat something strange, if you dare!
Final Thought
I whole heartedly recommend every Christian that is able to travel to go visit the mission field. Your life will be changed, your worldview
enlarged, and appreciation for America enhanced. If possible, take your children or teens along with you and let them get an education that cannot be provided in a classroom. You will not only
encourage your missionary, but will bring back a fire that can spread in your home church and community!
Enjoy the short video highlights below from a recent Mission trip with my sons and friend from church!
Chapter 18
Ten Ways to Pray for Your Missionary
Prayer... just the word itself is difficult to say when we learn the work that is involved in intercession. But when we understand the reward from effectual prayer, we
will long to give more time to it. The power in prayer to our All-powerful God must never be understated and neglected. This is our responsibility and privilege. For those unable to go to a foreign
land to preach the Gospel, this is the most important way in which you can participate in world evangelism. Below you will find ten ways to pray for your missionary which include the
following: planting, possibilities, protection, power, provision, presence, partnership, printing, preaching, and patience.
1. Planting
Matthew 13:23 - But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth,
some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Pray that the Word of God will find good ground with receptive people.
In the Parable of the Sower, the seed is the Word of God. Our job is getting the Word in the field – every field in the world. But the soil is different: some is
prepared, other ground is hard. Pray that the Word has free course into the hearts of lost men, and that the incorruptible Seed will find good ground. According to the three records of this story in
the Gospels, good ground receives the Word, understands the Word, and keeps the Word. In some soil, it will take longer to remove the stones
and even boulders. It may take time, but we must keep digging and planting the Seed.
When our family arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2014, we were blessed to meet Gyatso. This teenager had recently started attending a new fellowship that other
missionaries had started. We were new to the country and Gyatso was new to the fellowship. He was the epitome of “good ground”. He proved to be receptive, teachable, and faithful in the small things.
He was consistent to taking guitar lessons with me before the services. I had brought the Betty Lukins flannel graph that literally had hundreds of small pictures that needed to be cut out. I asked
Gyatso to help do that, and he was meticulous and thorough in his work. I bought him his own guitar in exchange for the hours he worked for me. He showed further interest in studying God’s Word as we
met weekly for discipleship Bible studies. He demonstrated character and a desire for God. This is someone I wanted to spend time mentoring.
Luke and Gyatso at his Bible college graduation
As Gyatso learned how to share the gospel, he proved very bold in witnessing to his monk brother and his friends. He helped me in teaching children’s class and began
preaching. He assisted me with a weekly Bible study and together we have saw our first souls saved in Nepal! After graduation from high school, a big decision loomed ahead of him. Should he go to his
village, stay in the city and work in a hotel, or attend Bible college? I told him he had to pray and discern God’s will. He decided to attend college and finished his course with joy! He continues
to have an outstanding servant’s heart and remains faithful to the Lord!
2. Possibilities
II Thessalonians 3:1 - Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:
Pray for creative opportunities for the furtherance of the Gospel.
Some areas of the world area considered restrictive in their accessibility for missionaries. If there is a closed door, look for an open window. God will make a way, if
we simply are willing to go. I’ll never forget going to Srongtsen Tibetan boarding school and speaking with the Buddhist lama who was the headmaster of the school. We were hosting a monthly
children’s program and wanted to invite their school to bring their students to our class. The older man told us that he could not allow the children in their care to leave the campus, but we would
be granted permission to come do our program there in their dining hall! We were permitted to come once a year he told us. This was a dream come true, as years earlier it had been my desire to tell
unreached people about the true God in Heaven who created the stars! Many of these children were from the Himalayan mountains and were Tibetan Buddhists.
We decided to focus on teaching about our Creator God. The night before was a huge thunderstorm! We got to tell the kids who the powerful God was who made it and that
he is a God who loves us and wants a personal relationship with us. The second year, we used the wordless book theme. About 260 students from young children to high school age were in attendance!
Teaching about Creation to children in Nepal
In Nepal, it is outlawed to proselytize. There has been increasing persecution in recent years. Christians have been put into jail for giving out literature. So using
other means such as giving pens, mugs, and cards with a gospel website is helpful for large distribution.
I enjoy sharing the Gospel using the wordless book story with balloons. We also had pens made
with our evangelistic website ( where people can watch the full presentation of the Gospel in addition to learning more and doing a Bible study in their own
privacy. In fact, we met a family at a hospital by making balloons. Over the course of time, they introduced us to other family members who started coming to church. Some of them made professions of
faith and got baptized. They have brought many visitors and other relatives who also have been saved! We are grateful that some of them are still serving the Lord in their church today!
3. Protection
Deuteronomy 31:6 - Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lordthy God, he it is that doth go
with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
Pray that the missionary family will be kept safe in traffic and from evil men.
After a new constitution was adopted in 2015, new leaders had been elected which were not popular with many people. Thus, much protesting ensued, which brings potential
dangers and outright harm to motorists. The biggest challenge to us was depending on public transportation before we owned our own vehicle. During these protests, taxis and buses are limited on the
roadways. When my wife was due to give birth to our daughter Emily, there was a protest stopping traffic the day before her birth. God miraculously allowed us to get to the hospital about an hour
away in a taxi when my wife went into labor. The day after we arrived home with our newborn by taxi, there was another protest blocking the traffic on Kathmandu’s roads!
For our first two years, we were content taking public transportation and Luke loved taking his mountain bike around the city. Finally we bought a motor bike (about 70%
of vehicles are motorbikes I estimate), and Jamie got brave enough to ride a scooter during our third year! Our whole family would pile on these and get around in this way. Indeed, it was quite the
adventure! We did eventually get a vehicle big enough to hold 8 people, which made navigating the city safer and made village trips easier!
All aboard on our motorbikes!
Traveling comes with its adventures. One time my son Jason and I were on the motorcycle and came up behind a bus and witnessed a thief taking a bag from a city bus. The
owners grabbed him and started beating and punching him, and even pulled his hair and started to choke him. Although he had done wrong, I had compassion on him thinking, "He doesn’t deserve to die
for this!" I got in the middle and tried to restrain the attackers telling them to just get the police. My son informed me later that another guy started running toward us with a brick in his hand!
Thank God everyone left unharmed after the police intervened.
Another time while coming back from a village by motorbike, another motorcyclist had gotten hit by a truck. I was informed that when this happens, it is typical that
the truck driver will purposely drive over the injured person again to make sure he is dead. Why? Well, in many places like Nepal, the driver who injures someone in an accident becomes responsible to
pay the medical bills for the remainder of that person’s life. But if the person dies in the accident, the driver is only penalized by 25 days in jail and a $10,000 dollar fine, which is much better
than paying for medical bills for the rest of the victim's life!
One morning, on our way to a village church plant, we got pulled over by police at a check point. During the time we were sidelined for a few minutes, a truck had
veered off the road just up ahead! It is very possible, we could have been hit by the careening pick up truck! It reminded me that God allowed an annoying interruption to possibly spare us from being
Sometimes while traveling the winding mountainous roads along the foothills of the Himalayas, we would pass an area where people are standing looking over the edge
where a bus or other vehicle went over the edge! There was a time when we had been on a jeep and learned a few days later that the same jeep had rolled down a hill the day after we were on it!
Another time, we heard about an airplane we had taken into the remote area of Mustang had crashed into a mountain! The winds are so bad making flying between the rocky mountains so
4. Power
I Peter 3:15 - But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you
with meekness and fear:
Pray that the missionary and his family will always be prepared to share truth.
We are reminded continually we are in a spiritual warfare. The Buddhists light their incense, beat their drums, and chant their prayers morning and night. You rarely
find them without their mala prayer beads they are incessantly thumbing through while chanting their prayers and spinning their prayer wheels. One house we lived in was surrounded by Hindus who ring
their bells and light their candles daily and throw rice to the birds. They ring their bells around 4:30 am and leave their food offerings out for their gods. Then there was the occasional visit from
Hindu priests, with some who blow their conch shells at 3 am and come by for a collection the next day in exchange for warding off the evil spirits with their prayers.
It was especially unnerving when spiritual attacks affected our children through nightmares. One of our children would describe seeing angels and demons at war.
Occasionally we would be awakened in the middle of the night by hearing them screaming uncontrollably not knowing how to respond. We learned to pray in the power of Jesus’ name and through his shed
blood to deliver us from these evil attacks.
We would have to contend with the devil's oppression not only from within, but also without. We had to remember that Satan binds his captives in fear, and we could not
be afraid to confront our neighbors with the truth of Jesus Christ. This sometimes makes the extremists angry, but we must continue to engage the lost and proclaim the truth.
5. Provision
Philippians 4:11 - Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
Pray for the missionary to trust God and to be content with what he has.
It was a comfort and encouragement to have a faithful support base that we could count on! We were blessed to have Christian friends to fellowship with as well. When we
learned that our landlords needed our flat, we had to move. I remember praying with my daughter Abby, and we went walking around the neighborhood. God led us to a man at a little tea shop who took us
though winding narrow passage ways between brick walls to a beautifully newly built residence. The Tibetan owners were thrilled to rent out the two available flats to us! A couple years later, we
relocated across the city, and God provided us a very spacious house with a big yard for our kids to play in safely!
In addition to God’s protection during the earthquake of 2015, was the provision of God’s people to allow us to help those in desperate need. We were able to travel and
help believers in the villages, others in need, and some disabled people in the city.
We were able to provide some housing for some disabled people after the earthquake.
Many chloro-generators were donated, purchased, and distributed with training to the recipients. In fact John Hays, the inventor of Hay's Pure Water, came personally to deliver these devices!
For our first two years in Nepal, electricity was rationed, maybe 4-6 hours a day. It gradually improved over time until we would have electricity virtually all the
time! After the earthquake, we had a petrol and cooking gas shortage! We had to really conserve, but it made us really appreciative to have these daily necessities readily available! As my dad would
say, "Expect nothing, and appreciate everything!"
Never underestimate the difference your prayer makes on behalf of the
missionaries you support. Often we place our focus on the physical needs and financial challenges that foreign labourers face. But without the power of God and his enablement to strengthen the
missionary, they will not be able to endure and make an eternal difference. Below are five more ways to pray for your missionary. If you missed the list of the first five, you may go here.
6. Presence
Psalm 46:1 – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Pray that the missionary will remember his strength and help comes from God.
Earthquake damage in Nepal (2015)
The greatest way we were able to be a help immediately after the
earthquake in 2015 was by our physical presence. We had been on the field for a little over a year when the missionary family who we were helping had just gone on furlough. So we were doing our best
to fill in when the earthquake occurred. It was during our church service on the bottom floor of a four-story concrete building when the room began to shake. We cried out to God as the 7.9 magnitude
quake threatened to end our lives. When it stopped, we ran outside and gathered with all the neighbors who emptied their homes in fear. We got a large water jug and gave out cups of water in Jesus’
name. For the next few nights, we were able to take shelter together with our church family and neighbors. I wrote a gospel tract about the earthquake which people received with gratitude. We were able to assist many with building temporary shelters and
distributing tarps.
Gathering outside after the earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015
Another big challenge for missionaries is staying in their country. It
is easy to enter Nepal on a tourist visa, as you can obtain it upon arrival. But, that is only good for 30 days to five months. I have had a research visa and student visa by studying art and music
at the local university where I had to attend classes from two to four hours most weeks. But even those were only good for a year at a time. Eventually, our American ambassador was able to negotiate
a deal that allowed American students to obtain a five year visa! That was such a blessing not to have to worry about dealing with immigration
7. Partnership
Philippians 1:3-5 – I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making
request with joy, For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;
Pray for Godly co-laborers who may assist in the work for the Gospel’s sake.
Crown Nepal Bible College
While helping Gyatso get into a Bible College, I gathered information
from a pastor who was on the board of that college. Pastor UJ Gurung is the pastor of a great church in Kathmandu that has started several churches out of it over the past 20 years. Come to find out,
his son Adarsha had just graduated from Crown College in Tennessee – my Alma Mater! They were in the process of starting a branch called Crown Nepal! I was invited to teach English the first year,
but my desire was to teach Bible classes when my Nepali had improved! The following year, Jamie taught English and speech while I taught three Bible classes in addition to an evening class – Bible
Doctrine, Gospel Records, and Introduction to Missions! This was a dream come true. We enjoyed seeing God’s blessing on this college over the years as it has trained many servants of the Lord from
all over Nepal! Read more about the college
8. Printing
Galatians 6:10 – As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.
Pray for good literature to be provided to strengthen the brethren and leaders.
As we progressed in the training of students from all over Nepal, we
came to realize that Nepali is the one common language everyone speaks. Sadly, the resources are limited in the Nepali language. Talking with a Baptist pastor at a Christian book store, he had NO
good doctrinal books available! Hence, with the assistance of some bilingual church members, we started translating books to help with supplemental reading, as well as class notes! I have been
burdened to write resources and get it translated into other languages. I have had a couple books translated and printed into Nepali along with a couple tracts. These are also on our website here.
9. Preaching
I Corinthians 9:16 – For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!
Pray that the Gospel will be effectively communicated into the native tongue.
There is nothing as powerful and as needed as the Gospel message of
Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can redeem souls and change lives! After the earthquake, we were put in contact with some believers in Dhading district. This happens to be home to thousands of Tamangs
professing to be Christian. One church in particular has a pastor who has Baptist training. Other groups have sought to pay him well if he compromises. After the earthquake, we were able to help with
building reconstruction and participate at a baptism ceremony. We returned to do a Gospel seminar which chronologically went from Creation to Christ! They then follow up and have been faithful
witnesses in the mountains that surround them! It was on another trip with our pastor visiting, where I had the privilege of translating my first message into Nepal for him! The village pastor gave
us an open invitation to come provide training for his people as well as provide advice for him! He eventually sent his son to train at the Crown Nepal Bible College.
A Gospel seminar in a village of Dhading
10. Patience
I Corinthians 3:6 – I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
Pray that your missionary will not take shortcuts, but rather bear lasting fruit.
One highlight while we were with the Nepali church was the opportunity
to travel about two and a half hours outside the city to the village of Mangalthar to preach the Gospel. They come from Hindu and Buddhist backgrounds and it takes much time to for them to understand
and respond to the Gospel. They know it will come at a cost of being social outcasts if they confess Christ as their Saviour. After several months, a couple regular attendees finally “understood”!
This is a slow process, but we must lay an adequate foundation. They must believe there is only one true God, not simply add Jesus to the 330 million Hindu deities. There is also much confusion from
false cults and Pentecostals who focus on a prosperity Gospel and emphasize healing for the sick as the villagers are all poor.
An outreach service in Mangalthar
Most Nepali’s want to leave to other countries to study or work.
Families are divided and this is challenging for churches, especially small ones. We would love to see things change for the better economically, but at the same time, seek to help the believers who
leave to plug into a good church, and be used as a missionary wherever they are!
Language learning
During our years living in Nepal, we continued to work at improving our
knowledge of the Nepali language. It is humbling to speak like a five year old and difficult to have close friends if you have a language barrier. Even when you feel like you have a grasp on another
language, there are always idioms and vocabulary that you will have to keep learning. A missionary will always be considered a foreigner in the eyes of the nationals. But when you attempt to speak
their language, you will have discovered the key to touching their heart.
To read some challenging articles on prayer by Andrew Murray and James Fraser, please go to
Chapter 19
Breaking Ground: Crown Nepal Bible College
Crown Nepal Bible College in Kathmandu
Open Doors
Our family moved to Kathmandu, Nepal in 2014 to serve as the Lord opened doors. Being a predominantly Hindu country, it is considered a "Creative Access" nation. One
opportunity we had was to assist the Gurung family as they launched the Crown Nepal Bible College. Pastor U.J.'s family has led a wonderful church the last two decades in the heart of the capital
city. There are numerous church plants out of Kathmandu Baptist Church across the country of Nepal. God is using their influence to help spread the Gospel. Pictured below is a youth conference they
host annually. I can't wait to share with you the unique opportunity for Crown Nepal.
Youth come from all over Nepal to the annual Youth Conference hosted by the church. Many will return as college students!
National Leadership
As a foreigner, I realized that the local people would be the greatest leaders in church planting. Therefore, having a part in helping prepare future leaders through
the Crown Nepal Bible College was quite fulfilling. I recognized that my role was to help Adarsha be successful as he led this great work from its beginning. Even when our family returned to America,
the work continues today because it was NOT dependent on foreigners. Our family embraced our opportunities to support when needed. I was happy to preach and teach when asked and to strengthen the
hands of those doing the work.
Starting a new semester with the freshman class!
Partnership in the Gospel
Pastor Gurung’s son Adarsha graduated from Crown College of the Bible in Powell, Tennessee in 2015. Following graduation, he returned to serve alongside his father.
Adarsha had a burden to start a Bible College to train another generation of leaders. He embodies the vision of Pastor Clarence Sexton to evangelize the world through local churches. It was a
wonderful blessing to meet Adarsha in 2015 and see how God had brought our paths together. Years ago, I also had graduated from the same Crown College in preparation to serve on the mission
Pastor U.J. and Mrs. Meena Gurung (bottom left) with teachers and students of Crown Nepal Bible College
Doing Our Part
When the Crown Nepal Bible College began in the Fall of 2015, I was only able to teach English. I desired to teach Bible classes when my Nepali language improved. The
following year, I taught Bible classes in the day, and in the Evening School of the Bible. My wife Jamie also was a great blessing as she was able to teach English and Bible classes. She also shared
practical life-skills in enabling the ladies to be Godly keepers of the home.
Crown Nepal Bible College Commencement in 2017
Growth and Influence
The student body grew quickly each year and soon had to relocate to a larger facility. Their academic courses also increased to offering musical instruments, and
teaching electronics, and sewing. The Crown Nepal Bible College also has a bookstore where they are translating and publishing Biblically sound literature. This is so needed, as the few books
available in Nepali are mostly from charismatic leaders.
Please pray for the unique opportunities given to Crown Nepal
Some of the Alumni from Crown Nepal Bible College
Beyond the walls to villages
I have been encouraged by the faithfulness of the Gurung family and their church. Other local pastors in the Kathmandu Valley have been able to teach in the college.
Today several graduates from the college are now teaching others also! They are constantly sending out teams to evangelize and hold meetings in other villages. They keep a good balance of Godly
separation from worldliness and passionately spreading the Gospel.
A village outreach with college students
The Next Step
God has opened another door for the growth of the Crown Nepal Bible College. What a unique opportunity for Crown Nepal! They have been given the opportunity to buy
their own property! After renting three different locations, they now have a permanent setting to teach the college students throughout the year.
New property for the Crown Nepal Bible College facilities in Kathmandu
Chapter 20
Is it Okay for a Missionary to Leave?
Is it okay for a missionary to come home? It is a hard decision to leave your family to serve in a foreign country. But few understand the struggle when
a family must come back home.
A tough assignment
“Congratulations! We are so thrilled to have you back home to stay!” This may be said of a returning soldier from war, but this is not likely the
reception of a missionary coming off his field of service. No doubt, there are various reasons for this. But is it okay for missionaries to come home? Please allow us to share our story.
Our family with some of our friends in Kathmandu, Nepal (2015)
When our family was preparing to go to Nepal, Asia, we were treated royally. While on deputation, churches that we visited gave us the “hero” treatment.
It was encouraging, as we knew the work across the world would be difficult. The pain of being separated from family and friends could be expected. The missionary assignment is not for the faint of
Living abroad can be tough on many levels. For us, it included slow ministry progress, language barriers, political unrest, earthquakes, and Covid
lockdowns, and no McDonalds! Leaving all behind to go to a foreign context is a sacrifice for the whole family. It is also a privilege and provides many blessings and opportunities. We learned that a
missionary couple has to wear many hats. This includes being mom and dad within the home and ministry leaders without.
When plans change
Exactly two years ago, our family had to suddenly leave Nepal. It was the end of 2020, and we were making the trans-Atlantic return flight for the last
time as a family. We had so many expectations for our ministry in Asia; now it was coming to an abrupt end, so we thought. We had invested thousands of hours in language learning and building
relationships with Nepalis and Tibetans both in the city and villages. But we could not neglect our struggling child who had immediate needs. When a child is in need of help, they become the parent’s
first priority.
We felt so much conflict. After all, many churches and individuals had invested in our family and supported us for nearly nine years. (This includes two
years of deputation and nearly seven years serving in Nepal). “Were we letting everyone down? Are we now a disappointment to those who had looked up to us? Have we discouraged those we have
ministered to? Are we going to be looked at as quitters?” These are some of the questions we silently asked ourselves. I knew that my decision must be the right one for the right reasons. I had to do
what was pleasing to God and best for my family, not my personal desires.
Complex decisions
It is not easy to make the decision to leave a place of ministry and the people with whom you have grown to love. For me, it was a dream come true to
preach in a foreign language. I loved traveling by bus, plane, or motorbike over the mountains. It was an honor to minister to people who were hearing the Gospel for the first time. Of course, the
hardships and challenges are many, but it is fulfilling to know your life is making a difference!
Preaching the Gospel at a Buddhist monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal (2020)
“This may be the end of our time here in Asia.” This was the surreal realization when I was made aware of a serious situation within our own home. One of
our children was in serious danger. Immediately, I called my pastor in Tampa and he agreed that we should come back to Florida to get some counsel. During our time back in Tampa, I made the decision
to remain stateside for the sake of our family. But that nagging question would still linger, "Is it okay for a missionary to come home?"
A few months later, I had to return to Nepal to sell our belongings. A year later, my wife and I were able to return to visit which allowed her to say
“Goodbye” to many friends. Although we had physically moved away from our mission field, in many ways our hearts and minds were still there. We were told that culture shock could be expected when
going to Nepal. But the reverse culture shock of knowing we were back to stay indefinitely has been even more difficult than imagined.
Changes are hard
Changes are hard, whether leaving America or returning to live in America again. But just as it was so helpful to know that our families were supportive
of our decision to go live abroad, so was it helpful to know that they loved us and respected our decision to come back home. My pastor gave me wise counsel telling me that I should call our
supporting pastors to personally inform them of our decision to stay stateside. That way, they would know what was going on and how to pray for us better. I was greatly encouraged by the advice and
grace most pastors showed me during our phone conversations. I was reminded that there are times when missionaries must come home.
Yes, it's okay for missionaries to come home.
Sometimes missionaries may have to make difficult decisions that no one else knows about or even could understand. Often, to protect a family member, a
missionary may not have the liberty to explain all that goes into his decision to make a major move.
There is much conflict, and prayer and encouragement should be given, not looking at him as a quitter or backslider. (Yes, I know there will be bad
reasons why some may come off their field, but let’s not start with this thought.) These are fellow servants that need our encouragement not condemnation. We would show our support for returning
soldiers after a term or two at war. Let’s extend that same spirit to our Christian soldiers coming from the battle front - especially if they have been wounded.
Probably the time I enjoy the most, but is emotionally the hardest, would be our annual mission conference. The first mission conference we attended
after coming off the field felt like the first family event after a loved one had died. It’s great, but frightfully awkward. It is exciting to see the zeal and hear the burdens of missionaries
preparing to go or report on their fields where they currently serve. But at the same time, I can still see the faces of those we came to know and ministered to on our field—and those who have yet to
come to know Christ.
Finding Contentment
For me, it has taken nearly two years to come to peace with the major adjustment of living stateside. It is an adjustment to serve in our home church
rather than being on the frontlines in a dark continent. I had anticipated being a foreign missionary since the time I surrendered while at teen camp years before. Were all my dreams gone? Was God
done with me? Surely no one else has use for a missionary who has come off the field!
I can testify of one thing for sure that has been confirmed in my heart since we have been back: that is, I know my life-long calling is still to be
involved in the work of foreign missions. But with the obvious change of location, my way of participation and area of usefulness is different than what it used to be. Surely God’s ways are greater
than my ways, and He continues to show me how I may continue to make a difference in world-wide missions. In fact, I have a renewed excitement about my role in missions, even though I have come home
from my field.
I am learning that contentment is not found in a place, but rather in a Person. Jesus is the goal, and obeying him as a husband, father, and minister of
the Gospel is paramount. When Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, it was a call to be with Him first! Where He leads me is His business, I just must be faithful to hear His Word and obey His
leadership. But most importantly, my identity is found in my position in Christ as His child, not in my performance of or place of service.
Just a servant
God continues to show how I can serve him here and now, while still making a difference internationally. He is continually using the present
circumstances and opportunities to mold me and equip me for the next mission. I recognize that I was a missionary before I went across the ocean, and I will remain a missionary while here at
After we returned to our home church in Tampa, I had no idea what was next for us. I just knew our family would be helped by the Godly influences there.
Our pastor asked my wife and I to start a Christian school. We are now engaged in a very important mission of educating young people. My wife and I also have the opportunity to teach an adult class
at church and to serve in the bus ministry. Regardless of what position or title I have held over the years of ministry for my Lord Jesus, I have always seen myself as a servant above all. No matter
where I am, I want to be faithful to Him and proclaim the Gospel where I live.
Teaching at our new Christian School in Tampa, Florida (2022)
Once a Missionary, always a Missionary
Rather than think the worst of a missionary coming off their foreign field, give them the benefit of the doubt, and pray for them. Perhaps, if the Lord
could lead them to a place, He could also lead them away from that place. There are times when it is necessary for a missionary to come home. In fact, as a few supporting pastors did for us, thank
your missionary for their service and pray with them.
"Once a Marine, always a Marine!" This is often proudly said by those who have served in this prestigious branch of our military. It doesn't mean that a
trained soldier will hold the same title and responsibilities indefinitely for the remainder of his life. He will go to the field, perform his service, and may even help train others to do what he
knows. But he knows that his allegiance to his country is unwavering, and even as he ages and experiences life's changes, his heart is always with his brothers.
Missionaries (whether on a foreign field or back home), are always on a mission…to bring glory to God and building Gospel bridges to the lost. Since my
family has returned to America, I have seen that some of the challenges we faced in Asia are also prevalent here. The Biblical foundation that America had in the past has greatly eroded. That's why I
continue to make videos and write literature to guide unbelievers to Jesus Christ through my evangelistic website that I started while we were in Nepal. I will share more about that in a future post.
I also desire to stand in the gap and equip more laborers to go into the harvest. Perhaps more families would be inclined to go to a foreign mission
field if they knew the door would be open for them when they came back home! Another missionary who served in Africa and returned to live in the United States wrote the following helpful
article: 6 Ways to Love Missionaries When They Come Home. I trust it will be a blessing to you.
Here is a missions message I preached to our church about Holding the Rope.
Chapter 21
In our Absence, God's Amazing Work Goes On!
When our family left Nepal at the end of 2020, there were so many changes that were quite hard to accept. So often I think of the task that remains with work among
Tibetan people and the unfinished business on our part. As we have continued to serve the Lord here in America through our local church and Christian school, I have not forgotten our dear friends in
Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker with our five children
Last year in 2022 during Spring Break, my wife and I were able to travel to Nepal and take 200 MP3 players on which the Nepali audio Bible may be downloaded and
distributed. We enjoyed visiting several friends and people we had ministered to. We had no idea what God was doing and only recently would learn of what God would do.
Luke and Jamie visiting some friends while in Nepal (2022)
A few months ago, a friend of ours in the adult Sunday school class that I teach connected me with a missionary friend of his. Jarrel is from the Philippines and his
friend Lindsay has recently moved to Nepal from the Philippines.
Brother Jarrel with his missionary friends Lindsay his wife.
When I contacted Brother Lindsay, I was excited to learn that he and his family are actually working in Swayambhu near where we had lived.
Swayambhu, Nepal
I shared with Brother Lindsay my evangelistic website and he was so excited to have some essential
materials already translated into Nepali. It greatly encouraged me that he would want to utilize resources that I have been writing and recording for years! He has been able to use some of my
resources to help some new converts he is working with.
Brother Lindsay with some young disciples
I soon gave him contacts of friends we knew there. His family soon met up with Darlene, who is also Filipino, and her husband Sailash for supper. They were our former
neighbors and Darlene got saved as a result of Bible studies we had.
Our former neighbors Darlene and Sailash with Brother Lindsay and his family
Brother Lindsay was then able to meet up with a Buddhist monk whom we have known for a few years. Lobsang has learned so much, but still needs Christ as his Saviour. I
am so glad that there is now a continued Christian witness in his life.
Brother Lindsay was able to visit our friend Lobsang who is a Buddhist monk.
Brother Lindsay was able to follow up with another friend of ours named Karma. He lives with his family overlooking the city of Kathmandu and has a little restaurant
now. Karma loves the Lord and is a great witness for the Lord!
Brother Lindsay also met up with our dear Brother Gyatso for fellowship. Gyatso is like a family member to us and has matured so much. He has been through Bible college
and has been ministering to a fellowship of other Lowa Tibetan believers. He presently works with a Christian organization and travels to minister to Tibetan-related villages in the
Brother Lindsay meets our dear friend Gyatso.
Gyatso recently was able to introduce a group of Dolpo Tibetan believers to Brother Lindsay for fellowship. Please pray with Brother Lindsay that God will give him
wisdom as to how to provide leadership for them.
Brother Lindsay meets a group of Dolpo believers and Gyatso.
A few weeks ago I met up with my dad, Thomas Knickerbocker, who works with H.E.L.P. Ministries. He had seven national
pastors with him from Africa and Asia. I shared with them this story about my missionary friend in Nepal. Afterward, an older Filipino pastor asked me if I knew Brother Lindsay. I replied, "That was the missionary I was just talking about!!" He then informed me that he was the pastor who had baptized Brother Lindsay about
20 years ago! What a small world indeed!
Pastor Joseph Angway with Luke
Pastor and Mrs. Angway with H.E.L.P. Ministries
When I shared this story with my Sunday school class the following Sunday, another brother in our class named Joe told it to his wife. Joe is married to a Filipino lady
named Faye. She was not in class because of her involvement in another ministry. That night she told me that Brother Lindsay used to be her youth pastor in the Philippines! What a small world!
Joe and Faye from our church
I had learned that Brother Lindsay was in a motorbike accident. He fractured several bones in his arm and needed to have surgery. The cost was about $4,000 USD.
Thankfully, he did not need to go to India for the procedure, but was in need of financial help. Our church in south Tampa took up an offering to help pay for this!
Gyatso and Brother Lindsay at a Mission Conference in Nepal.
Chapter 22
Help! I'm a foreigner in my own country!
Our family with our dear friend Gyatso in Nepal.
All I wanted was to locate some chums (eyeglass accessories) for a missionary friend that I was preparing to visit in Brazil. I was walking around my local Walmart in
South Tampa, Florida and saw a Muslim lady with a hijab stocking some shelves in the grocery aisle. I wandered in another part of the store and heard a couple speaking French to each other. I asked
another worker where I could find the strings to hold eyeglasses, but she only spoke Spanish. Then I found another Vietnamese employee who spoke some English and tried to help. Finally, a black lady
who spoke perfect English pointed me in the right direction!
C'mon, I'm not supposed to be in a foreign country until next week when I go on a mission trip!
Why can't they just learn English?
Now this is not an abnormal situation, and you may have found yourself in this scenario. What is your reaction? In your secret thoughts, do you mutter, "What country am
I in?" or "Why doesn't everyone else speak English?" This is natural, and from a social or political perspective, it may cause some angst. Maybe you feel like outsiders are infringing on your
personal space and now you are our of your comfort zone.
Welcome to the missionary life!
As a veteran missionary, I know what it's like to be a foreigner in an Asian country. When our family moved to Kathmandu, Nepal, we expected everything to be different
- and it was! We were the outsiders and looked at by others as the weird ones. Little things we did were scoffed at such as drinking water with ice in it! "Don't you know that can give you a cold?"
some would say. Or we were scolded for not having our newborn wear a hat all the time. (Yes, what horrible parents we were!)
We would just laugh about the different "old wives' fables".and superstitions of others who didn't think like us.
But when we are back home in OUR own country, there are certain things that we expect to remain the same. But things have changed and continue to at an increasing
speed! Now migrant workers are over-populating our land and we may as well rezone South Florida as another Latino country! Last week, a missionary came by our church and informed us that Nashville
was home to about 40,000 Kurds who are refugees from Iraq. About 60,000 Somolis live in Minneapolis. Over 80,000 Brazilians live in New England!
Every major city has multiple ethnicities living in clusters around their suburbs.
Who lives in Texas?
We know that many undocumented illegal aliens are streaming over our American borders continuously from Central and South America. But did you know there are various
ethnic populations surrounding the Dallas/Fort Worth area? On, I found the following statistics:
6,500 Kurds in South Arlington, Texas (Islam from Iraq)
12,285 Pujabi Sikhs in Irving, Texas (Sikhism from India)
37,791 Gujarati in Plano, Texas (Hinduism from India)
6,355 Bangladeshis in Irving, Texas (Islam from Bangladesh)
43,274 Indo-Pak Muslims in Plano, Texas (Islam from Pakistan)
11,319 Iraqi Arabs in Richardson, Texas (Islam from Iraq)
10,311 Palestinian Arab in Richardson, Texas (Islam from Israel)
68,023 Indian Hindi in Frisco, Texas (Hinduism from India)
5,671 Lebanese Arab in Richardson, Texas (Islam from Lebanon)
13,939 Persian in Plano, Texas (Islam from Iran)
5,467 Thai in City Place, Texas (Buddhism from Thailand)
What are local churches doing to help these immigrants and refugees? There are literally hundreds of churches in this same area of Texas. How many churches are being
"missionary minded" and engaging them for the Gospel's sake? Our government has a system in place to have Americans sponsor refugees. You can sign up and meet them at the airport and assist them as
they get integrated into our society. Even liberal politicians seem to want to show compassion on the unfortunate. But what are we as Christians doing in response?
It is not okay to willingly be ignorant. Get informed and get involved to be a missionary next door!
Many families are coming from countries that are otherwise restricted to traditional missionaries. Another place where foreigners can be found are in our universities.
At the University of South Florida located in Tampa are more than 5,000 international students from 145 countries! The website for USF boasts of it being "one of the most diverse campuses in the
Why can't we Christians have this same enthusiasm to have the opportunity to reach our world through reaching our neighbors?
A land of immigrants
The idea of immigrants coming to America is not a new trend. But perhaps it just feels more diverse than 50 years ago. America has always been known as "the melting
pot" with many immigrants coming to the land of opportunity with the hope of a better future. In fact, many of our forefathers came as pilgrims seeking respite from tyrannical leaders desperately
looking for a place to freely worship God.
Perhaps, we Christians need to lay down our patriotic glasses that we wear while looking down our nose on those who are settling on our lands and put on our missionary
lenses. We are truly in a time with unparalleled opportunities to reach the world's nationalities living within our own borders. We are happy to send missionaries across the sea "to reach the lost at
any cost"; but we shun the cost which affects my personal comforts!
Yes, foreigners coming to America may be bringing their religion that goes against my belief system! But greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! This
is our opportunity to shine the light of Jesus, not retreat with our few friends at church and complain about this lost world that's getting worse by the day. Let us rise up to the unprecedented
possibilities in front of us, befriend the foreigner, and introduce them to Jesus Christ!
Right here, right now
Perhaps you have a neighbor who is from another country. They speak a different language with their children, wear different clothing, observe different customs, and
follow a different religion. What is your reaction? Are you prepared to be a missionary and talk to them? Let me challenge you to purposely equip yourself to engage in the cause of world
evangelism starting right here, right now!
After all, Jesus told a whole parable about the Good Samaritan to help the Jewish people cross the cultural barrier to learn to love those different from them. The
religious priest and Levite refused to help a hurting man who had been robbed and wounded. This revealed their hypocrisy. They would rather talk about God and teach the laws instead of actively love
their neighbor. But it was a Samaritan who showed kindness to the wounded Jew. Culturally that was not expected. But every Christian must be prepared to do the unexpected and love like Jesus
Are you a good neighbor?
Here are a few practical things you may do to be a good neighbor.
1. Introduce yourself
At minimum, show some charity. When you meet someone who obviously is not the same as you, introduce yourself to them - quit ignoring them. Ask them what their
name is and inquire about where they are from and what language they speak. This shows that you actually care about them as a human being. Learn a couple phrases in their native tongue. Smile! Trying
to say some words in a different language will make you both smile! True charity is sacrificing our own preferences to reflect the nature of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is something non-believers are
not accustomed to, yet need to be introduced to. But it will require you to step out and make the first move!
2. Invite your new friends into your life
Secondly show some hospitality. When our family lived in Nepal, we would invite our new friends to our home to try an American meal! Invite your new friends into
your house. Share some coffee or tea and be a friend by asking lots of questions. This is how you can show interest in their life. By the way, before they will want to hear what you have to say
about your God, they need to know that His followers really care about them. I would suggest that before you give them Gospel literature, take time to naturally talk about their religion. Find out
what they believe. Ask questions. You don't have to have a response or answer for everything they say - especially when you disagree. When you ask them questions, you open the door for them to return
the favor and you have earned the right to share with them your personal journey of faith.
3. Invest your time in others
Finally, show some generosity. It is way easier to give money to your church to support foreign missionaries. But you must be willing to do what you are sending
"foreign missionaries" to do. That is, you must include people who are different into your life and busy schedule. Money is not the answer to reaching our world for Christ. Rather, it is through
ordinary Christians like you and I building relationships and loving people. Offer to share your time to practice English with foreigners who are now your neighbors. I remember doing this with a
Buddhist monk in Nepal.
Soon after, we were studying the Bible together!. He would come to our house and eat with us and play games with us. We would have tea with him at his monastery. If you
are able to visit the country of your neighbor's origin, it will give you a common bond showing you are truly interested in their people and culture.
Remember, as Christians we are foreigners in this world. Just like Abraham, we are looking for a city whose builder and maker is God. We have hope because we know God
in a personal way. As the Apostle Paul said, we are no more strangers and aliens to God. We have been welcomed into the family of God. Why not introduce yourself to your foreign neighbor, invite them
to your house, and invest your time in their life? You just might begin to see for yourself what God meant when he wrote, "For God so loved the world."
Watch the video below to learn how you may access free resources in a variety of languages that may be shared with friends and neighbors from other countries and
Chapter 23
Introducing God to a Biblically Illiterate World
How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a
preacher? So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. - Romans 10: 14,17
How long does it take for someone to believe the Gospel? For some it requires hearing the message numerous times; others may believe after several years. There have
been people I met for the first time and they were ready to place their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Generally speaking, that is because someone else had already shared God's Word with them
and they finally have understood the truth of their sin and need of a Savior.
Years ago, I was sitting next to a female soldier on an airplane. She was reading a Bible and I asked her if she understood what she was reading. She replied, "No", but
that her mother had just given the Bible to her. I asked if I could show her some verses about salvation, and she called on Christ to save her during the flight! Then I showed her the story in Acts 8
about the Ethiopian eunuch who met Philip. He could not understand what he was reading until some man would guide him!
The Seed needs Fertile Soil
Lost people need a guide to the truth. Most people, however, will require much time laying a foundation of knowing some key truths before they are ready to turn from
their own way and rest their faith upon Christ alone. From my experience, it is much more difficult witnessing to a Muslim, Buddhist, or Hindu. It usually takes much time asking questions and
listening, teaching and dialogue before they are willing to turn from their false religion and receive Christ as the only way of salvation.
The job of a soul winner is to plow and prepare the way with God's Word, that the Holy Spirit may convict and convince them of sin, righteousness, and judgment. (John
16) It has been said that on average, 8-10 hours of Bible teaching and explaining the Gospel is required when dealing with someone who has never learned about the true God of the Bible. We must
realize that this is where most people are that we are dealing with in this Biblically illiterate world.
The Importance of a Biblical Worldview
A recent survey by Barna Research Group determined that only 4% of Americans have a Biblical worldview! Even more stunning is that they reported that only 9% of born
again believers in America have a Biblical worldview! We have a generation of souls living now who have absolutely no foundation on which to place their faith. I have realized this to be true as I
have witnessed to my neighbors and they have little understanding of the most basic Bible stories. Is it any wonder why so many in our country are lost and living without God?
I have come to realize that many of the challenges we faced in Nepal with proclaiming the Gospel to Buddhists and Hindus are similar to what we face in America. It is
not enough that people hear but also that they understand what they hear before they believe on Jesus Christ as their way of salvation. We have for too long
taken for granted that unbelievers know the terminology of the Gospel and simply do not have any idea of who the true God is, how man was made in His image and is separated by sin, and can only be
reconciled by Jesus Christ.
Jesus' Approach in Revealing Truth
We learn in Luke 24 how Jesus taught the two men he met while walking on the road to Emmaus. Before revealing who He was, he listened to their conversation, and
asked questions to know where they were in their thoughts. Then he bridged the gap to the truth about himself by teaching from the law and the prophets “all things concerning himself.” Later that
day, Jesus met with his disciples, and again he fulfilled all things which were written in the Old Testament about himself. Only after "opening the Scriptures" did Jesus "open their
It has increasingly become my conviction that we need to present the Gospel from a Biblically chronological approach. It is imperative that we are thorough and clear
when sharing the Gospel. Unbelievers must know who God the Creator is and the Book he has given. That is our authority where we find all of life’s answers; then the Fall in the Garden brings sin
and death. Only after this bad news does the life and death of Christ make sense and his Resurrection personal for our need! Below you will find some resources I have developed to address this
Understanding Bible Christianity Study Lessons
Shortly after we arrived in Nepal, I realized we needed to bridge the large gap from the Buddhist and Hindu worldview to the understanding of Jesus Christ and the
Gospel as presented in the holy Bible. I began working on a Bible study called Understanding Bible
Christianity that would have every question answered with a Bible verse. Click here to access
this helpful resource for a Bible study with Questions and fill-in-the blank format which goes from Genesis to Revelation.
What a joy it was to see a neighbor in Nepal of ours trust Christ as their Saviour after working through this Bible study.
The Path of Life Story Set
While teaching English at a Buddhist monastery, we were able to share Bible stories introducing some basics about Christianity and salvation. We also were able to
preach these stories in day-long seminars in a couple villages of Nepal with different preachers taking about 15 minutes each giving a panoramic view of the Bible. Click here to read the eight stories titled the Path of Life.
Five Facts Tri-fold Tract
Usually when I am going about in the normal course of life, I come across people whom I have only a few seconds to speak with. In times like these, it is helpful to
have a simple tool like the trifold Gospel tract below that I can give a cashier, or someone at a yard sale. We have sent hundreds of these in packages that we have sold on Ebay and Facebook
Marketplace. Sowing the seed is necessary, and can be done thoroughly, yet concisely! Click the Five Facts tract
below to read the simple Gospel presentation from Creation to Christ.
Chronological Gospel Presentation
You may print out a simple guide for sharing the Gospel chronologically with
others. You may click here to read about each story individually. In the video below, I explain why sharing the Gospel is not only the most important message we can ever share, but must be
done thoroughly and Biblically!
About the Author
Luke graduated from Crown College of the Bible in 2003. He married Jamie in July of 2006. God has blessed them with five children. Together they had the
privilege of serving in the pastorate of a Baptist Church in Florida from 2007-2011.
In August of 2011, our family began our
journey to serve the Lord as labourers among Unreached People Groups in Asia. We prepared ourselves at Baptist Bible Translator’s Institute in Bowie, Texas. During that time, God directed our path to
work among the Tibetan people in the country of Nepal.
In February of 2014, we moved to
Kathmandu, Nepal and experienced God’s work of grace and protection upon our family. We were given the privilege to serve at the Crown Nepal Bible College. Teaching classes and preaching at youth
conferences was a great opportunity for our family. We also were able to assist in outreaches to villages of the Tamang and Gurung people.
In 2021, we moved to Tampa, Florida. We
currently are serving in our home church Southside Baptist Church and teach in the Christian Academy. Luke continues his writing ministry ( and video messages on his YouTube channel (Pilgrim of Truth). His goal is to aid believers in making Christ known to the
world. He continues to seek to assist churches in America. His heart’s desire is to help meet the needs of the unreached people groups in the world.
Luke and Jamie Knickerbocker with their five children